New uhlans arrive all the time at Imperial Command. This day is no different. Sixteen of them, off the first transport from War College, raring to be assigned to the warbirds going to the front. Except for… ah, that one. What was her name? It didn’t matter. She was disruptor fodder like the rest of them.
Except she’s not assigned to a warbird.
It’s a funny little error, isn’t it? Just one uhlan, kept back in the halls of Command to… well, who knows what she’s doing? She must be doing something. She’s always so busy. So helpful. So quiet. So… forgettable. And the war is so loud, and so all-consuming. Maybe they’ll question her presence at some point. Maybe they’ll wonder what she’s doing at that console. Maybe they’ll think, ah, she shouldn’t be doing inventory in the shuttlebay. Why her relatives seem to be dead.
But not today.
((Aurelia has gone to Rator to gather intelligence to help the allies in the war. She has a few goals and when she uncovers / figures out data by talking to the war GMs she will provide it here. Every time she sends something back to the allies (i.e., posting here with something that might help) I will make a 1d100 roll on discord to figure out if she’s been discovered yet. 1-10 is absolute discovery, 10-30 is a half strike, 30-49 is a full strike. She has five strikes before discovery. She can attempt to roll for extraction once a day, and it only works if it’s 90-100. Of course there’s always the plot-oriented discovery chance, as well. The game ends when the war does. If these rules end up being too easy I will change them lol))
Aurelia@aumeri:rolls 56 (1-100)
Strikes 0/5
Being here is… difficult.
Her years with Jack and Starfleet have softened her edges. It’s true. And things are not like they were when Aurelia was here before, working undercover as an underling in a minor Senatorial office, feeding minor dialogue to her minor khre’riov and going out with the staff afterward to get them soused and do her real work of intelligence-gathering. This is Imperial High Command. This is war. These are the big leagues. One misstep and she won’t even know she’s dead.
This time, she’s too slow. Almost. She hears the footsteps coming down the hall and barely has enough time to pull the chip and wipe the console before the door pulls open with a performative swoosh and the riov in charge enters the secondary communications hub and locks the door behind him. Aurelia is stuck in an extremely tight and smelly closet for two hours while he video-chats with his mistress, but at least she’s not caught.
This time.
This message, sent in code in a very specific spam message, decoded, reads:
*Superweapon? 1. Archaeological site outside B.Ret. capital. 2. RRW Tomalak (damaged). Do not let them see.
Clear: many traitors in the Republic. Am following money where ships come from. Clear cash, bribe & favor ties to business & political entities between Imperial & Republic space. Has been happening for years, perhaps since Revolution.
Will need our own Tal Shiar.*
— Today at 9:54 PM
Strikes 1/5
There’s a problem.
The problem is one particular erei’riov around her age – classic haircut, signature sneer, shoulders as straight as a two-by-four. He thinks he’s being sneaky, but Aurelia sees him standing around the corner. Behind her in the chow line. Watching her from across the cargo bay. Which means he isn’t Tal Shiar, and instead some sort of garden-variety poison instead, a perv or a bully or an ambitious type. Hardly worth her time. Still, Aurelia reminds herself, you can drown in an inch of water just as easily as in an entire ocean. And he does look somewhat familiar.
So she has to sit with the traitor’s name she’s uncovered for a while, until he decides for now that she really is who she claims to be, a later-in-life conscript from a backwards colony. She has to let that name roll around in her brain like a mantra, knowing that with every second she waits, more damage will be done. And when she finally gets the chance to kick that name towards Republic space through three dozen different comms buoys, she has to be extra careful. No sentences this time. They’ll have to understand. They’ll have to.
sen rae’la chaltok
Intelligence roll: [1d100]
Strikes: 1/5
Extraction roll: [1d100]
No extraction possible
On afternoons like this, with her hand clutching a cup of something incredibly caustic and wildly caffeinated, Aurelia wishes she hadn’t left the RRF, because there was no way her Starfleet superiors would let her go forward with the bloody and blistering ihallishedh she was planning for a particular set of traitors after what she’d found out today. The senator representing Beta Reticuli was in the capital, throwing parties in his brand-new manse, courting the great and the powerful – it would be easy enough to buy a dress and snag an invite. And she had the name of a Republic Flotilla commander, a riov of all people, and damning proof that he had turned over information on RRF defensive positions in the sector.
But Vrebik and Rikeel are small fish compared to Subadmiral Ecural. That particular feanna is currently blustering through the halls of Command, drunk on victory, talking of parades and punishment and testing prototype weapons. His openness about the plan, the sheer pomposity of it – it makes Aurelia’s stomach twist. After the announcement that he would need a team of aides to take to Beta Reticuli, Aurelia ducks into an erei’riov’s office while he’s at a planning meeting and makes sure her cover name is on that list. She needs to get out of here, anyway, before people start to remember Dasara Nal as a familiar face.
Five hours later, Aurelia is on her way to the conquered planet. No time to inform Starfleet, of course, but that’s a problem for another day.
Beta Reticuli awaits.
There has been no word from Aurelia for some time. But there’s been no intelligence Rator has caught any spies, either, so maybe she’s okay.
It’s been nearly a month when the analysts finally pick something up in the right frequency.
so yeah i have a funny story for you