Personal Log: Loxton, N.

Audio Only

Begin Personal Log, Stardate 47634.44

I’ve only been on board DS13 for a few days and already I am having an interesting time. Captain Varley, the Station CO seems very competent. I wonder what my grandmother would say if she could see me now. I hope she’d be proud.

So far, everyone I have met has been wonderful. Even the Dominion delegation. I spoke with Kalris and another Vorta who did not reveal her name to me and heard some criticisms of the Federation and Station policy that I shall look into when I get the chance. I’m sure though that the policy is in place for good reason but I am committed to helping the Federation get along with everyone. Yeah, I should have been a diplomat but security has pulled me in this direction. I enjoy defending against threats and keeping the peace. DS13 seems like a station with a bit more action than the Starway anyway.

Lucy still hasn’t replied to my last message. I got a message from Steve saying he’d last seen her on Risa but that was months ago during their festival. My concern is slightly growing but I know she’s fine.

I’m on duty in 8 hours, so I’m going to try and get some sleep. Might have a play on the piano before then. Always relaxes me.

End Log


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Personal Log, Stardate 97146.4

Today I was on duty in Cargo Bay Two and while checking one of the shipment containers that had just been delivered, I found, to my surprise, a stowaway…

It was a little mouse! I managed to leap and grab it before it found a hiding place and ended up taking residence somewhere else. Poor little guy is a bit scared so I took him down to medical so they can give him the all clear, make sure he isn’t carrying the Tarellian Plague or something like that. Have they found a cure for that yet? I don’t know…

Anyway, I should get back to that old show I’ve been keeping up with in the database.

End Log


Audio Only

Personal Log, Stardate 95678.9

The last few days have been eventful. My evaluation went well with JAG. Lieutenant Niazov seems like someone I’d definitely get along with, if her drawings of giant Penguins are anything to go by. At least, I think it was a Penguin?

Had my medical today and this is the first time I’ve met the station CMO, Doctor Jarnefelt. She was extremely pleasant and put me at ease. So much so that I made a fool of myself at the end with some awkward flirting. Now I know how that poor Ensign down in Engineering feels.

In some sad news, I received a message from Charles Edison that Captain Morand has died. I heard he’d retired to the Norpin colony after the Starway. I’ll respond to Edison when I get time and I’m over the initial shock. Time to crack open a single malt and stick on that song he loved. ‘Rock The Boat’ by some group from 20th century Earth called the ‘Hues Corporation’. It’s terrible, I much prefer the Crisis era of the late 21st century rather than Disco but here’s to you, Cap!

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Personal Log, Stardate 95678.11

I’ve been the subject of some rumors as of late regarding my love life. Apparently Ensign Walker in Engineering is distraught I apparently spurned her advances, so much so that it seems the entire Engineering department have labeled me as a heartless brute. I shall rectify this situation with Ensign Walker at some future date and hopefully restore my reputation with her friends so that my future maintenance requests will not go ignored. I also had a mysterious delivery of Delvan Fluff Pastries, which were actually delivered in error to me. A crewman in the Security department was intending them for my neighbor and was mortified when the courier delivered them to me. This sparked off rumors that I was wooing the crewman in question. Well, nobody is being wooed by me, that’s for sure. I haven’t met too many of the crew yet and I am far too busy to be in a relationship or even consider one.

Someone whom I have actually spent a little time chatting to at Event Horizon is Lieutenant Valore of the Admiralty office. I haven’t quite figured out if she’s just tolerating me or actually enjoys our conversations yet. Perhaps she is like this with everyone. I haven’t asked around and I dare not, lest the rumor mill start up that I am trying to woo Valore, which is definitely not the case.

I must draft a letter back to Lucy. For once, I’m glad she’s not here. She would enjoy stoking these rumors about me most heartily!

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Personal Log, Stardate 93698.8

So, I’ve been put on loan to the Romulans to help them with an investigation. It’s all rather hush-hush though so I’ve been playing it down as me going on leave.

