Personal Log: Vaas, Halur "Hal"

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LTJG Vaas, Halur "Hal"

The log begins with gentle ambience, oceans and birds singing in the background to a simple melody hanging in the air. Hal is sitting on his bed, still in uniform save for his bare legs and feet crossed beneath him, surrounded by a ring of PADDs. His gaze switches from one to the next as he tries to find exactly what he’s looking for.

Chief of Security personal log. …That’s so weird to say. I wonder how many of these logs I’ll make before the imposter syndrome sensation wears off. Guess we’ll see. …So, today was my first official day as Chief of Security above the Mariner. There wasn’t much that needed doing in my department, save for the usual duty scheduling, rotations, and staff evaluations that had been backed up due to the vacancy. Granted, I haven’t had time to build a rapport with my own people so I’m mostly signing off on evaluations done by the rest of the senior staff. Still, each one I’ve read so far describe nothing but exemplary work by these fine security officers. Now I just have to hope that I prove myself worthy to lead them.

Hal brings his feet in front of him on the bed, pressing his soles together before reaching out for his ankles, feeling his lower back pop. The log is silent for about 20 seconds, save for a bit of deep breathing from the Orion.

I met up with Serris at Cafe Estrella after my shift ended. CMD Warner joined us at the table, gave me a wicked surprise and I almost choked to death on a piece of steak. Not intentionally, of course. I was just imagining that my first time meeting him outside of the bridge might be a bit more… dignified. Instead, I’ll probably be remembered as the Security Chief who was almost done in by an already dead animal.

The Orion slid off the bed, now doing squat lunges across the length of his quarters.

Still, it wasn’t all in vain. I learned a good deal about the XO, thanks to Serris and Warner himself. He’s engaged, seemingly to a Romulan fiancé- oh computer, remind me at 2100 tomorrow to research traditional Romulan wedding gifts… if that’s a thing. Chirp! …Anyways, engaged. What else… oh, apparently a bit of a picky eater? I suggested different foods to him for increased physical and mental performance. That, uh, didn’t go over very well. Still, I’m committed! If a better balanced diet is gonna ensure our XO’s in top shape then I’m gonna see this through! …Also I made a bet with Serris and I’ll be damned if I let him win it.

Hal again changed things up, now doing a few dozen incline push-ups using the edge of his couch.

Computer, increase gravity to 250%. Chirp! …Also learned that he’s a quarter Vulcan, which… couple things kinda clicking now. Definitely the lone wolf type from the brief time I’ve observed him. I’ve heard some whispers among the crew about WHY he might be that way. I could probably look into it if I wanted, but what would be the point? If he wanted people to know then they’d know. I’d just have a piece of intel about him to satisfy my own curiosity, and that’s just not right. …Anyway, I should be focusing on not being a total moron in this position. The most ineffectual Chief of Security is one that can’t be trusted. I need to carve out some time to meet with the other department heads so they can put a face to my name and vice-versa. I should also get some feedback on where and how they feel Security can best serve them, maybe see if any of the original Mariner crew have opinions on what could be done better the second go-around. But first… Computer, pull up the duty roster. Let’s see when we can squeeze in a quick drill within the next week. End log.

Filed By:
LTJG Vaas, Halur "Hal"

There’s a hollowness in the air as the recording begins, Hal’s room devoid of any noise save for the low, constant hum of the warp nacelles. The Orion wanders into frame, head tilted up to the ceiling and hands restlessly ruffling with his hair. He was pacing in a circle near the edge of the frame, coming in and out of the picture as he talked.

Chief of Security, personal log. …I don’t know if I’m making the right call here. Uh. About, uh, two days ago the Mariner engaged a band of Orion smugglers in the Betazed sector. Detained, processed, and now we’re on our way back to DS 13 to drop them off. Most of them. No… all of them? I’m not sure.

Hal broke his circular path and plopped on the foot of his bed, face now buried in his palms as his fingers still frustratingly scratched at his hair. He turned his face vaguely in the direction of the recorder, eyes squeezed tight in frustration.

It was Jaggav. This whole damn galaxy, and of COURSE he’d show up right in my fu- …in my path. I… don’t know what to feel about that. The Captain- hell, the crew all know by now that Jaggav was my owner. The Captain hasn’t asked for details. She’s kind like that, knowing I’d never refuse her if she asked. Who knows if the others are so well-mannered. Even if they are in front of me… now the all know, beyond a doubt at least even if they just suspected before.

The Orion let out a hollow chuckle, tugging at the collar of his uniform for the recorder to see.

