R.R.W Vadas

“What we find changes who we become.”


Name: Vadas
Commanding Officer: Hiral i-Dorvak tr'Nedoret
Hull: T'Varo
Class: Frigate
Nominal Crew Compliment: 152
Registration: VnF 596847
Commission Date: 2409
Assignment: Romulan Republic Joint Squadron Initative; Aldebaran Sector
Singularity Emplacement: Enhanced Stealth Systems Type
Maximum FTL Velocity: Warp 9.5
Main Armament: Plasma Dual Beam Arrays
Secondary Armament: Heavy Plasma Torpedo
Tertiary Armament: Plasma Turret

Vessel Description

Vadas is a T’Varo class and one of the earliest commissioned. It was lifted from the Empire and brought to the Republic whole when the original crew defected. As such, it has had moderate maintenance and care, but otherwise remains in its original condition.

Internally, there have been some modifications. The sensor arrays have been replaced with more advanced equipment, and the computer system has expanded space for storage. It has been designed to be an improved reconnaissance vessel.

This is a tactical ship, whose purpose ot the provide fleet support and provide clear intelligence reports.