cadet, (n) eredh, irregular plural: eredhin
cafeteria, (n) mnhe'rhe
cage, (n) næuul. (v) mosnæuul
Cait, (n) planet, ch'Kah't
Caitian, (adj) Kah'tan; (n) Kah'tanha
calculate, (v) shie
calculating, (adj) shie'enh
calculation, (n) ishie'edh
calculator, (n) gah'blekiky, shienen
calendar, (n) hveith
call, (v) name, vihroi; be called, known as, na; call forth, summon, mehre
calm, (adj) eiheu. (n) eiheu'le. (v) calm down, mos'eiheu; calm oneself, nhraieiheu
calming, (adj) mos'eiheu'enhmos'eiheu'anh</span>
calmness, (n) eiheu'le
camp, (n) mil, liehv
can, (v) payr
cancel, (v) farhei
cancellation, (n) ifarhei'edh
cancelled, (adj) farhei'eri
capability, (n) houfvno
capable, (adj) houfv
capably, (adv) houfvev
cape, (n) clothing, oasllra
capital, (n) chief city, fviurr; capital city of ch'Rihan, Ra'tleihfi
capitulate, (v) sorifvh
capitulation, (n) isorifvhedh
captain, (n) UFP rank, also position, Riov
captor, (n) ikhaunen
capture, (v) ikhau. (n) ikhau
Cardassia, (n) ch'Cardhass
Cardassian, (adj) Card'hassin. (n) Card'hassinha
care, (v) for/about, take care of, diæ; care for, minister to, aihei. (n) diæ
careful, (adj) diæ'enh; Be Careful!, Ahrrein'firh!
careless, (adj) emæl diæ'enh
caring, (adj) diæ'enh
cargo, (n) hæ, hæth; cargo carrier, lheifv-rrh'eilln, hæth-rrh'eilln; cargo hold, hærht; cargo space, hærh
carrier, (n) transport vehicle, rrh'eilln; warship, e.g. aircraft carrier, amosarr, mosarum
carry, (v) talat, rrh'eill
cash, (n) chaghe
cast, (v) off/out/away, hænither
castle, (n) sæmna
catalog, (n) iunrrh. (v) iunrrh
catastrophe, (n) laorh
catastrophic, (adj) ih'laorh
catch, (v) hlæfv
catcher, (n) formal, hlæfvnen; informal, hlæ'en
cause, (n) iarr'voi. (v) iarr
caution, (n) ahrrein. Caution!, Ahrrein'firh!
cautious, (adj) ih'ahrrein
cave, (n) uæfv
cease, (v) khoi
celebrate, (v) ræda
celebration, (n) ræda
center, (n) swæt; complex, headquarters, khfi
central, (adj) ih'swæt
centralisation, (n) is'tivhedh ih'swæt
centralise, (v) s'tivh ih'swæt
centrally, (adv) ih'swætev
certain, (adj) ih'kheid
certainly, (adv) for certain, ih'kheidev; (interj) of course, daie
certainty, (n) kheid
cessation, (n) ikhoi'edh
chain, (n) rhaaih; currency unit, (colloq) unfair or too restrictive arrangement or contract, takhse
chair, (n) dhæmn
chamber, (n) rhe
change, (n) ehtea. (v) ehtea
changeable, (adj) ehtealho
changed, (adj) ehtea'eri
changing, (adj) ehtea'enh
charge, (n) electrical, uiræ; mil, aihknæ. (v) aihknæ; electrical, uiræ
charged, (adj) electrical, uiræ'eri
charisma, (n) nuhirrien
charismatic, (adj) ih'nuhirriehkh
charismatically, (adv) nuhirriehkhev
charitable, (adj) teillh'lho
charitably, (adv) teillh'lhoev
charity, (n) kindness, teillh
charm, (n) eamn'le. (v) kla'eamn
charming, (adj) eamn
chase, (n) temhrou. (v) hrou
chat, (n) temærra. (v) erræ
cheat, (v) uvhæ
cheater, (n) uhvænen
cheating, (n) iuvhæedh
