Romulan Language Reference

Insults and Sarcasm
Rha? Is that so? Oh, really?
Khoi-udt. Drop dead.
Fvah-udt? Who are you to be ordering me around?
Fvadt! Damn!
Hnafirh'aud? Are you blind?

Hevam derogatory term for Human
Klivam derogatory term for Klingon
Yyaio derogatory term for Vulcan
yikh alien, derogatory term for any non-Romulan

Common Insults
The following words can be used alone, in sentences or following Hwiiy, which means "You are."
veruul fool
hhakh stupid
dyypan incompetant
ryakna garbage
nohtho crazy
knvuk ugly
kllhe worm, shit-eater
fehill'curak asshole (literally "asscrack")
hnaev shit
susse'thrai she-wolf, bitch
amton'wi'kha slut, promiscuous