Return from BN01-A

To: SCDR Jalme (( @Sophist ))
From: WCDR Miral
Subj: BN01-A


I’ve read your report regarding your time spent on BN01-A. I believe it is reasonable to assume you’ve already taken the necessary steps regarding your physical health. Should a medical leave of absence be required, or if you wish for a period of leave to center yourself, know it will be granted without judgement. Regardless of your leave status, please update me on your injuries as soon as possible.

I will also need to meet with you to discuss the report you filed. Specifically, steps must be taken regarding the actions of the Starfleet officers aboard the Kincardine, and I will need a face to face meeting with you before speaking with the Starfleet admiralty. I’ve attached several timeslots over the coming days. Should you have any concerns that require immediate attention please relay them to me.

Wing Commander Miral
Joint Squadron Commander - Aldebaran


To: WCDR Miral
From: SCDR tr’Nai, Jalme
Subj: Re: BN01-A

Certainly, Ael’Riov. Tomorrow morning I will be undergoing another surgery to take advantage of the more advanced facilities on DS13, but I have been assured that I will be ambulatory with minor mechanical assistance shortly afterward. I shall attend the afternoon briefing window you have provided and answer any questions you may have.

As for the matter of medical leave, I thank you for your understanding. I will consult with my physician and notify you of my plans as soon as I am certain of them myself. A visit to mol’Rihan to see my son may be in order. For now, however, I am taking this one day at a time.

Subcommander Jalme i-Mirek tr’Nai
Sentient Resource Monitor
Joint Squadron Initiative - Aldebaran


To: CMDR Kermit, James (@kermit)
From: SCDR tr’Nai, Jalme
Subj: Catch up

I’d like to meet privately with you when you’re able. The sooner the better.

Subcommander Jalme i-Mirek tr’Nai
Sentient Resource Monitor
Joint Squadron Initiative - Aldebaran

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To: SCDR Jalme (@Sophist)
From: CMDR Kermit, J.

Subj: RE: Catch up

You’re welcome to drop by my quarters any time this evening, if you like.

James Kermit


To: WCDR Miral
From: SCDR tr’Nai, Jalme
Subj: Re: BN01-A

There won’t be any problem.

Subcommander Jalme i-Mirek tr’Nai
Sentient Resource Monitor
Joint Squadron Initiative - Aldebaran


To: WCDR Miral
From: SCDR tr’Nai, Jalme
Subj: Return to DS13

I’ve returned from mol’Rihan and am ready to resume my duties. My physicians concur with my decision, and I have attached an affirmation thereof. I am rested and eager to get back to work.

The homeworld was lovely to see again. One tends to lose sight of what we’re protecting out here on the edge of civilized space. I hope you’ll take time to refresh your sense of perspective soon as well, Ael’Riov. Tokkra sends his regards.

Subcommander Jalme i-Mirek tr’Nai
Sentient Resource Monitor
Joint Squadron Initiative - Aldebaran



To: SCDR tr’Nai, Jalme
From: WCDR Miral
Subj: RE: Return to DS13


Welcome back. Time away has often led me down a path of similar centering and realization. It is doubly important that those with the duty of monitoring our personnel remain aware of our motivation and duty while we’re far from home. Reports of your time back home certainly give me confidence the journey was worth it.

Be well.

Wing Commander Miral
JSI Commander - Aldebaran