Our Mutual Friends | TO: CAPT Caspius

TO CAPT Caspius
CC --
FROM COL Nanclus
SUBJ. Our Mutual Friends

My Son,

Although it has not been long since we last spoke, your mother and I have recently had the privilege of hosting your former commander, the Federation Admiral, Neema Perim, at our home in Paris. I thought you would like to know of her visit. The whole thing was carried off splendidly. We had a rich tea, enjoyed a walk and some discussion in the courtyard, and she stayed for supper. The impression was wholly a favourable one.

I understand that she was in the city to meet with President Okeg. As you know, the matter of Deep Space 13 is not customarily within the range of topics on which I speak to the President. But, he knows that you are my son, and that you served under Admiral Perim, so he was not unsurprised when I told him of your high opinion of the Admiral. Be assured, I spoke generally, and informally, so that you were not committed in any way. Perhaps the Federation will be able to find something suitable for the Admiral to do. It is good to have friends well-positioned, rather than in an unprofitable and idle retirement, and you are a friend to Admiral Perim, whatever temporarily diminished authority she may wield.

But more than this, it is good that the Federation President knows your name, and that it can be raised in my presence for reasons which do not appear purely self-serving. The events at Deep Space 13 have brought you to the favourable attention of influential figures who would never have known of you otherwise. As they say, 'every cloud has a silver lining,' yes? You are now held in high esteem. Know that it will not last (for it never does); but if you can find ways to turn periods of difficulty to your advantage, you may find, on balance, the approval surpassing the disapproval.

Your mother tells me that your former commander, Captain Thiessen, is due here on Earth. Apparently his wife, a Captain Desimone, has contacted Starfleet Medical for some procedure or other. I have told your mother to extend to them both an invitation to visit, if the opportunity arises.

I have every faith that you are ever building the repute of the family, and yourself, through your prudence and sagacity. Know that we are extremely proud of you, and that you have our unstinting support and approbation.

With my love,

Eustasius tr'Nanclus, COL (ret.)
Special Counsel on Federation-Romulan Star Empire Relations
Paris, Earth