Parallax Rumors

Captain Trellain has moved up to a position in Admiral Quint's personal armada, after her performance in the defense of BS13.
OOC: Bumping for Parallax 2020
Elora has sent out invites to her anual tea party! It says it will be more extravagant than last year

Disclaimer: Any and all injuries whether they be psychological or physical were likely intended, death is likely and encouraged, if you spill your tea a laundry service will not be provided.
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Rumor has it, Governor Nimitz of Tzenketh has been selected to design and build a new prototype starship for the Emperor himself..

Also The Governor intends to deliver a brand new warship prototype recently built in the Tzenketh shipyards for the 38th Fleet for field testing.
As well as her tea party Elora is planning on showcasing her new BOOM ROOMS!™ a new torture chamber designed for fun with the family!
Rumor has it that Captain Konieczko is very interested in the prospect of these 'BOOM ROOMS!™'.
Rumor has it Lieutenant Valore has put forward a proposition of gladiatorial matches between slaves of different strata. The winner's new artificially assigned tribe will get to eat for a week, the loser's gets no food and will have to resort to cannibalism.
Rumor has it Lieutenant Mi'shune sh'Sonora has returned from a Very Important Mission.... in an obsolete and very trashed shuttlecraft.
Spoiler: Event Horizon Lounge, Δ + 2:22Show
"I mean have you ever seen a knife-ear smile?"
"Once or twice, but not like that. The damned Xeno just looked..."
"Exactly! Like whoever broke him snapped him too far."
"Or they broke something they weren't meant to. Did you see that scar?"
"Yeah, someone went digging in that Xeno's skull. Deep, too, from the look of it. Did you get his name?"
"Yeah. Said it was Sariel... Dr. Sariel."
Spoiler: BS-13 Firing Range, Β + 3:18Show
"You said he was returning a cat?"
"Yeah, found it wandering the halls by the Governor's quarters. He said he was going to see if he could figure out who it belonged to."
"And that was two days ago?"
"Mhmm. He never reported for duty the next day, and the computer can't locate his commbadge."
"I see. And you were the last one to speak with him?"
"How should I know? Wait, you're not implying... Hey, get them off of me! What are you doing?!"
"Sergeant Jhel, you are hereby detained under suspicion for the disappearances of Corporal Nathan Briggs, Lieutenant Emilia Donaghey, Ensigns Will-"
"What?! No, NO! I had nothing to do wi-AAUGH!"
"The Inquisition will see about that. Take him away. And if he speaks again break another finger."
Rumor has it... Somebody's just survived an assassination attempt!

(( Bumping for Parallax 2021 ))

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Rumor has it that the lower decks of BS13 are haunted by the ghosts of all the slaves massacred by Captain Konieczko in the purge of 2417. Sometimes, if you press your ear to an empty duct or conduit, you can hear them, faintly, howling in fear and anguish. When the power flow to decks 197-204 was disrupted late last year, some officers trapped down there in the dark reported seeing apparitions. Some say that these spook stories are just used to frighten new transfers to the base. But until you switch off the lights, how can you know?


There is a rumor going around that the prisoner known as Alina is being moved to a new location soon out on concerns that the machine entity known as Lothos is not dead but using her as a Trojan horse somehow… thus necessitating her not being near any unprotected computer systems. It wouldn’t make sense to pass near BS13 of course, but strangely the route might do that anyway…

Rumour has it that a recent mission of the I.S.S. Saratoga to root out a cell of Alliance rebels concluded against the admiralty’s wishes. The more outlandish gossipers would claim the captain of Saratoga, none other than duchess Lauren Varley, struck a deal with the rebels and her superiors can’t prove it. They might point to the fact that the duchess and her ship have been reassigned directly to Battle Station 13, as if her superiors wish to keep a closer eye on her.

In other news, posters starring the duchess have been distributed around the battlestation to herald her arrival. You can pick one up for your quarters from your nearest Loyalty & Patriotism Enforcement office.


Rumor has it that Loxton is somehow still breathing and this annoys everyone greatly.


Rumor has it that Lady Varley may not be as ruthless as she seems; with whispers that a recent Rebel Hunt went awry and they were spared. No actual details have actually come out yet, but some believe her Handmaiden to blame.


There have been reports of strange, source less cackling in some areas of the station. Observers were sure it was at their expense, for unknown reasons.


“Amateurs. Can’t even use a trigger properly.”

“Uh… Lieutenant? Are you upset that the bomb didn’t go off?”

“It’s about the art, Petty Officer. This whole thing, it was sloppy.”


“If I needed to blow a few people up, rest assured, they’d be blown up.”

“I don’t… doubt that… sir.”


Seems Lt. Shinwa (Rumiho) finally convinced Admiral Quint to give her a rank up for her efforts, now finally matching the level of her husband, Major Shinwa (Tsurugi). Word is the celebration will be taking his team out and hunting down an Alliance Spec Ops team for the Admiral.