Recovery of IKS M'Rek

Stardate 91134.7

TO: General Wrot'Ka, Son of Krett, Strike Force Kargas, Klingon Defense Force;
CC: Federation Diplomatic Corps;

SUBJ: Recovery of I.K.S. M'Rek

General Wrot'Ka,

Earlier this evening, a Starfleet vessel located a B'rel Class Bird-of-Prey matching the description you provided of your missing vessel. No lifesigns were detected and power levels were minimal. Once a boarding party confirmed that it was, in fact, the previously unaccounted for I.K.S. M'Rek, the vessel was towed back to DS13, where it currently resides.

As per our earlier discussion, I am authorized to facilitate the return of this vessel to you, it's lawful owner. Transfer of possession can take place as soon as you have a replacement crew available.

Additionally, I would like to invite you or your representative to appear before a Federation Tribunal that is being prepared in part to hear any evidence you have linking the alleged theft of your vessel to any specific person. As I promised when we last spoke, we will adhere to appropriate actions in accordance with Federation Law. I hope that this incident will be able to serve as an example of the peaceful cooperation that is possible between our respective governments in the future. I look forward to your reply.

Captain Neema Perim
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Thirteen