Romulan Language Reference

label, (n) dailce; (v) mosdailce
lack, (v) hhamh; (n) hhamhelh
ladle, (n) el'ssaollh
lake, (n) delhais
lame, (adj) daold
lameness, (n) daold'le
lance, (n) kveinn
land, soil (n) fvil; ground, terra firma (n) khhiu; (v) khhiu
landing, (n) khhiuelh; landing party (n) tolmaen
language, (n) doaege
large, (adj) recendt, lsendt
largesse, (n) pulsua
last, (adj) kuhaos; (v) pangaere; last attained (adj) h'ta; last one, last among several (pron) heith
lasting, (adj) pangaere'enh
lastly, (adv) kuhaosev
late, (adj) llifv
lately, (adv) llifvev
lateness, (n) llifv'le
later, (adv) akden
lateral, (adj) daelh
laterally, (adv) daelhev
laugh, (n) aeirlai; (v) aeir, dialectal ae'r
laughing, (adj, n) aeirelh; "laughing murder" a Romulan martial art (n) llaekh-ae'rl
law, (n) dyyhti
lawyer, not exact equivalent (n) raihiw'sheh
lazily, (adv) daeopev
laziness, (n) daeop'le
lazy, (adj) daeop
lead, by (prep prefix) hir'-
lead, (v) nodaire
leader, (n) ra'nodaire
leak, (n) temdairh; (v) dairh
leakage, (n) dairhifv
leap, (v) sadaere
learn, (v) thaebe
least, (adj) khiilha
leave, (v) yytaera; leave behind (v) haenither
lecture, (v) dochai; (n) temdochai
lecturer, (n) dochainen
left, side (adj) daom
left, over (adj) dosais
leg, (n) ehoma
legal, (adj) dotaen
legality, (n) dotaenno
legally, (adv) dotaenev
legible, (v) faerlalho
legion, military unit (n) khellrea; Praetorian Guard (n) Rei'kara
legionnaire, (personal guards of the Praetorate) (n) Rei'karanha, (plural: Rei'karansu)
lend, (v) dhhae
lender, (n) dhhaenen
length, (n) drihaen'le; at length (adv) drihaenev
lengthen, (v) mosdrihaen
lengthily, (adv) drihaenev
lengthy, (adj) drihaen
less, (adj, adv) khiil
let, (aux v, suffix) 'rau
lethal, (adj) lhtah
lie, prevaricate (v) thrad; recline (v) taere; fib (v) craie; prevarication (n) temthrad, ithradedh; fib (n) temcraie; position (n) taeresam
lieutenant, UFP (n) Arrain; junior grade UFP erei'Arrain; not a rank (n) vajerha; lieutenant commander UFP (n) Enarrain
life, (n) draed; life sign (n) draeorh; life-support system (n) draed'etrehh, colloq. draed'et
lifeless, (adj) llidraed
lift, (v) lhaerrh
lifter, (n) lhaerrhnen
light, not darkness (n) liorae; not dark (adj) lioraen; not heavy (adj) hlumir
lightly, (adv) hlumirev
likable, (adj) drahhalho
like, (v) drahha; (conj) nim
limit, (n) draeganelh; (v) draegan
limitation, (n) idraeganedh
limited, (adj) draeganeri
limiter, (n) draegannen
line, (n) dohht
linear, (adj) ih'dohht
linger, (v) flaeonri
linguist, (n) doaege'arahtih
linguistic, (adj) ih'doaege
linguistics, (n) doaege'afwe
lip, (n) duhhus
liquor, (n) draemn
listen, (v) shiefvu, formal vaed'rae
lithe, (adj) arrenhe
lithely, (adv) arrenhe'ev
little, (adj, n) khiilal; a little (adv) khiilalev
live, (adj) thiichenh; (v) thiich
lively, (adj) draedaes
liver, (n) tahnari
loan, (v) dhhae; (n) dhhaelai
local, (adj) sivas'oielh
locality, (n) sivas
locate, (v) anhelae
