Renovamen Cluster


Kelterre Sector, Alpha Quadrant


Originally designated Alpha-7191-1512, the Renovamen Cluster is a Class II open stellar cluster, consisting of approximately 1,800 stars in a region of roughly 70 lightyears cubed. The central core of the cluster is around 4x2.5 lightyears with a density of approximately 61 stars per cubic lightyear.

Most of the stars in the cluster are K-type, though there ia also a smattering of older M- and L-type stars, indicating that the Renovamen Cluster may have been formed by the encounter of two smaller clusters, some time in the distant past. Unusually, and a large contributing factor to the strong gravimentric forces in the area, at least one non-rotating gravitational singularity (black hole) has been detected within Renovamen's core.

The Renovamen Cluster produces a significant amount of stellar radiation, which has the potential to interfere with long-range subspace communications in the region. Additionally, the strong gravimentric shear constitutes a significant navigational hazard.

First explored by the Federation Starship Asimov in 2415, the Renovamen Cluster's formal name was given to it by the crew of that vessel, in remembrance of a populated Class M planet that was doomed to destruction by the cluster's tidal forces.