For some reason that I am going to blame on an unexplained phenomenon, I babbled this all out to Lieutenant Valore and now she is under the impression I am off to Shanghai. I have no idea why I start talking a load of old buoy around her. She intrigues me but I suspect that is her goal. When I get back, I should avoid her. Maybe she’s thinking the same thing. It seems she doesn’t really care to be friends with me and though her face doesn’t betray anything, I have the strangest feeling she wants to call security every time I’m around. Which is not good. Namely because I AM security and because I’m trying to make friends here, not creep people out.

Maybe the rumours of the turbolift incident have her a bit wary of me. I don’t blame her. Every time I go to enter one now, I look around to make sure Ensign Walker isn’t there. I haven’t seen her since I spotted her at Vanilla or Bust with that Romulan fellow. They looked to be very close. I’m glad.

Anyway, sleep beckons. Swifty’s drink hit the spot. I must reply to Lucy when I get time to.

End Log


Personal Log, Stardate 96729.0

Well, my assignment has put me in a quandary. Being someone who goes by the book on things, I find I’m running out of conventional ways to solve the problem. Last night at Event Horizon, I solicited the advice of Lieutenant Valore. I am hoping she adds some clarity to my thoughts and can help. I admitted to her that she was the only one I trusted here, but that’s only because she is the only person I have chatted to extensively. It feels good to know I’m not alone on this anyway.

Perhaps talking to her was a bad idea, considering she seems to think I was behaving erratically last night. I was hungover from all the booze I’ve been putting away. She could probably smell it too. She would have said something though, surely.

Anyway, hopefully she’ll see something I’ve missed in all this. Would help if she had a couple of extra bricks of latinum lying around. I’d much rather be indebted to Valore than the Romulans!

On second thoughts, perhaps I’ll be safer with the Romulans!

End Log


Personal log, Stardate 97864.9

Walker and I were up most of the night and that girl is a genius. She needs a promotion! Also, when this assignments over, I’ll have to ask her out for a coffee and see if she needs to talk about Mister Tev. Seems there may be trouble in paradise.

Also, I owe a major night out to Lieutenant Valore. Not that she’ll be drinking anything harder than water I imagine but I do need to thank her for sitting with me and giving me the kick up the arse I needed regarding this whole thing. It probably won’t be a night out and if I asked her out she’d probably give me a disapproving stare and tell me I was being erratically inappropriate or some such thing.

So, I’ll just thank her from across the room. Yeah…

I’m about to get a tour around the factory. Damn Nasse and her pheromones. It’s taking all I have to not be curled up in her lap!

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Personal Log, Stardate 98679.2

Well, that assignment could have gone better. I’m not really cut out for the life of an undercover operative. I’ve yet to be de-briefed by Rai. I’m bracing myself for a right Romulan stare of disappointment at not getting the latinum back, but maybe she’ll assign me to go after Nasse and recover it by any means necessary.

Which Nasse, she did promise to shoot me if I ever came after her. So fingers crossed for that assignment!

No, I’m looking forward to being returned to duty on DS13. I think this whole assignment has proved my ineptitude at covert operations so I expect to be back station side avoiding the reproachful eyes of Lieutenant Valore. Though I do owe her thanks for her help.

Maybe a simple ‘thank you’ note will do?

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Personal Log, Stardate 98395.0

Well, it appears I’m back to my normal duties. I have to admit, I am a little sad not to be on loan to the Romulans anymore as it was a rewarding experience but it’s good to be back in somewhat familiar territory on DS13. In other news, a musical event being organized by Commander Mandra and Lieutenant Valore. I messaged Alina to see if I can grab a couple of hours to practice with her. I haven’t played with anyone since Graduation and that was a bit of a shambles.

It’s surprising to me that Valore won’t be singing or playing at this event. Apparently she’s quite non-musical. She’ll be handling catering and all the other aspects, though hopefully it won’t be anything like the odd dream I had last night. I was sitting at a grand piano, playing the same notes over and over slowly, while Lieutenant Valore was shoveling heaps of spaghetti onto the keys. Captain Nimitz stood off to the side, shaking his head and tutting at her the whole time. Then, every time I looked at Valore to tell her it was too much spaghetti, she’d go “Sssh! Keep playing! We’re all enjoying this!” then she’d smile and continue shoveling. Then Ensign Walker appeared and sprinkled what I believe to be Parmesan cheese all over my head while laughing. That’s when I woke up.