location, (n) anhelaefv
locative, (adj) anhelae'elh
locator, (n) anhelaenen
log, (n) ohrain; (v) mosohrain
logic, (n) thaai
logical, (adj) ih'thaai
loneliness, (n) her'u'le
lonely, (adj) her'u
long, (adj) time, tohr; lengthy, drihaen
look, (v) ~ at, hren; ~ for, drolae; seem, hhaetn
loose, (adj) agoa
loosen, (v) mosagoa
loosely, (adv) agoaev
Lord, Head of House (n) hru'hfirh
lose, (v) ehludet
loss, (n) temehludet
love, (n) Heis'he; my love, e'lev; love-devil, term of endearment, h'levreinnye. (v) jol
luck, (n) daendle'le
luckily, (adv) daendle'ev
lucky, (adj) daendle
luminescence, (n) lioraennhe'le
luminescent, (adj) lioraennhe
luminous, (adj) lioraenai
luminosity, (n) lioraenno
lunar, (adj) ih'fvuras
lunch, (midmeal) (n) miite'ellaer
lush, drunkard (n) kneu'ginye; (adj) hielkh
lust, (n) h'lev; lust-devil term of endearment (n) h'levreinnye
lute, (n) musical instrument common to Rihan and Vulcan culture ryill
lymph, organ (n) wahkir
machine, (n) etrehh
machinery, (n) etremn
mad, angry (adj) mnaae; crazy (adj) nohtho
madness, (n) nohtho'le
madam, (n) lhhei
maintain, (v) daehhe
maintenance, (n) daehhelai
major, mil (n) Aendeh
make, create (v) daehp; prepare (v) mos
male, (adj) ih'draes
malt, (n) kheh (grain used in Romulan ale)
man, (n) draes
manly, (adj) draese
manage, (v) esael
management, (n) esaelelh
manager, (n) esaelnen
maneuver, (n) daetefv; (v) daete
manner, method (n) veis'latas
manual, instruction book (n) laihen; (adj) ih'nai
manually, (adv) naiev
manuscript, (n) pertaen
many, (adj) aigre
marriage, (n) d'annha
marry, (v) annha
marsh, (n) urrobafv
master, (n) alha
match, correlate (v) oii; agree (v) aekhra
matching, (adj) oiienh; aehkra'enh
matter, (n) erohae; haei'nelh; (v) haei'n
may, (aux v, prefix) thei'-
mayday, distress call (n) kehsu
meal, (n) ellaer
mean, (adj) aeilhh; intend (v) mhaeli; denote (v) i
meager, (adj) mnaehrrh
measure, (v) ullaere
measurement, (n) ullaerefv
mechanic, (n) etrehhnen
mechanical, (adj) etrehhnhe
mechanism, (n) etrehhsam
mechanize, (v) mosetrehhnhe
mediate, (v) khamae
mediation, (n) ikhamae'edh
mediator, (n) khamaenen
medical, (adj) ih'hiifven, hiifve'- prefix
medicine, (n) hiifven; science (n) hiifve'afwe
meet, (v) paeti
meeting, (n) tempaeti
melt, (v) uhaene
member, (n) irrah
memory, (n) flaihhsam; memory bank (n) aikhos
menial, (adj) doehk
mental, (adj) ih'gemaen
mentality, (n) gemaenno
mention, (v) hrhae'al; (n) temhrhae'al
menu, (n) aetan
mercantile, (adj) ilnethei
merchant, (n) ilnetha
merciful, (adj) ekhesai
mercy, (n) teillh, ekhes
merely, (adv) duhaen
mesh, (n) eoth
mess, (n) waes; make a mess (v) moswaes; mess up (v) whoi
message, (n) hannam
messenger, (n) fhuokha
messy, (adj) waeshkh
metal, (n) aehhrr; metal sheet (n) nunn
metallic, (adj) ih'aehhrr
meteor, (n) yhaes
method, (n) veis'latas
meticulous, (adj) hlra
midday, (n) miite'aesnl
middle, (n, adj) miite
midnight, (n) miite'temar