check, (v) mos'hren
cheek, (n) fæmn
cheerful, (adj) viduus
cheerfully, (adv) viduusev
chef, (n) arthhi
chief, (adj) foremost, daise'-; among several, daisemi'in
chew, (v) illea
child, (n) offspring, veoth; young person, kuoku
childish, (adj) ih'kuoku
childishness, (n) kuoku'le
chin, (n) tyrh
chocolate, (n) soah
choice, (n) miin
choke, (v) umnei
choose, (v) one or the other, with finality, ejhoi; the best of several options, ormiin
christen, (v) name, dæhp
christening, (n) temdæhp
chore, (n) bhæht
chronometer, (n) æuhht
chronometric, (adj) ih'æuhht
circle, (n) nvæih. (v) kla'nvæih
circular, (adj) ih'nvæih
circumspect, (adj) oailra
citizen, (n) inhabitant, dhiys; legal concept, afvha
citizenship, (n) afvhama
city, (n) sihær
city-state, (n) hshassaul
civil, (adj) ih'kryrh
civilian, (n) private, hrenir; governmental, hfeniriv; ~ sector (non-government service), airifvir; head of ~ service, hru'Airifvir
civility, (n) kryrhno
civilization, (n) kryrh
civilize, (v) moskryrh
civilized, (adj) moskryrh'eri. become ~ (v) nhraikryrh
claim, (n) territorial, dækr. (v) dækr
clan, (n) mhashe
clandestine, (adj) irruhah
clarification, (n) inhraifviafvedh; explanation, imosfviafvedh
clarify, (v) become clear, nhraifviafv; make clear, mosfviafv
clarity, (n) fviafvno
classification, (n) iirhhaedh
classify, (v) irhha
clay, (n) jarrh
clean, (adj) khhe. (v) moskhhe
cleaner, (n) moskhhenen
cleanly:, (v) be cleanly, ihir'khhe
cleanliness, (n) khhe'le
cleanse, (v) moskhheri
clear, (adj) bright, fviafv; not obstructed, jamnae. (v) e.g., clear a path, mos'jamnae
clearly, (adv) fviafvev
clever, (adj) aodhh
cleverly, (adv) aodhhev
cleverness, (n) aodhh'le
cliff, (n) aeudt
climate, (n) hehhnuus
climatic, (adj) ih'hehhnuus
climatology, (n) hehhnuus'afwe
climb, (v) bhae
clip, (v) dhio
clipped, (adj) dhioeri
clitoris, (n) khollhkh
cloak, (n) military abbr. for cloaking device, aeh'lla
cloaking device, (n) mil. name, aeh'lla-ifv; technical name, kilhra'etrehh
close, (v) nrai; close in, approach, iurrhi
closed, (adj) nrai'eri
closure, (n) nrai'elh
clothing, (n) tyyhh
cloud, (n) khaeus
cloudy, (adj) khaeusey
clumsily, (adv) kiehvev
clumsiness, (n) kiehv'le
clumsy, (adj) kiehv
coat, (n) outer covering, aafvun; jacket, neijh. (v) mos'aafvun
cockroach, (n) nhaidh
code, (n) aodaet
cold, (adj) lhao
coldness, (n) lhao'le
collapse, (v) irrhyy
collar, (n) hnaith; (v) mos'hnaith
collateral, (n) faeum
collect, (v) lamne
collected, (adj) lamne'eri
collection, (n) ilamne'edh
collide, (v) arakha
collision, (n) i'arakha'edh
colonel, (n) Ssiebh
colonial, (adj) ih'aaenhr
colonization, (n) is'tivhedh aaenhr
colonize, (v) s'tivh aaenhr
colony, (n) aaenhr
color, (n) eij
column, (n) diy
combat, (n) fvaennh
come, (v) approach, near, mrei; appear, show up, mayri. Come on!, Mnaes!. Come back here!, H'ta-fvau!. Come over here!, H'tah-fvienn!
