Rator Engagement Audio Recording

The recording starts with the computer’s voice stating the Stardate and location of the recording. The recording itself consists of the pilots of VFA 188’s Element 3, four pilots. Audio transmissions tags the four different voices as Stinger 2-1 through 2-4 inclusive. A fifth heard voice, is identified as Runabout Devraux

Stinger 2-1 (LT. Yanak): Flight, tighten up and prepare for dispersal.

Stinger 2-3 (LTJG Donaldson): Three copy, ready for dispersal.

Stinger 2-1: Two, Four, stay alert. We’re close enough to Rator space for them to have patrols in this area.

Stinger 2-2 (LTJG Ner’dra): Copy

Stinger 2-4 (LTJG Alvarez): Four, got it

Five minutes elapse, no audio heard…

Stinger 2-1: We’re at the dispersal site, beginning deployment. Three, spread off my wing fifty kilometers, and begin dispersal.

Stinger 2-3: Already on it leader, dispersing now

Three minutes elapse, no audio heard…

Stinger 2-4: Lead, getting a distorted reading, possible cloaked ship.

Stinger 2-1: Can you clear it up?

Stinger 2-4: Standby

Two minutes elapse, no audio heard…

Stinger 2-4: Negative, reading is gone anyway.

Stinger 2-1: Copy. Three Element, stay alert.

Four minutes elapse, no audio heard…

Stinger 2-1: Halfway through deployment. Devraux, are you getting readings from the probes.

Runabout Devraux: Roger, all readings look good. Copy that you’re halfway through.

Stinger 2-1: Copy Devraux

Four minutes elapse, no audio heard…

Stinger 2-1: Element, all probes deployed. Three, you similar?

Stinger 2-3: Yep, clear to leave…Lead wait one, getting…

Stinger 2-1: Three, say again?

Stinger 2-3: Element break! Ship decloaking! It’s a Mogai!

Stinger 2-1: Element, break by pairs, Two on me. All, head for departure point. Devraux, we are being engaged by Mogai Warbird. Requesting clearance to fire.

Runabout Devraux: Stinger 2-1, you are not cleared to fire. Against rules of engagement for mission. Proceed to retreat point.

Stinger 2-4: Lead, I’m taking disruptor fire! Their gunners are good!

Stinger 2-1: Devraux, repeating, we are taking accurate enemy fire! Once again, requesting permission to return fire!

Runabout Devraux: Negative. Do not return fire.

Stinger 2-1: Damn it. Element, go evasive, do not return fire. Keep heading to point Zero, Five, Five mark Seven

Stinger 2-3: Are you freaking serious!? We’re getting shot at and can’t shoot back? Aren’t we at war!

Stinger 2-1: Can it Three

Stinger 2-2: Lead, we have a gas cloud ahead, not far off the course of our evacuation route, suggest we use it?

Stinger 2-1: Copy. Element, make for the gas cloud. Power down weapons and engines once we get in.

Stinger 2-2: Copy

Stinger 2-4: Copy

Stinger 2-3: Roger

Four minutes elapse, no audio heard…

Stinger 2-1: We’re in, power down now!

Seven minutes elapse, no audio heard…

Stinger 2-4: Did…did I just see what I think I saw?

Stinger 2-3: (Laughter heard) Hah, yeah, talk about luck! What are the odds there was a comet in there at the same time!

Stinger 2-1: Pipe down Element. Regroup, let’s get out of here. I have a feeling this is going to piss off a lot of higher ups.

Three minutes elapse, no audio heard…

Stinger 2-1: Devraux, Element Three is reporting mission complete. Mark contact log with the Mogai, and mark result of its collision with rogue comet. Element Three is RTB Forrestal.

Runabout Devraux: Copy Stinger 2-1. See you back on ship.

Recording Ends