Nintendo Friend Codes/Game Codes

Anyone willing to do me a solid? I have a Marinie egg that I wanna transfer from my copy of Moon to my copy of Ultra Sun and Bank doesn't allow the transfer of eggs. Could one of you help me trade it from my Moon to my Ultra Sun in the near future? You can just send me trade fodder in exchange. I just need the egg moved so I don't have to hatch the Marinie in Moon. (I'd like to be able to nickname him and for him to not have a boosted EXP gain which would cause him to outpace the rest of the team).
I can help! I'll be around at about 2pm cst and throughout the night :)
My Switch Code is 7156-1984-8302!
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My Switch Code is 7156-1984-8302!
Ultra Sun is for the 3DS but I'll add you anyway! ^_^
The request will come from Steven, Friend Code is SW-4779-95907586
(Anyone else is free to add me too).

I can help! I'll be around at about 2pm cst and throughout the night :)

Thanks! I'll let you know when I get access to the Wireless Plaza (yes I'm still that early in the game).
Added! And sounds good DePoe! Just lemme know

Edit: This is Florp. Sara got him for me for Christmas. He's named after Sara's Pokemon Red starter. :x

I just connected my Nintendo Network and Switch accounts so I sent everyone friend requests. Add me if you want :s
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Bumping in case anyone got a Switch for the hollerdaize :x

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I will be going systematically thru this thread in a few days and adding any codes for either system I missed.
I'll be adding anyone who has added me over the next few days. (Sorry if I haven't added you already!)
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I caved and finally got a switch. Watch for friends requests from me. I'm 1603 4162 8627. Should list me as Master_Dex so it'll be obvious.
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Will add you when I see your invite! :d
Added~! Welcome to the family!
Added! So gooood you could join us Dex! You're one of use now.
One of us.
One of us.
One of us.
And Zelda will take me months to compete so easy to save money from here lol.
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So I just finished Zelda, and I'm a little perplexed by the hype. It was pretty fun, a nice box of toys, but... am I the only one that felt like the story was really underwhelming? Not going to get into specifics because I don't want to spoil anything for people still playing it or yet to play it, but I generally found it really baffling how little plot there is, and how little the story it does have actually matters.

(Full disclosure, I am definitely a Story Guy in games. It's the main thing I play for. I used to get that from the old Zelda games -- the stories weren't always super deep or nuanced but they typically compared well to the best work being done on the consoles where they appeared. I haven't played any of the Zelda games between Ocarina and this one, so maybe something changed in the intervening years.)
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::raises hand:: Me. BotW story was meaningless to me. I liked the character Kass in concept, but ended up skipping all his storytelling. <_< Played for the mechanics and horse taming.

... so much... horse taming...
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So I just finished Zelda, and I'm a little perplexed by the hype. It was pretty fun, a nice box of toys, but... am I the only one that felt like the story was really underwhelming? Not going to get into specifics because I don't want to spoil anything for people still playing it or yet to play it, but I generally found it really baffling how little plot there is, and how little the story it does have actually matters.

(Full disclosure, I am definitely a Story Guy in games. It's the main thing I play for. I used to get that from the old Zelda games -- the stories weren't always super deep or nuanced but they typically compared well to the best work being done on the consoles where they appeared. I haven't played any of the Zelda games between Ocarina and this one, so maybe something changed in the intervening years.)


For me, it's more an experience. I find myself not blown away by the story but the experience. It's the same feeling and fun I had from playing Ocarina of Time for the first time as a teenager. It's EXTREMELY reminiscent of that for me and as such hold a really close place to my heart and sits as my favorite Zelda game now.

That said, the story is left very loose and I'm positive that the ending was left open more so they could A. set up reasons for DLC to continue the narrative, and B. to get it out in time for WiiU sales to mean anything at all.

I still haven't even beat the game. Didn't feel the urgency to that I felt with say, Super Mario Odyssey. For me it's all about the experience. ...who really plays a Zelda game for the story, anyway? :p

The Story was razor thin sure, but I definitely liked the characters. And my real life friends who've also played it or watched let's plays of it agree with me, but that's just our opinions, eh?

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I don't think it deserved game of the year...
Was just cleaning up my old Switch screenshots when I remembered I took this a few days ago. You guys don't think I have a problem, do I?
(Note, this does not include playtime on my second save file, which because of silliness on Nintendo's part I have to do with a second profile on the Switch).
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Note: Name, Mii, and FC are blanked out because this is a public Imgur post and I don't want randoms sending me friend invites.
Nothing wrong there. I put over 100 hours into it on Wii U and my Switch also has more than 100 hours so... seems legit to me! Keep on exploring! :)
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