Mr. Hawkins Situation, New Orders

To: CAPT Varley, @Lauren
CC: LTJG Izly, Jodi (@Motion)
From: CMDR Mandra, Alina
Subj: Re: Mr. Hawkins Situation

This took longer than I wished to get compiled for you. I apologize up front for that. There are certainly a lot of parties pushing for this data.

As requested, I pushed aside any notions of whether this object was a genuine Bajoran Orb or not. This being said, when time permitted various elements of it that came out in testing phases did line up with recorded information. It might be worth considering getting the Vedek Assembly involved as such.

Though the reason I say even that much is because my official recommendation is to get it away from the station entirely. If that means barring Mr. Hawkins as well, I think that might be worth it. I am unsure if he means well or not. I think he believes he does.

The object has shown in testing an ability to recognize the mental state of a living conscious mind trying to interact with it. It can be surmised something in it’s construction is able to interpret mental intent. However it is configured to do this is unknown, but it shows traces of verteron particle signatures, much like the Bajoran Wormhole, so higher dimensional energies are at play here.

To elaborate on the intent of action. If someone attempts to interact with the object, it is able to interpret if this person wants to treat it as the religious icon Hawkins claims it is, and has benign or “faithful” aims. It responds as he intents… presumably with visions according to trusted sources in the lab tests. Those aiming to interact with the object without these views or who want almost anything other than accepting the story line being levied are, for lack of a better word, attacked and forced back. Precisely as Captain Nimitz was in Event Horizon. We have managed to avoid incidents of plagued visions in the subjects that agreed to test this angle. I’ll spare you the details in this message how we did this, but they’ll be in the full report, attached. Further, we were able to prove that in the object is interacted with by a mobile entity without an active conscious mind, consider a basic hologram or simple machine, the object does… nothing. It can be removed from the casing, manipulated… and scanned. Though the scans didn’t reveal too much themselves. It does however teleport itself back into the case after a while, similar to how it auto-locates to Hawkins.

On another matter, and why I have Lt. Izly on this message, besides that she and Medical can use the test data, is that I am getting more push from Ensign Thyzee about assisting Captain Nimitz who is still seeing visions from the object. You told me to keep her at a distance from this which I have, but you also implied it was ok to try her attempted therapy. I am however, less confident in this manner. We have a medical report and know that there is unusual brain activity in the Captain. Perhaps Nimitz does need some form of telepathic therapy, and if you really are ok with her doing this I can let her be involved but I highly recommend Medical have a major presence and monitor them both during this with some means to end it if anything goes wrong.

If I am being entirely honest too… Counseling should be involved in this… even before this procedure, Nimitz should have been in contact with them about this issue I think. That, however, is my opinion. I cannot dictate his choices after all. There are also Counselors with more experience in telepathic therapies I think as well, perhaps you should consider them being involved as well.

Anyway. if this moves ahead it won’t strictly be a Science Department operation, even if it involves one of my people. Thus, these are my notes and recommendations. For the official word on moving forward with this therapy for Captain Nimitz, I move it to yourself. If you need to consult Fleet Command or Nimitz himself first I’d suggest some haste, not just because of haste from certain parties but because the Captain is still suffering to a degree, and I do believe he needs help however it is sourced.

Alina Mandra
Chief of Sciences,
Deep Space 13

//ATTACHMENT// Object_Response_Report.ext