After that dream, I don’t think I’ll be able to look at spaghetti in the same way again!

End Log


Personal Log.

Well, the music event went off without a hitch. Alina was on form with her violin, everybody was an absolute triumph. Captain Nimitz put on quite the show, and Captain Varley wowed on her acoustic guitar. Even young Jodi Izly from medical gave it her all on the DJ deck. The food though, well, the dreaded spaghetti that haunted my nightmares was there, alongside tacos. I kept getting offered some spaghetti too at various points in the evening by servers. They seemed to all have sly grins on their faces. Perhaps someone put them up to it? I was a little merry by the end of the evening so I indulged in it. It was actually rather good!

I think the most surprising performance of the night though was Lieutenant Valore. She got up, performed a simple but beautiful piece on the piano and sat back down away from everyone. It took all I had not to give her a hug. She looks awfully tired. I hear she’s barely sleeping and exhausting herself, though I can only imagine how she’d react if I said anything to her like others seem to be. Seeing her dozing after returning from that trade conference was enough to convince me that the woman needs at least two months solid rest. But that’s for the CMO to order.

Just as I was returning to my quarters, I was approached again by Tevalak. He’s asked me to be his personal bodyguard because he believes “Them over at Vanilla Or Bust are going to do me in!”. I told him that he was levelling serious accusations against a respected establishment and that such accusations would likely delay further his approval on an opening day. Then, he asked me a strange question about Lieutenant Valore. I told him to ask her and said goodnight. I’ll have to keep my eye on Tevalak, I fear he’s going to be trouble.

Also, I heard another rumour about me. Apparently I’m married with children. This all stems from me singing ‘Rocketman’ at the event, I think. Ha! It’s better than the stupid turbolift rumour that won’t seem to leave me alone! Maybe I’ll have fun with this one.

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Personal Log.

Well, today was quite the day. I tried to pass by Tevalak’s Ice Cream Shop without being seen but he saw me. It’s not like he was busy or anything anyway. He insisted I go shopping with him on my break. He’s got some business meeting with someone who’s going to advance his empire. I was a little surprised when I found out who that someone was; Lieutenant Valore.

“She’s having dinner with me and together we’re going to turn my fledgling franchise into a super empire!”

I was speechless at this statement. I think Tevalak could benefit from a psychological evaluation. The stress may be getting to him of not having a personal assistant. He claims a Bolian woman had a genius idea for a holographic assistant and he’s decided to create one. He showed me the images he’s going to make them in. All of them seemed to be famous human figures from Earth’s 20th and 21st centuries. He particularly liked the look of Adolf Hitler and I had to talk him out of it, citing that it would be hugely bad for business. I steered him towards an actor popular in the late 20th and early 21st century named Tom Hanks. Then he insisted on seeing one of his films. I said no to that, I’d already sat in the dressing room watching him get tailored for his suit he’s going to wear. He finally picked the colour.

All I’ll say is I hope Valore has ear protectors and shades.

Anyway, my waffling on about that has been to distract myself about Lucy. I hope for news soon. I’ve alienated just about everyone on DS13 with my worry…

End Log

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Personal Log.

I just received a message that Lucy is on her way back to Federation space. I’m going to see if she can get here to Deep Space 13 and if she can’t, I’ll request some leave and head to where she is, perhaps take her home to mum and dad.

Mum hasn’t said much to me about all this but Dad has been pretty vocal in that the blame for all this lies on my shoulders. “Nick, you’re a Starfleet Security officer! Surely you can just go and get her!”

Oh, yeah! Sure Dad! Let me just ask Captain Varley to loan me a runabout so I can go and break my sister out of a Klingon jail! I mean, who does he think I am? I’m just a Lieutenant.

I like being a Lieutenant here. I appreciate the friendships I’m in the process of making too! Thyzee, Alina, Valore, Captain’s Nimitz and Tungsten of the Pegasus and the Dragon respectively, they’ve all been really welcoming.

