DS-13 has been tasked with a forward-deployed mission of unknown length in direct support of fleet operations against the Terran Empire. Forward-deployed personnel may look forward to:
barracks accommodations, sleep rotations may be necessary
long working hours with a very high OPTEMPO and no room for error
limited replicator access for comfort items
This will be a chance for a small group of the most intrepid among us to provide meaningful, direct support to fleet operations in a forward-deployed area.
We are currently looking for volunteers with any experience in:
Medical training, even at the first responder/first aid level
EVA qualified personnel
Experience repairing and maintaining Starfleet tactical, engineering, computer, & sensor systems
Logistics and Supply
Experienced pod and shuttle pilots
Details of the mission will be provided once the team is assembled.
Volunteers, please contact the undersigned as soon as possible, NLT Delta Shift today (Stardate: 98876.7)
OOC Info This is a call for inclusion for anyone interested in having their character temporarily assigned to the forward deployed drydock in Yuhop System. T’Valerius will be commanding.
If you’re interested in fleet support or repair operations led by someone who’s done this sort of job IRL, this might be for you! Also happy to have people just throw their characters under the umbrella, but do declare your intent OOCly, so I can plan accordingly for RP.
As always, your character will not be ‘stuck’ on this location, but you have freedom of movement as necessary to your taste, though feel free to enjoy putting your character through the stress of confined living while working hard on a critical mission: keeping the ships going.
To: SCDR T’Valerius
From: PO1 Brohm
Subj: Re: Request for Personnel: Temporary Assigment
Hiya Sir! Count me in!
I’m Petty Officer Chell Brohm from the flight deck, Peregrine wing! I’ve got training and lots of experience on all kinds of shuttlecraft! Very confident I can operate any and all microfusion-powered vehicles you’re utilizing on this project! My certifications cover workbees too, but I’ve never used them for shipyard repair duty! Don’t worry though, I’m a quick study! I’m headed to the holodeck to do some simulation practice now!
Chell Brohm
Petty Officer, First Class
Deep Space 13
To: SCDR T’Valerius
From: LCDR Loxton
Subj: Re: Request for Personnel: Temporary Assigment
As per our recent conversation, I should like to volunteer for the post of Security Chief. I attach a list of my qualifications. If you desire to put me to use elsewhere, I shall endeavour to function adequately in the role.
Nick Loxton
Security Department
Deep Space 13
To: LCDR Loxton
From: SCDR T’Valerius
Subj: Re: Request for Personnel: Temporary Assignment
Lieutenant Commander,
Received and accepted. I’ll be passing along your request to the Station Captain, but I do not see why, given your billet, any issues that would keep you from deploying forwward, provided you have clearances from medical branch.
You already have initial instructions. Be aware of incoming orders and communications.
To: SCDR T’Valerius ( @TValerius ) From: LTJG Mitsuki, Rumiho Subj: Re: Request for Personnel: Temporary Assigment
Hello, we met recently on station. I’m formally assigned to the U.S.S. Endeavour, but with permission I was granted authorization to consider temporary duty assignment and think I could be useful in this effort for the time being.
I mentioned the other night I was experienced in EVA work. In fact I have a Federation EVA Guild certification in S-class untethered EVA as well as limited tactical EVA options if at all necessary. I am also a highly trained pilot for both starships and shuttlecraft, capable of aiding in those tasks as well.
To: LTJG Mitsuki (@Master_Dex )
From: SCDR T’Valerius
Subj: Re: Request for Personnel…
I’m glad you reached out. I was unsure of your interest, following our conversation the other day. I’m sure we could use someone with your skills in a leadership capacity on site.
If USS Endeavour can have you shuttled back to station before 98880.8, you can participate in the initial briefing, and allow you to join the convoy. Otherwise, I can send you in secure communications our deployment area and you may rendezvous with us there and receive your briefing once you arrive.
Please bring no more than two personal bags with changes of uniform, hygiene, and personal effects.
Operations, Deep Space 13
To:SCDR T’Valerius
CC: LCDR @Loxton , Nicolas
From: LT Wind-People, Ansha Bast
Subj:I am EVA qualified.
Assuming I am not as needed in the Security Division, I am qualified for EVA work including EVA combat. My Starfleet record should confirm my qualifications.
Lieutenant Ansha Bast Wind-People
Security Department
Deep Space 13