Veneela has asked me to accompany her and Nathes to Mol’Rihan. I’ve accepted, of course. I just hope this trip brings some much needed clarity to her thoughts while I ward off any potential threats her.
On another note, I’ve patched things up with the aforementioned friend. We’re now stronger than ever. Well, at least in my mind we are. It hasn’t helped another inconvenience that has decided to try and poke its way to the surface with renewed vigor.
But I can deal with it.
I CAN deal with it.
…I can deal with it.
End Log
Supplemental Entry.
I can’t deal with it.
I need to talk to Stovok. He’s possibly my only hope right now.
I may have been a bit too harsh regarding Lieutenant Sandford, in light of what has happened to him. I went to visit him tonight to ask questions regarding the incident with the Klingon in Event Horizon and he unloaded more than I bargained for. I recommended he make an appointment with a counselor when he’s fit again.
Things in my life are going well, in all aspects. Better than they’ve ever been. I’m savouring this moment because a part of me knows that it could all be snatched away in an instant. Enjoy it while it lasts, Nick.
Stobbart is starting to make me proud. He’s turning into a fine officer if he’d just temper his eye for the ladies. Perhaps I’m not one to talk. Still, I definitely was worse than him at his age. So much so that I’m reminded of my first assignment aboard the Starway where I had to chaperone a Betazoid delegate who was going through The Phase. That was a learning experience for me.
Maybe he’ll never learn. Still, I hope he advances in his career. He’s a good lad.
My deterioration continues apace. I was running to a call yesterday and I started to feel it. Right as my birthday starts to roll around too. I blame the Confection Oven’s sausage rolls. They’re too good. Maybe time to lay off them for a while.
I haven’t really been sociable as of late. I’ve been buried in work and family drama. My sister cancelled her visit to DS13 and something, I don’t know what, is going on at home. My parents aren’t responding to my messages and Lucy has been relatively cryptic about things when I ask, which makes me nervous.
I might take this leave I have to head home and find out.
I have returned from home. My family are safe now, no thanks to all the trouble Lucy brought upon them…
No. I shouldn’t blame Lucy. She cannot help it. It was Rhinehart, he was to blame. Thankfully, he should get a good long sentence for it.
Honestly, I’m glad to be home. I’m out of the loop on some issues and whenever I pop my head in at Event Horizon, nobody really is around. I did see Drake, Addie and Thyzee the other night though. Addie and Thyzee seem to be going along wonderfully. It’s great to see.
Well, I’m off to bed. To sleep, perchance to dream!
It’s that time again. My birthday is tomorrow. As I get older, I can only hope I get… wiser?
I’m still muddling through this whole situation with my family. Tomorrow should be just another day earning my EC. I still have to find a solution with those elderly neighbours who keep complaining about each other. I can see it escalating and have suggested they move to different quarters. Though neither of them want to move, of course. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they enjoyed their conflict. Maybe that’s all they have. They are both on their own.
For the past three weeks, I’ve been having the same dream that involves a friend. In the dream, we’re standing on a balcony overlooking a city, I’m not sure what city it is, might be New York or San Francisco. She asks me for a glass of water and as soon as I turn my back, she plunges a knife into me before whispering “This was for the good of the galaxy. I’m sorry.”
I usually wake up sweating immediately after, but last night, after she’d said stabbed me, I turned around, feeling no pain and she smiled at me and said “I knew I’d chosen correctly.”
I woke up after that, but I wasn’t sweating nor was my heart pounding. I was calm and collected.
I have in my hand a knife that Valore had up her sleeve during a recent drama at the new curry restaurant. Considering the dream I keep having, this is rather spooky. Perhaps it’s the universe giving me a sign? Not that I believe in such things, of course.
Hope she enjoyed that cheesecake. The Pakled I threw my piece at seemed not to.
It seems Ensign Murphy is interested in helping out the security department with future investigations, broadening her outlook. I admire that. I wish I’d had the foresight to get involved in everything early in my career too. I’ll speak to the Chief and see if she’s okay with it. Get her on some training courses.
Oh, my mother messaged. Seems Lucy has decided to take a trip out this way and will be stopping at DS13 to surprise me. Perhaps I can surprise her though? Hmm. Bears some thought I think.
They don’t know how it happened and the details are vague. I was contacted by the authorities in Centauri City. Officer Ventura, I think? I need to see the report. I…need to see them to know it’s true…
I am numb.
I went to Event Horizon and got myself a bottle of Nausicaan Rum. I don’t even fupping LIKE Nausicaan Rum! But the bottle is now half empty and soon will be finished!
I can’t let anybody see me like this. I must be professional. Business as usual. God, I think Blake was at the bar. She probably saw me leave with the bottle. I can say… say it was for a friend… Valore and Tala were there too but they were talking… I don’t know?
Last night I talked with Valore. It was good to get stuff off my chest. Perhaps now I can move forward before I start to over think things. I need to talk to Veneela too. I’ll give her a call soon.
However, this morning I awoke to a message on my terminal from Stacey Ventura, formerly a constable with the Centauri City Police. She was apparently contacting me to let me know that she was unceremoniously fired from the department and the reason they gave was that she failed to notify her superiors before she contacted me with the news about the shuttle accident. Seems more of a reprimand would have been better than a dismissal in that situation but I cannot comment on the policy of the colony’s police departments. Ventura sounded intoxicated in the message and kept saying “They don’t want you to know the truth! You have to investigate this yourself! Something is wrong here!”
I really don’t have time for conspiracy theories about tragic accidents at home right now. I realise that might seem callous to say but I am still processing the loss and my duty helps me do this. I cannot afford to go chasing ghosts and wild tales of former police officers. I have people here who are counting on me to do my duty.
I’ll ask Lysander to speak with her. He’s a lawyer so he’ll be able to tell if she’s just got an axe to grind or is on the level.
My Risa vacation got off to a good start. I managed to get there early with Veneela. She really is wonderful. I spent a good portion of it with her until the incident happened.
I haven’t spoken to Ven about it since I was released from Sickbay but I am angry and guilty. I dismissed whatever situation had happened with my family as an accident and now it seems that it wasn’t. The hired help are not talking. They seem confident they’ll be released so they’re not saying anything about who they work for.
I feel responsible for this. I should have foreseen this. I need to contact my lawyer and find out anything else he can tell me.
Wow, haven’t updated in a while. Well, probably because there is not much is happening in my life at the moment except work. I have not heard back from Centauri about anything. It’s eerily quiet. Perhaps too quiet?
Perhaps I should not poke the Mugato and leave everything alone. I should just settle down, enjoy this burgeoning relationship with Veneela and focus on my career.
Some random chance that I’ll actually do that wouldn’t go amiss right now. Ha!