comet, (n) takar
coming, (n) of age, d'sora
command, (v) ohrie. (n) order to a subordinate, tlhei
commandant, (n) khoilmnriir
commander, (n) Starfleet captain, riov; the position, not the rank, leih
commander-general, (n) Starfleet commodore, khre'riov
comment, (n) irehhae'edh; (v) rehhae
commercial, (adj) ilnethei
commission, (n) organization, eireth; of a crime, temirai
commit, (v) a crime, irai
commodore, (n) (UFP) khre'Riov
communicate, (v) khhae
communication, (n) ikhhae'edh; communications officer, khhae'saehne
communicator,, (n) personal, han'etrehh; colloquial, hanet
commute, (v) thaehos
commuter, (n) thaehosnen
companion, (n) lahaodt
companionship, (n) lahaodtma
company, (n) military, lhanmei
comparative, (adj) veisoi'hrenelh
compare, (v) veisoi'hren
comparison, (n) veisoi'hrenanh
compel, (v) smae
compelled, (adj) smae'eri
compelling, (adj) smae'anh
compellingly, (adv) smae'anhev
compete, (v) thraedt
competition, (n) ithraedtedh
competitive, (adj) thraedtelh
competitively, (adv) thraedtelhev
competitor, (n) thraedtnen
complain, (v) eallu
complainant, (n) eallunen
complaint, (n) temeallu
complete, (v) khoi
completed, (adj) khoi'eri
completely, (adv) idh
complex, (adj) achdhess. (n) centre, building complex, khfi
complexity, (n) achdhessno
comply, (v) aehfvi
component, (n) meillunsiateve
compose, (v) form, ekhok; write, aepha
composition, (n) form, i'ekhokedh; written, article, aepha'elh; act of composing, temaepha
compromise, (n) temvaiyr; (v) vaiyr
compromised, (adj) vaiyreri
computer, (n) awaenndraev; printout, haudet; program, aithaen; science, awaenndraevha'afwe
concave, (adj) ih'rrhiol
conceal, (v) dedreen; hide, cloak kilhra
concealed, (n) truth, lyrr-t'ddreen
concentrate, (v) daerhhu; concentrate on, focus on, think only about, eiihu
concentration, (n) idaerhhu'edh; focus, i'eiihu'edh
concern, (n) rhihv. (v) be concerned (about), rr'hynv
conclude, (v) nihnak
conclusion, (n) inihnakedh
conclusive, (adj) nihnakelh
condemn, (v) e.g. to death, lliura; fault, blame, couvae
condemnation, (n) blame, icouvae'edh
condemned, (adj, n) person, e.g. to death, lliura'eri
confer, (v) nnhai
conference, (n) tem'nnhai
confess, (v) ulhao
confession, (n) i'ulhao'edh
confessor, (n) ra'ulhao
confidant, (n) iehvienen
confide, (v) iehvie
confidence, (n) temiehvie
confident, (adj) temiehvie'elh
confidential, (adj) iehvie'elh
confidentiality, (n) iehvie'elhno
confine, (v) iuhae
confinement, (n) temiuhae
confined, (adj) iuhae'eri
conflict, (n) rhehh. conflict (with) (v) kla'rhehh
conflicted, (adj) rhehheri
conflicting, (adj) rhehhanh
confuse, (v) jhoi
confused, (adj) jhoi'eri
confusing, (adj) jhoi'anh
confusion, (n) ijhoi'edh
conglomerate, (v) mos'edaht
conglomeration, (n) edaht
congratulate, (v) iraeka
congratulation, (n) temiraeka
conjunction, (n) onranen
connect, (v) onra
connected, (adj) onra'eri
connection, (n) ionra'edh
connector, (n) onranen
conquer, (v) hruuhi
conquered, (adj) hruuhi'eri
conquering, (adj) hruuhi'anh
conqueror, (n) hruuhinen, poetic ra'hruuhi
conquest, (n) temhruuhi
conscript, (v) mos'allkha
conscripted, soldier (n) allkha
conscription, (n) imos'allkha'edh
consensual, (adj) ih'ehktoi
consent, (v) ehktoi; (n) ehktoi
consenting, (adj) ehktoi'anh
consequence, (n) thllen
consequential, (adj) ih'ehief; consequential thing, something important (n) ehief
consonant, (n) sa'hra'hhaonn'klanen
conspiracy, (n) temullie, vahk
conspirator, (n) ullienen
conspiratorial, (adj) ih'ullienen
conspire, (v) ullie
construct, (v) ehrehin
construction, (n) iehrehinedh