military, (adj) phiraifv, phi'- prefix; (n) reghaih; military service (n) arianofv; military training (n) phi'lasasam; military training center of the RSE (n) Phi'lasasam
milk, (n) shhaeh
mind, (n) gemaen
mine, e.g. coal mine(n) emaehe; (v) emaehe
miner, (n) emaehenen
mineral, (n) hedaes; (adj) ih'hedaes
minute, (adj) kehreh; minute 1/100 degree (n) siure; minute time (n) stei
miscellaneous, (adj) khoem'le
misinterpret, (v) mosaene
mission, (n) faikaru
misstep, (v) uehiuy
mistake, (n) plicare; make a mistake (v) mosplicare
mistreat, (v) aehyy
mistreated, (adj) aehyy'eri
mistreatment, (n) aehyy
misuse, (v) aehyy; (n) aehyylai
misused, (adj) aehyy'eri
mix, (n) hlleiss; (v) embaele
modular, (adj) dhaesnifv
module, (n) dhaesan
molecule, (n) achagh
molecular, (adj) achghifv
moment, (n) ihn'sien
monetary, (adj) iaehhs
money, (n) iaehhs
monitor, display screen(n) uasharret; (v) uasharr
monster-ghost, (n) aehallh
monstrous, (adj) aehallhai
month, (n) khaidoa
monthly, (adj, adv) khaidev
moon, (n) fvuras
more, (adj, adv) khei, hre
morning, (n) brhon
morphology, (n) hhwaeh'ehteanh'afwe
mortal, (adj) bhhrae
mortality, (n) bhhraeno
mother, (n) ri'nanov
mothership, (n) amosarr, mosarum
motion, (n) iyhfevedh
motionless, (adj) lliiyhfevedh
mountain, (n) heyahh, thaliij (poetic)
moustache, (n) amaer
mouth, (n) eolh
move, (v) yhfev
movement, (n) yhfevenh
much, (adv) aigrev
multiple, (adj) ierra
multiplication, (n) imosierra'edh
multiply, (v) mosierra
murder, (n) llaekh; (v) llaekh
murderer, (n) llaekhnen
muscle, (n) sraes
museum, (n) allihv
must, (aux. v) mnaeri
mutilate, (v) qafhumh
mutineer, (n) lamaehhis
mutiny, (n) temmaehhis; mutiny (v) maehhis
myth, (n) paehhos
nacelle, (n) baerhar
nag, (v) naetea; one who nags (n) naeteanen
nagging, (adj) naetea'enh
naive, (adj) maehan
naively, (adv) maehanev
naivete, (n) maehanno
name, truename (n) fvadni; pseudonym used when it is too dangerous to give out real name (n) nahi;fourth-name nickname (n) rehei; call (v) vihroi
nap, (n) temmacae; (v) macae
nasal, (n) ih'claehis
native, (adj) cuuhaes
navigability, (n) cipaerelhono
navigable, (adj) cipaerelho
navigate, (v) cipaere
navigation, (n) icipaere'edh
navigator, (n) lacipaerih
near, (adj) ler; near (prep, adv) aedt; get closer (v) iurrhi; approach (unexpectedly) (v) mrei
necessarily, (adv) cunaemnev
necessary, (adj) cunaemn
necessity, (n) cunaemnno
neck, (n) bhhaes
necklace, (n) boaes
nectar, (n) mhaizhhe
need, (v) hna; (n) hnaifv
negate, (v) mosmurais
negation, (n) imosmuraisedh
negative, (adj) murais
neglect, (v) ihirfveod
negligence, (n) fveod'le
negligent, (adj) fveod
negotiate, (v) thaiin
negotiation, (n) ithaiinedh
negotiator, (n) thaiina
neighbor, (n) bruaon; derog (n) vaehkh
neighboring, area (n) ieuhh
nephew, (n) faelirh-ravsem
nerve, (n) aaemir
nervous, (adj) aaemirai
nervously, (adv) aaemiraiev
nervousness, (n) aaemiraino
nest, (n) nharves; (v) mosnharves