I had the opportunity to converse more with Lieutenant Kelak the other evening. I probably ended up unloading on her more than I should have. She didn’t seem to mind though. Looking forward to seeing her again.

Well, that’s all I have for you. Probably going to hit my bed and read another chapter of that steam engine book. I’m turning into an old man!

End Log


Personal Log

What. A. Day.

Everything was fine until this Hawkins fellow showed up and waved his orb, or whatever the bloody thing is, about. He has a history of being an irritant to DS13 but, under orders from Captain Varley, myself and Thyzee observed him.

That was going well, until last night when Captain Nimitz was drawn to the orb and completely and utterly flung like a rag doll across the lounge into the bulkhead. He’s in the infirmary now recovering.

He gets up and starts to pace

I had no choice but to detain Hawkins and the Orb! I was thinking of the station and what dangers this could represent!

This action, of course, led to protests from his followers and the Bajoran residents, who were annoyed we’d confiscated what they believe to be an orb of the prophets, which in turn led to a riot that we managed to quell with the only casualties being my pride and my uniform. My initial interaction with the crowd was very likely the catalyst for it. I just explained the situation. Procedure must be followed. They didn’t want to know, they just wanted Hawkins released, and we hadn’t arrested him, just detained him while we examined the box.

He sighed again, wincing when he touched his bruises. He shook his head.

The Captain is very probably furious with me, so I expect a reprimand in my record. I can live with it, however. I do need to apologise to Thyzee for side-lining her during the events of last night, however. I’ll seek her out soon and hopefully she will forgive me.

I haven’t slept and I don’t feel like sleeping. I want to give Kelak a call and fire up the holodeck again and spar with her. Get all my frustrations out at my own decisions.

He sighs again, rubbing his face

No. I cannot have regrets. I must live with the decisions I made and if they were wrong, learn from them and not make the same mistakes twice.

Still, calling up Kelak seems like a good idea though. I wonder how she’d like the Battle of Hastings? Hmm…

End Log


Personal Log

Well, it’s been a quiet few days. I say quiet, I’ve been rather busy responding to angry letters from my parents demanding I come and get my sister and take her to DS13 so I can “show her what a disciplined life on a Starfleet base is really like”.

I laughed loudly at that. I was tempted to send the footage of me getting whacked in the face by that Cardassian during the station riot to show them just how well that disciplined life was going, but then I knew my sister would see it, then upload it to some part of the subspace net and I would become a laughing stock not just on this station, but on stations and ships all across the quadrant!

I wonder what Kelak is doing now? I forgot to message her on Monday apologising about missing our planned rendezvous. So much for my disciplined Starfleet life…

Commander Blake and I still need to have a meeting. I’ve only met her briefly socially but she’s definitely someone I can get along with.

Anyway, I have a holoprogram I’m working on. So I think I shall head to the holodeck and work some more on it.

End Log


Personal Log.

I visited Tevalak and his decline is alarming. He kept accusing me of conspiring with Wallstark to ruin him and his business, then he muttered something about “Valore knowing what to do.” and then he banished me from the quarters we’ve assigned him. I am recommending he speak to the counseling department. On a lighter note, I had a lovely dinner with Jodi at Curry Conflagration, which is rapidly becoming my second home. After Risa, Jodi and I seem to be hitting it off rather well. Perhaps too well?

End Log

Supplemental Entry

Tevalak had to be restrained tonight when he attempted to leave his quarters to “End Wallstark personally!” carrying an ice cream scoop. I have locked him in his quarters and posted Jennings and Stobbart outside.


Personal Log.

This is fine.

All I can say is I didn’t kill that prisoner. He committed suicide in the cell while we were waiting to transfer him. He had a Telonian chip which he’d concealed in his teeth. I missed it. I got a rebuke from the Captain for it. That was it. I didn’t shoot him with a phaser and I didn’t let down the force field.


End Log

Supplemental Entry

Okay. Maybe it’s not fine. Maybe I need legal representation.

…I definitely need legal representation.


Personal Log.

