Mulberry Trails Equine Holodeck Program

"To a rider, a horse is not a 'pet' and not a friend. Your horse is a best friend, a listener, a partner, a team mate. Horses do not care about how many times you may come off, how covered in dirt you are, and at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what color ribbon you got. Because it is your horse who will be there for you, to love you, and cherish every moment with you, to talk to you, and to listen to you."--Unknown

Greetings. Thank you for taking the time to go through this explanation of the holo program "Mulberry Trails." We hope you, your family, and/or friends find this to be a fulfilling experience and a wonderful way to explore the equestrian world. In this day and age, it's hard for people who may truly want the experience of a horse in their life. So few have the space or the time needed for such an endeavor. To that end, I set out to give anyone who wanted it a chance to touch these beautiful creatures and, if only in a limited way, experience the joy they can bring.




This program offers a full accounting of the day to day life of tending a horse in a stable, here at "Mulberry Trails." The built-in trainers are able to instruct users in all facets of care, from feeding and basic grooming to health care and competition preparation. The primary user can set the profiles for all users and thereby set their level of responsibility in the program. This aspect is designed with parents in mind who want to have their child grow with responsibilities. You can start with the trainer going over the chores and having your child participate to whatever degree you feel they can.

However to get the full experience of the program we offer that you gradually increase what your child is responsible for as the program advises. So let's get to it:




For children: We offer basic horse instruction, meeting the horse and getting to know their new friend. The child will be taught how to brush the animal and feed treats, and in a safe environment, learn to ride. Eventually, learning any of several riding styles from English, to Western, and even Hunter hack-My personal favorite!

Children are taught the history of their chosen riding style, the care of the horse and their tack. They also learn how to feed and tend to their new friends needs. A child can be given as much responsibility as they are ready for with a simple check in with the trainer and an ok from their parent or guardian. (All this is dependant on the parental settings.)



For adults: We offer all the above facets, but also accept that you are likely more capable. So, depending on your settings, you could be responsible for a great deal, or simply arrive and have your horse ready to go for a nice relaxing ride. Let‘s face it, not everyone has the time to spend grooming and tending their friend, so there is always that chance to just go en enjoy, just remember to give them a treat after for being there for you!


For selection of your horse, we have catalogued all breeds, and nearly a thousand different personality types. Our trainer will assist you in locating the perfect personality match for you, but you may select your breed and gender. Once that is done you may of course give your friend a name, and as a special option, can order a real bridle for your horse. The bridle comes equipped with a simple data link for this program, keeping a copy of your horse and all the lessons the two of you have learned. So, in any holodeck even without this main program, you can have your friend along for a ride.

Thank you again and let's enjoy the ride!
K Quint
*Special Note on Horse Profiles: Players can submit Horse Profiles if they want to add horses of their choice to the program!*

Spoiler: *Profiles*Show

Aphrodite Hellena Sigma (Pet Name: Aphrodite) : Fresian

Spoiler: Picture of AphroditeShow

“Aphrodite” is fairly typical for a Fresian. She’s a horse who knows she is stunning and shows it. The breed was originally bred as warhorses, so a streak of occasionally aggression still appears in their temperament. Overall, she’s a loving, gentle horse with occasional bouts of stubbornness. Her beauty is balanced by agility and strength, and she is well-trained with English saddle and dressage. However, she’s best with an experienced rider.

Spoiler: ”Dressage”Show

This first example is more classical, to the tune of “How to Train Your Dragon.” It’s also much longer than the second video. But this is a world-record scoring example of a dressage exhibition.

This one is a little more lighthearted, I thought you guys would like it. It has some NSFW lyrics in the music.

Argonaut D-Bar Sparta (Pet name: Argo): Palomino Quarterhorse

Spoiler: Picture of ArgoShow


Argo is a Western-based horse, trained for pleasure riding, horsemanship, competition, reining and trail riding, all with a Western saddle. She’s known as a “babysitter,” she’s such a gentle horse. Particularly good with new riders, she’s curious and friendly. This horse is exceptionally good at getting to know people and welcoming to strangers.

Big Ogella (Pet Name: Big O) : Blood Bay

Spoiler: Picture of Big OShow


"Big O" is a cow pony or a 'cutting' horse. While perfectly capable of being ridden for pleasure, he has a higher energy level than most of the other horses and a great drive to work. A cutting horse is used to separate a cow, calf or horse from a herd of its fellows. They are given a great deal of independence in their work and are extremely agile and clever, as well as fast. However, Big O is quite capable of realizing when he has an inexperienced rider on his back, which makes him very good for new riders, as he is patient and willing.

Spoiler: Example of "CuttingShow

Descaro Elsya Vagabond (Pet Name: Descaro) : Gypsy Vanner

Spoiler: Picture of DescaroShow

Gypsy Vanners originated as a wagon-pulling breed renowned for their gentleness and patience. Descaro is a perfect example of this, except for one thing. His name, Descaro, is Spanish for “Insolence.” Most of the time, this shorter horse is calm and willing to please, but occasionally has a stubborn streak and needs to be reminded who is in charge.

Ice-Cube D-Bar Jack (Pet Name: Ice) : Blue Roan

Spoiler: Picture of IceShow


“Ice” is a timid horse and hard to get to know. He’s better with somewhat experienced rider, but more than experience, he needs a rider with patience and gentleness. When he builds up trust with a rider, he is an exceptional creature, if a tad on the lazy side. He’s trained for reining and Western saddle pleasure riding, but specializes in poles and barrels.