Hal Vaas, playing pretend that he’s a Starfleet officer when he used to just be property. …Ahhhh, Serris would kill me if he heard me say that. Babe if you hack into my log and find this, I love you and I’m gonna bop you on the head. …I know what’d he tell me right now. I’m not property, I’m a person, I’m stronger than I realize… And hopefully he’s right about all that, given what I’m about to do.

Hal rose off the bed, pulled out the chair to his desk and sat squarely in front of the recorder.

There was a kid in the group, Arrin-Sar. He tried to bust the others out by cutting power to the brig. Kinda smart, honestly. …The kind of thinking that’s got Jaggav’s fingerprints all over it. …I’m gonna have a talk with the kid later, try to get a feel of just how deep Jaggav’s got his hooks in him. Then, if I think there’s a chance of pulling his kid up out of the abyss… I’m gonna petition JAG to go easy on the kid, maybe even release him to my custody so that I can mentor him. Become his guardian?

Hal sighed and let his head hang off the back of the chair.

My moms know that whole process. I should call them and ask. …And hopefully they don’t kill me or talk me out of taking a chance on this kid. I know it won’t be easy. My moms were both Federation citizens, and that probably helped. I’m… just me.

Filed By:
LTJG Vaas, Halur "Hal"

The visual recorder catches Hal splayed out on the couch of his temporary quarters, relaxing with one leg hanging off the side of the couch and the other over one of the armrests. The cool grey bulkheads in previous recordings are replaced by a robin blue, from which hung a couple pieces of classical Earth artwork that have also never made a prior appearance. A light thrumming could be heard in the background, rhythmic and melodic, accompanied by the cadence of a muffled chorus being sung by a deep voice. Hal looks to the bulkhead behind the couch and opens his mouth, hesitates, then closes it as he looks to the holorecorder.

Chief of Security, personal log. Day eight base-side, and… well let’s just say that Arrin is adapting a lot better to the change of scenery than I am. Yesterday he went to a laser show put on by Commander Sonus in Astrophysics. Honestly? Out of everything scheduled on the starbase, I figured that he would’ve gone to the fighter craft demo down in docking bay seven. Then again…

Hal sat up a bit, looking off to something just out of the lens’ capture range.

I’m probably being naïve when I say that. …Nah, I definitely am. Commander Sonus has a kid about Arrin’s age. Arrin and I first met him on the promenade our first night on base. Goes by “Mick.” Let me tell you, those two really hit it off almost immediately. We ended up inviting Mick to dinner since his mother was still on duty, and I practically had to drag Arrin away around 2300 hours. He was wired as hell and asking me all sorts of questions about Trill- Mick and his mother are Trill, and what makes for a good gift to a Trill. Thankfully Arrin passed out the second his head hit the pillow.

The Orion sit up and hunched over, elbows dug into his knees as he perched his chin in his hand. He took a deep breath, briefly peered out the viewport to his other side, and ran a hand through his hair.

Arrin’s really connected with him. Mick, that is. They’ve been inseparable this past week. Which… I’m weirdly conflicted about. On one hand, I was hoping we could use the time off the ship to hang out and get to know each other better, so that I could do a better job advocating for him and being a good… brother? Parent? Guardian? I don’t even know what label to put to this. Yet another thing I was hoping to figure out. Anyway. On the OTHER hand, the fact he made a friend so fast is amazing! I was getting worried I might have to drag Arrin out of his room, and take half the carpet with him. He’s definitely more open to connections than I was at his age. …But then comes the first foreseeable problem. How’s Arrin going to feel when we get back on the Mariner and Mick doesn’t? Sure they’ll still see each other when we come into port, the Mariner’s stationed at the 13th for the foreseeable future. I just worry about how Arrin’s going to handle the separation. Naturally my first thought is that I don’t want him to suffer, but how do I spare him? Transfer to the starbase? Doesn’t that set a bad precedent, making such a big change to spare Arrin what amounts to a typical pain that everybody experiences in life? Especially when he’s endured so much worse.

The music that was thrumming in the background came to an abrupt end, a brief silence suddenly filling the void. A distant hiss, then Arrin’s voice, barely registered by the recorder.

Hal, Mick just messaged me. His mom’s about to simulate an aurora in the astrometrics lab. Can I go see it?

Heh, course you can! You two have fun- OH! Be back in time for dinner, and ask Mick if he wants to join us. Remember, Serris is gonna try his hand at Thalian chocolate mousse for desert.

Yeah, he’ll love that! Thanks Hal, I’ll be back soon!

Another distant hiss, and silence again. Hal faintly smiles and looks back to the recorder.

…And don’t get me started on the clothes Arrin’s started to replicate.