net, (also computer network) (n) eoth
neural, (adj) missaem
Neutral, Zone (n) Avrrhinul; Neutral Zone, Federation (n) stelai ler'lloann; Neutral Zone, Klingon (n) stelai ler'khelloann
never, (adv) p'tned-pra'krsh
nevertheless, (conj) paeira, lokhos
new, (adj) mollais
newly, (adv) mollaisev
newness, (n) mollaisno
news, (n) mne
next, (adj) onre; next to (prep, adv) hhaehh-ahi
nickname, fourth-name (n) rehei
niece, (n) paenhe-ravsem
night, (n) temar
nightly, (adj) temarhkh; (adv) temarhkhev
nightmare, (n) aehallh
nine, (num) lhi; nine hundred (num) lhu
ninety, (num) lha
no, (adv) dhat; no, oh no (int) hia
nobility, (n) emotaeno
noble, (adj) emotae
noise, (n) hhaonn
noisy, (adj) hhaonhkh
non-, (adj suffix) -ihlan
none, (pron) lliu
nonetheless, (conj) lueain, paeira
nonsense, (n) paeros
nonsensical, (adj) ih'paeros
nonsensically, (adj) paerosev
nonspecific, (adj) khrein
normal, (adj) dyyhkrai
north, (n) uwe
northern, (adj) ih'uwe
nose, (n) claehis
nostril, (n) kehaele
not, (adv) emael
notable, (adj) brochaelho
nothing, (pron) lliu
notice, (n) brochaelai; (v) brochae
noun, (n) taekhos
nourish, (v) agollh; nourish oneself (v) agollhahu
nova, (n) aemhig
now, (adv) immediately theah; at this time (adv) stev; now (adverbial interj) lla
number, (n) peraere
numerous, (adj) aigre
nurse, (v) shhassri; (n) lashhassri
nurture, (v) shhass
oath, (n) kinaen
obey, comply (v) aehfvi; practice (v) mulaere
object, (n) taram; (v) kaeust
objection, (adj) ikaeustedh
objective, goal (n) kaodt
obligation, (n) talla
oblige, so to do sth, e.g. (v) mostalla
oblique, (adj) ih'meraehh
obliterate, (v) paedei
observant, (adj) draere'asi
observation, (n) idraere'edh
observe, (v) draere; practice (v) firhai; "observe caution" ahrrein'firh
observer, (n) draerenen
obstacle, (n) ienfaeredh
obstruct, (v) enfaer
obstruction, (n) ienfaeredh
obtain, (v) haenai
occupation, (n) ienemae'edh
occupy, (v) enemae
occur, (v) dermai
occurence, (n) caehhere
ocean, (n) aekhwinarrae
odd, uneven (adj) aendon; strange (adj) lhamhe
oddity, (n) lhamheno
odor, (n) daenhh
of, made of (prep) nnea
offal, (n) hnaev
offend, (v) ainhha
offender, (n) ainhhanen
offense, (n) temainhha
offensive, (adj) ainhha'elh
office, (n) hnahfvier
officer, (n) saehne; communications officer (n) khhae'saehne
official, (adj) ih'hnahfvier
officially, (adv) hnahfvierev
offshoot, (n) ahtma
offspring, (n) veoth
often, (adv) raeler
okay, (adj) gaenoh
old, (adj) ira; former; not new (adj) graes
omission, (n) iyyambae'edh
omit, (v) yyambae
on, (prep) hrrau; on top (postp) mibh
once, (adv) joaie; at once (adv) hwill
one, (num) hwi; one hundred (num) khu
only, (adv) dvaer
onward, (adv) imhai
open, (adj) abrai; (v) abrai
operate, (v) ifvhe
opinion, (n) saivre; in my opinion, as far as I know rhhaensuriuu
opponent, (n) retaen
opportunity, (n) taicir
oppose, (v) klaretaen
opposing, (adj) klaretaenanh
opposite, (adj) klaretaenelh
opposition, (n) iklaretaenedh