Spoiler: ”Poles and Barrels”Show

Barrel Racing -- turn your volume down, there’s a lot of screaming.

Pole Bending

Dance a Jig (Pet Name:Jiggs): - Copper Bay

Spoiler: Picture of JiggsShow

Jiggs is related to Big O, and is similarly trained. Also a cutting horse, he is strongly independent with his rider. Pick out a calf or cow and he will corner it without further interference. It’s your job to stay in the saddle! Jiggs is particularly fond of apples, and will willingly take any and all apple bribes. He’s suitable for beginner riders who need a little extra help, since he can tell when he needs to be ‘in charge’ and carry someone and has loads of patience. However, with more experienced riders, he can be a bit of a challenge, since he likes to have his own way.

Patches: - Appaloosa

Spoiler: Picture of PatchesShow

Captain Quint’s personal favorite, Patches is known for the dent on his nose. He does not have a ‘show’ or ‘proper’ name, because he was rescued and personally cared for by Captain Quint himself. His patience is his greatest virtue, and he is very eager to please--great for beginning riders, if he takes to them, as he is a bit picky about who he lets on his back. Smart and mellow, this horse is trained to Western saddle.

Roane Spirited Flight (Pet Name:Roanie) : Red Roan

Spoiler: Picture of RoanieShow

Roanie is a powerful jumper, mainly used for competition. His feats are impressive to watch, but even more so to experience on his back. A former Olympic jumper, he’s trained to English and pleasure jumps and rides, as well as Western saddle. An all-around talented horse, albeit inherently lazy until he decides it’s time to work.

Shadow Moon-walker (Pet Name: Shadow) : Paint

Spoiler: Picture of ShadowShow


A true paint, Shadow has light pink skin and thin hair on her face, so she burns in the sun easily. As a result, she’s not fond of having her face touched, in particular. Otherwise, she’s very friendly and thinks she’s a dog! Exceptionally curious and comical, demands feeding with nickers and whinnies. She loves chasing turkeys and pulling pranks, and is perfectly capable of undoing a gate by herself. She’s still in training, so she’s for more advanced riders to learn to work on training a horse, and learning how to work with enrichment for an animal. Her training is geared towards Western pleasure riding. Could be Ice’s successor to the speed champion!

Titanic Rose Brew (Pet Name:Titan) : Clydesdale

Spoiler: Picture of TitanShow


Titan is the ranch’s champion draft horse and is the world record holder for sled weight pull. At 22 hands tall, he’s well above average for a horse’s height and carries a massive frame. He’s a very mild-mannered horse that knows exactly how large he is, and is very careful as a result. Trained for pulling, he’s meant for strength competitions and wagon-pulling.

Spoiler: Weight PullsShow

Winged Sunrise Whisper (Pet Name:Wings) : Arabian

Spoiler: Picture of WingsShow


Wings is a horse designed for advanced riders only. He is extremely determined and takes an incredibly strong-willed rider to prove that he or she is ‘in charge’ each time there is a ride. A moment’s distraction could result in a bite on the ground, or stepping out from underneath a rider, if mounted. However, he is a stunning animal that is highly intelligent, and a fantastic performer. He is trained to English saddle; pleasure, hunter-hack, horsemanship and reining.

Zeus Hollington Charlemagne (Pet Name: Zeus) : - Andalusian

Spoiler: Picture of ZeusShow


"Zeus" is a bit of an arrogant horse, pretty and he knows it. He is good with most beginner riders, but inclined to try and get his way when he can. He's very showy and high-stepping, with high energy to match. He's trained to English saddle, for pleasure riding, jumping and hunter hack.

Spoiler: Western Trail: "Grandpa's HillShow

It begins with a grassy area outside of the barn with scattered evergreens. The sounds of birds and insects can be heard calling to each other. The evergreens leave a spicy scent on the wind that kicks up a breeze as the riders pass through the wider grassy parts. The sound of horses' hooves are muffled on the soft ground.

The riders enter the barn and either saddle up their horses or find them saddled and ready to ride, according to experience level. It's a warm, wood-paneled barn with black metal trim.


Then the riders (and horses) set out on their journey at an easy walk.


Next, the riders reach the edge of a valley, lined with wind-cut rocks. The horses must make their way down the paths of the valley, sometimes a bit steep on a trail.


As the riders get further down the valley, it opens up into more grassy areas with sparsely populated, but taller, evergreen trees. The wind isn't as fierce down here, but the crushed grass beneath horse hooves has an aroma of its own. Birds flit around, common here. There's a river running through the bottom of the valley, slow and steady, but the scent of fresh water is enough to get the horse's attention.


Eventually, the riders come upon a statue next to a small and well-tended white picket fence. Within the fence is a set of very yellowed stones. Some of them have a bit of writing still visible on them; the name "Quint" can barely be made out.


The landscape itself changes in this area. The land has opened up to a basin with a few stone ridges up out of the ground and dotted clumps of trees. The horses being ridden nicker at the herd of horses roaming in the basin below.

The cluster of horses that can be seen are the "Remuda" which means "Change of Horses." They are a wild herd kept for the bloodlines of the horses. Every few years, hands go out and select a few of the younger (yearlings or up to two years old) horses to be brought in for training. In the herd, there is a palomino named Apache, who is the lead mare. Then there is a stallion with a white (light grey) body and black mane and tail who is one of the lead stallions.


This leads them to the edge of the bluff and is essentially the 'end' of the trail, forcing the riders to turn around and go back the way they came. Whinnies of the wild horses, other sounds of the herd, even pounding hooves, can be carried up to them from the wind as they go.