TO<<DS-13 Command>> FROMLCDR Callahan SUBJExamination of "Potter's Field" Phenomenon And Proposed Protective Measures
As I'm sure you all know, Engineering has been tasked with developing a defense against the energy draining effects of the Potter's Field anomaly. To that end, Commander Sivath, Lieutenant Commander T'Pemi, Lieutenant Commander Suvik, and myself convened to run a series of simulations for potential counters for the energy draining effects. Assisting us from the Science division were Commander Mandra, Lieutenant Commander Keri, and Ensign Yalul, as well as Captain Wilson of the U.S.S. Fearless.
Our simulations showed a correlation between a vessels power output and the rate at which its systems are drained. That said, larger vessels proved more resilient in our simulations due to their inherently higher ability to generate and store power. To that end, our tests centered on a Galaxy class exploration cruiser for its balance of utility and survivability within the affected region. Without any modifications a Galaxy class vessel could, under standard operational procedures, last up to fourty minutes within the anomaly before suffering total power failure.
In the course of our tests we eventually found two possible solutions to the energy drain. The first is a Romulan nullifier core. A simulation of a Federation ship fitted with a nullifier core showed a thirteen fold increase in operational time within the anomaly, though this would still limit time inside the anomaly to a matter of approximately nine hours. A Romulan vessel, with relatively lower power output and more precisely calibrated nullifier core, could potentially last even longer within the anomaly without significant modification.
The second option is to maintain a static warp shell, essentially a subspace barrier between the anomaly and our vessel. According to our simulations Galaxy class ship maintaining a Factor 9 warp shell would be entirely protected from the anomaly for as long as it could maintain the shell. While this offers much greater protection I feel it is important to note that our simulations were based on the limited data gathered by the U.S.S. Asimov and the U.S.S. Myanmar. As such, any conclusions reached in this report should be considered preliminary until we have more information regarding the nature of the Potter's Field phenomenon.
On a personal note, I would like to thank the officers that participated in these simulations for their invaluable insight and assistance.
The Engineering and Sciences departments are recognised for the swiftness with which they have addressed the problem of traversing the aforementioned area of space, as is CAPT Burns.
Before we can plan a course of action, it would be beneficial for us to know what means we have of practically testing your conclusions with a minimal risk to personnel. To this end, if your two departments could work together to prepare a means by which we can directly test both options to the satisfaction of the respective departmental chiefs, we can use that information in future mission planning.
For example, if probes could be modified to test both of the options detailed in your report, such an approach might be the best practical essay at our disposal, as there would be no effective risk to personnel.
Commander Caspius
Executive Officer, Deep Space 13
As far as the warp shell is concerned, configuring a remote shuttle to the specs we need should be pretty straight-forward. I know it's probably a little more hardware than you would like to risk, but I don't think a probe will have the energy reserves to hold a warp nine field long enough to give us a clear answer.
As for the nullifier core, our best bet would probably be asking Commander-General Rellir for a Romulan shuttle and sending it into the anomaly on autopilot. It would be nice to get some data on this, but all of our simulations showed better results with a high factor warp shell anyway, so the only benefit here would be fuel efficiency.
Either way, it should only take an hour or so to configure the shuttles for testing.
After speaking with fleet command and Commander-General Rellir, we've cleared both sets of supplies for you. I've submitted a requisition request for a shuttle to modify as necessary. As eager as some ships may be to test your theories we're best off holding this theory to automated shuttles for now.
You're cleared to begin work on this as of tomorrow morning, pending Commander Sivath's scheduling needs, of course.
Commander-General Rellir should have a Romulan shuttle inbound in short order. You'll be notified when it's clear for use.
Good work so far. The potential solutions you've found are very inventive.
//SIGNED// Captain Tau Theissen
Commanding Officer, Deep Space Thirteen
TOCMDR Sivath, LCDR Callahan CCCDR-GEN Rellir FROMCAPT Thiessen SUBJRe: Examination of "Potter's Field" Phenomenon And Proposed Protective Measures
A Kestrel runabout designated the RRW Serine has been designated for use in these experiments and is awaiting your retrieval, at Engineering's convenience.
Thanks extended to Commander-General Rellir for use of the craft.
Captain Tau Thiessen
Commading Officer, Deep Space Thirteen.
((please note, ICly this would have been sent a few days ago ;) Oops. The stardate date is accurate)