The past few days have been extremely interesting. Perhaps far too personal to go into here, but suffice to say, my theory about someone has been confirmed at the source. I am humbled and honoured that they chose to reveal it to me. It feels nice to have friends.

In other news, it seems that another mystery has arisen in my personal life. My professional life is full of them at the moment but this one concerns me a little. One of my classmates at the Academy has suddenly reached out to me asking if there were any positions available in DS13’s Security department. I haven’t gotten back to them yet and I’ve heard rumours about their conduct over the years, they’re insubordinate and I’m honestly shocked they haven’t been discharged. So I’m going to do a bit of digging on them before I talk to the Chief on their behalf…

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Supplemental Entry

After doing some digging on him, I’m astonished to find he’s made Lieutenant Commander. He’s been serving on the Crazy Horse as their Tactical officer. He’s got to have done something to earn it? Maybe he’s changed. I mean, I believe I’ve changed. For the better, too!


Personal Log.

Well, I have made it to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. I’m still stunned. People congratulate me but I can’t quite believe it. I keep thinking that Admiral Bishop made a mistake and meant to promote someone else. Veneela and Thyzee both received what they were due, except a promotion. But that won’t be long. Both of them richly deserve to make Lieutenant. Also, Counsellor Sedai made Commander. I heard someone talking that it was a long time coming.

I messaged my parents and they responded with how pleased they were but, and there’s always a ‘but’; “Your sister would have her own command by now, had she chosen to stay in Starfleet.”

Lucy messaged later on telling me they are actually secretly pleased and she took a video of dad shoehorning my name and rank into a conversation with a customer at the cafe. Lucy wants to visit me and I think it’s the right time to mend our relationship. I might try and convince her to re-apply to the Academy. See what I can do about getting her another chance after what happened.

Also, it seems that the Crazy Horse will be docking at DS13 soon. Bari wants to come aboard and see if DS13 feels right for him. He seemed eager in his last message to try and make a fresh start. It got me curious as to what he’s done on the Crazy Horse so when the Crazy Horse docks, I’ll see what I can glean from any of the crew. There’s bound to be an Ensign dying to spill the tea, if there is any to be spilled.

I’ll get to the bottom of this. I’m becoming suspicious in my old age. Possibly a good thing.

Hopefully, he’s changed. And not a moment too soon.

End Log


Personal Log

Lucy messaged me and informed me she is coming to the station next week and intends to bring a ‘surprise’ for me. I think I inadvertently found out what the surprise was though, but I’m actually a little excited for it.

It’s been a strange week. The Crazy Horse departed and I can’t help but feel Bari is hiding something. I suppose all will eventually become clear, but I’m keeping in touch with the XO of the Crazy Horse, Zara will keep an eye on him.

I don’t know what it is, but DS13 has been really good for me on a social level. Most of my social circle are women, which makes for a wonderful change from the Starway, where all I had were the tender mercies of some of the most jar-headed men I’ve ever had the misfortune of serving with.

Now, I have people like Valore, Alina, Naderi, Serah, Jodi, Na’Toth and Veneela surrounding me. All intelligent, strong women I am blessed to know. I am aware though now that my friendship circle has gained notice, particularly among the more opinionated citizens of DS13.

Just this morning, Mr. Miggins, who was reported to have been running a pie shop out of his quarters without a permit or food safety licence, has made remarks to me about how many women I ‘have on the go’ now. I have always resisted responding until this morning, he said something about one of my friends that touched a nerve and I did respond. He certainly didn’t like the response I gave and I’m sure there’ll be a complaint forwarded to Blake about what I said.

Anyway, I’m glad I said it and despite Miggins being canny enough to hide evidence of his operation, I’m confident we’ll catch him at it one day and then I’ll see that smug smile slowly fall from his face.

And with that, I’ll go to bed.

End Log


Personal Log.

Tevalak is finally in the brig. Still not sure exactly what his little meltdown was about that he nearly destroyed his shop over but it involved Miggins. Still, we were going to question him about the Wallstark program. Hopefully now, we can finally put that whole bloody business to rest.

I’m concerned about friends. I find I’m also hurt by some words that were said but on some level, I expected them.

I now know where I stand.

End Log

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