New Chief Science Officer of Deep Space 13

To: CMDR Mandra, A. (@Master_Dex)
CC: @38th.Command, @DS13.DepartmentHeads
From: CAPT Varley, L.
Subj: Chief Science Officer Position

Commander Alina Mandra,

Effective Stardate 97006.6 you are assigned to the post of Chief Science Officer of Deep Space 13. You’ve served here longer than most, and I’m confident that with your experience and your abilities you will continue to demonstrate the caliber of work our science department requires. Congratulations.

New quarters and an office are afforded with this new post, which are now available for you to move in to.

Captain Lauren Varley
Commanding Officer, Deep Space 13
38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: CAPT Varley, @Lauren
CC: @38th.Command; @DS13.DepartmentHeads
From: CMDR Mandra, Alina
Subj: Re: Chief Science Officer Position

Acknowledged Captain, and thank you for the chance to prove myself further.

I might request temporary site to site transporter access for moving items into the new spaces if that is alright… if not I could use some DOTs as well.

Commander Alina Mandra
Chief Science Officer,
DS13 Science Department