constructor, (n) ehrehinnnen
consul, (n) ehkifv
consulate, (n) ehkifvasi
consume, (v) irrhae
consumption, (n) i'irrhae'edh
contact, (v) hlayyt; (n) temhlayyt
contain, (v) have inside, vahhta; an enemy, slhie
container, (n) vahhtanen
containment, (n) temvahhta
content, (adj) ih'khent
contentment, (n) khent
continue, (v) hwyej
continuous, (adj) hwyejeri
contradict, (v) oirhie
contradiction, (n) i'oirhie'edh
contradictory, (adj) oirhie'anh
contribute, (v) lmnae
contribution, (n) ilmnae'edh
contributor, (n) lmnaenen
control, (v) esaahe. (n) temesaahe; control panel, daith; traffic control, esaahenen khinain'yhfev; Federation Traffic Control, Esaahenen Khinain'yhfev s'Lloann'mhrahel
controlling, (adj) esaahe'anh
controller, (n) esaahenen
convey, (v) etahrae
conveyance, (n) etahrae'elh
conveyor, (n) etahraenen
convince, (v) maeshai
convinced, (adj) maeshai'eri
convincing, (adj) maeshai'anh
cook, (v) koahl; (n) koahl, koahlasi, hvai'mos
cool, (adj) lhao
coolness, (n) lhao'le
cooperate, (v) toirha
cooperation, (n) itoirha'edh
cooperative, (adj) toirha'elh
coordinate, (n) mathematical, etc, vaiht
coordinate, (v) thiolha
coordination, (n) ithiolha'edh
coordinator, (n) thiolhanen
copper, (n) mneahj
coppery, (adj) copper-colored, mneahj'ey
corona, (n) vhieelh
corporal, (n) rank, Lhaell
corps, (n) agheak
corpse, (n) iymn
corpulent, (adj) slykhe
correct, (nonmodal adj) mnek; (inf->sup adj) mnek'nra; (sup->inf adj) mnekha
correlate, (v) oii
correlation, (n) i'oii'edh
correlative, (adj) oii'elh
corridor, (n) ochei
corrode, (v) sparae
corrosive, (adj) sparae'elh
corrosion, (n) isparae'edh
corrupt, (adj) euslh; (v) mos'euslh
corrupted:, (v) become corrupted, nhrai'euslh
corruption, (n) i'euslhedh
corruptive, (adj) euslhelh
cosecant, (n) math, aeih'lannharai
cotangent, (n) aeih'dhaolp
cottage, (n) ehto
council, (n) ekhiel
counselor, (n) kheinsa
count, (v) peraere
counter, (n) peraerenen
counterfeit, (adj) wanae. counterfeit (v) wanae
counterfeiter, (n) wanaenen
country, rural area (n) illomnah
couple, (n) denoting objects with a direct relationship, not simply two of something, eh't. (v) mos'onra
course, (n) food, erho; heading, te; route, hsouh
court, (n) rhana
court-martial, (n) ueshae. (v) ueshae
cousin, (n) rian
coward, (n) lhonae
cowardice, (n) lhonae'ey'le
cowardly, (adj) lhonae'ey
crack, (n) curak. (v) mos'curak; be cracked, ihir'curak; become cracked, nhrai'curak
craftsman, (n) aethhon
crap, (n) kllhwnia, hnaev
crazy, (adj) nohtho. (v) become crazy, nhrai'nohtho; drive (so) crazy, mos'nohtho
create, (v) daehp
creation, (n) idaehpedh
creative, (adj) daehpelh
creatively, (adv) daehpelhev
creativity, (n) daehpelhno
creator, (n) daehpnen, daehpasi
credit, (n) monetary unit, whaenra
crew, (n) conscripted, kunhri; volunteer, saevha
crime, (n) specific instance, kuuraen; general, yita
criminal, (n) kuhoira. (adj) ih'yita, ih'kuhoira
cross, (v) hsah'urri
crossing, (n) temhsah'urri
crowd, (v) naehna; be crowded, ihir'naehna. (n) naehna
crown, (n) ipae. (v) mosipae
cruise, (v) shinhae. (n) temshinae
cruiser, (n) warship, hiyll
cry, (v) khasei; cry out, chaetoi. (n) temkhasei, temchaetoi
crystal, (n) rhaaer
crystalline, (adj) ih'rhaaer
crystallization, (n) is'tivhedh rhaaer
crystallize, (v) s'tivh rhaaer
cunning, (adj) aensai. (n) aensai'le
cunningly, (adv) aensaiev
cure, (v) anaerai. (n) anaerai
curse, (n) llhusra. (v) mos'llhusra
custom, (n) sarhai. (adj) ih'sarhai
customization, (n) imos'sarhaiedh
customize, (v) mos'sarhai
cut, (v) nnharai; hair, nenhrai
cute, (adj) eaha