Personal Weapon Qualifications

ENS Rhein, Tarloh
LT Beles, Eshka

TEST PURPOSE: Initial qualification

The candidate named above is found competent in the operation of standard issue self-defence phaser weaponry.

If the candidate is found competent by this qualification, they are authorized to carry such weaponry only when permitted by the relevant local authority and utilize it only for the purpose of reducing the risk of serious harm or death to themselves, Starfleet personnel, civilians and other vulnerable individuals as per all relevant Starfleet regulations.


After completing basic qualification, Ensign Rhein was willing to continue at a higher difficulty. Accuracy at this level was significantly lower but still above the line. Commended him for effort and encouraged him to practice more on his own time.


  • Candidate demonstrates a respect for the danger posed by the weapon while not in use by ensuring it is always pointed in the safest direction for the circumstances.

  • Candidate demonstrates an understanding of the difference between kill and stun firing settings, and explains in what type of circumstance each firing setting might be used.

  • Candidate demonstrates competent handling of the weapon by adjusting its firing settings, enabling and disabling safety mode, and disconnecting the power supply for safe storage.

  • Candidate demonstrates the ability to hit multiple simulated moving targets at close to medium range.


  • Accuracy, timed, basic (targets hit must be at least half of total targets)
    GRADE 19 / 20 (95%)

  • Accuracy, timed, intermediate (targets hit must be at least half of total targets)
    GRADE 12 / 20 (60%)