opt, (v) miin
optical, (adj) ih'caernu
option, (n) aismor
or, (conj) riud; either . . . or (conj) neth . . . nah'lai
oral, (adj) ih'eolh
orange, (adj) khoey; orange (reddish) (adj) taemon
orbit, (n) temraiter; (v) raiter
orbital, (adj) ih'raiter
order, (v) ohrie; (n) temohrie
orderly, (adj) dyyhkrai
organization, (n) hemaera
organize, (v) mos'hemaera
organized, (adj) hemaera'eri
origin, (n) eloher
original, (adj) ih'eloher
originally, (adv) eloherev
Orion, (n) ch'Orhyhon planet; (n) Orhyhonha people; (adj) Orhyhon
our, (pron) mnei
out, (prep, adv) nnu
out, of (prep) mhirrafv
outcast, (n) k'manatran
outer, (adj) nnui
outrage, (v) mos'heiitafv
outraged, (adj) heiitafv
outrageous, (adj) heiitafvai
outside, (n) enhaire; (prep) mhirrafv
over, (adv) voyyer; (prep) fvi
overhead, (adv) faehhon
overhead, (n) visaer
override, (v) kardhae
oversee, (v) challh
overseer, (n) challhnen
oversight, (n) temchallh
overtake, (v) ehhedra
own, (v) rhaet
owner, (n) rhaetnen
PADD, (n) haud'etrehh, colloq. haudet
pain, (n) aehkhifv; angst (n) uan
pajamas, (n) egaesih
palace, (n) khfau
palm, of hand (n) lepsain
pandemonium, (n) fvaae
panic, (n) yhopae; (v) yhopae
pants, (n) yhutaen (formal), fvalo (informal)
paper, (n) laehhos
parallel, (adj) emnein
parking, lot (n) khaelfa
paroxysm, (n) aith
part, of whole (n) meillunsiateve; part of in fractions (adj) erh'
participate, (v) erhhae
participation, (n) ierhhae'edh
participatory, (adj) erhhaeasi
party, group (n) daenn; celebration raeda
pass, (n) eirehhedra; pass through (v) ehhedra
passage, (n) eirehhedra
passcard, (n) luiish'dameral, informal luishda
passenger, (n) hviu
passion, (n) sahe, abil; Ruling Passion (n) mnhei'sahe; passion flower term of affection (n) sahe'lagga
passionate, (adj) abilai
past, (prep) siur
path, (n) latas
patience, (n) aehuus'le
patient, (adj) aehuus
patrol, (n) temaeshim; (v) aeshim
patroller, (n) aeshimnen; of a region (n) rokhelh
pause, (n) thaele; (v) mosthaele
paw, (n) raivus
pay, (v) animaur
peace, (n) bilire, saith
peaceful, (adj) bilireahi, saithaes
pebble, (n) nhaihal
pedestal, (n) ihnna
penalize, (v) mostarais
penalty, (n) tarais
pendant, (n) rogaerenen
percent, (n) aestur
perfect, (v) staere
perfectability, (n) staerelhono
perfectable, (adj) staerelho
perfectably, (adv) staerelhoev
perfected, (adj) staere'eri
perfection, (n) istaere'edh
perfective, (adj) staere'elh
perform, (v) sthe
performance, (n) sthelai
performer, (n) sthenen
perhaps, (adv) atsaen
permission, ivhuinedh
permit, (v) vhuin; (n) ivhuinedh
perserverant, (adj) fveirrolh
perserverance, (n) fveirrelh
perservere, (v) fveirr
person, (irreg n) rhadam
personal, (adj) ih'rhadem
persuade, (v) lihrae
persuasion, (n) ilihrae'edh
persuasive, (adj) lihrae'elh
persuasively, (adj) lihrae'elhev
perversion, (n) imosllaetusedh
pervert, (n) lallaetus; (v) mosllaetus
perverted, (adj) llaetus
pet, (n) epohh
phaser, (n) hyaakh; phaser bank (n) iehyyak
