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Begin Personal Log, Stardate 47634.44
I’ve only been on board DS13 for a few days and already I am having an interesting time. Captain Varley, the Station CO seems very competent. I wonder what my grandmother would say if she could see me now. I hope she’d be proud.
So far, everyone I have met has been wonderful. Even the Dominion delegation. I spoke with Kalris and another Vorta who did not reveal her name to me and heard some criticisms of the Federation and Station policy that I shall look into when I get the chance. I’m sure though that the policy is in place for good reason but I am committed to helping the Federation get along with everyone. Yeah, I should have been a diplomat but security has pulled me in this direction. I enjoy defending against threats and keeping the peace. DS13 seems like a station with a bit more action than the Starway anyway.
Lucy still hasn’t replied to my last message. I got a message from Steve saying he’d last seen her on Risa but that was months ago during their festival. My concern is slightly growing but I know she’s fine.
I’m on duty in 8 hours, so I’m going to try and get some sleep. Might have a play on the piano before then. Always relaxes me.
End Log