Operation Cobalt Liberty - Ops Debrief


Cobalt Liberty was successfully completed on stardate: 90203

The Combined Task Force was made up of elements from the 26th Fleet, Task Force Argo and MACO Team 34. Two smaller task forces, one for the ground component and another for the space component were sent on the mission.

The Ground Task Force was met with only minor Borg Drones on the planet. All drones were successfully terminated and recovered under special order: 281-34-B and turned over to MSID following the mission. The infil team was placed on the planet and is capable of sustaining ops there for 60 standard days.

The Space Task Force was met with moderate Borg ships attempting to dislodge them from the comms relay. All were dispatched before
contacting the collective. One larger Borg Cube Group was detected in the system and the Space Task Force intercepted before it could detect the infil team's ships in orbit.

Upon successful insertion of the infil team, the combined Task Force withdrew to a predetermined rendezvous point outside of the Cobal system. Within hours of the mission completion, intelligence was being reported from the infil team.

Indications from both the local sector and the overall combined missions indicate that the Borg assessed that the attack on the comms relay was associated with the greater operations in the Sigma and Korla systems. At this time it is assessed with moderate confidence that the infil team is undetected by the Borg Collective.

There were no major losses or damage to Starfleet ships or personnel reported due to this operation. This report is submitted by the undersigned.

Close of Report.

MAJ, Starfleet Mil Assault and Cmd Ops
Team 34, Commanding