phenomenon, (n) caehhere
phonetics, (n) hhaonnai'afwe
phonology, (n) hhaonn'mnakhaon'afwe
photon, torpedo (n) yydlhei
phrase, (n) rhirhal
physics, (n) yhfir'afwe
pick, up (v) taolhe
pickle, (n) aitia'lh; (v) aitia
pilot, (n) selaenen
pin, (n) bota
pirate, (n) zhollhakh
pity, (n) caihe; (v) caihe
place, location (n) anhelaefv; position (n) ta; locate (v) anhelae; put (v) lhi
plague, (n) eirhiakh; (v) moseirhiakh
plain, (adj) ojmhi
plainly, (adv) ojmhiev
plainness, (n) ojmhi'le
plains, flatlands (n) aihai
plan, (n) aehhenelh; (v) aehhen
planet, (n) euhre; world (n) rehvie
plant, (n) aefnumn; (v) mosaefnumn
plasma, chem. (n) hssyrh; med. (n) thoyefvh; plasma torpedo (n) hssyrh'dlhei
plastic, (n) ouwefvh, rhuhm (depending on its chemical competition)
play, (v) yyhle
playful, (adj) yyhlenhe
plea, (n) sseulai
plead,, beg (v) sseu
pleasant, (adj) ehaes
pleasantness, (n) ehaes'le
please, (interj.)sseulaiin; (v) aeh
pleased, (adj) aeheri
pleasurable, (adj) vahuuslho
pleasure, (n) vahuus; (v) mosvahuus
plentiful, (adj) tui
plenty, (adj) htilh; (n) khei'le
pod, (escape pod) (n) thheihfv
poet, (n) ra'akhssar
poetic, (adj) ih'akhssar
poetry, (n) akhssar
point, (n) umhi
pointed, (adj) umhiey
poison, natural (n) ghoyiph; synthetic (n) fvaypih; (v) mosethaon
poisonous, (adj) ethaonai
police, (n) dyyhti'theirr; (v) kladyyhti'theirr
policeman, (n) ladyyhti'theirr
pollutant, (n) daiplaoasi
pollute, (v) daiplao
pollution, (n) idaiplaoedh
polygon, (n) thollghun
pond, (n) aehnne
ponytail, (n) ataemon
poor, (adj) aaith
popular, (adj) taein
popularity, (n) taeinno
portal, (n) lhanv
position, (n) ta
possibility, (n) luhtosno, aismor
possible, (adj) luhtos
postpone, (v) caene
postponement, (n) caene'elh
postposition, (n) rheh'urrnen
potable, water (n) hnnieth
poverty, (n) aaithno
power, legal/social (n) efveh; force (n) fvienn; political (n) valhaer; political, economic, etc (n) dhiarhe; energy (n) caelis
powerful, (adj) fviennaes, dhiarhenhe, caelisahi
practical, (adj) firhailho, lohialho
practically, (adv) firhailhoev, lohialhoev
practice, observe (a custom or holiday) (v) firhai; train (v) lohia; (n) temfirhai; temlohia
Praetor, (n) fvillhu
Praetorate, (n) fvillhaih
Praetorian, Guard (Imperial Legion) (n) Rei'kara; (Imperial Legionnaire(s)) personal guards of the Praetorate (n) Rei'karanha (plural) Rei'karansu
prairie, (n) aihai
prayer, (n) d'hannam
preach, (v) dhhaleifv
precede, (v) gaelai
precipitate, (v) faeoh
precipitation, (n) ifaeohedh
predator, (irreg n) hatham
predecessor, (n) uhhmos
prefer, (v) aeohh
preferable, (adj) aeohhlho
preferably, (adv) aeohhlhoev
preference, (n) aeohhelh
preferential, (adj) aeohhnhe
preferentially, (adv) aeohhnhe'ev
prefix, (n) aefen
premise, (n) lai
preparation, (n) ipelaere'edh
prepare, (v) pelaere
preposition, (n) hra'nuar'urrnen
presence, (n) nunh'le
present, (adj) nunh; present time (n) suriuu; gift (n) pehai; give; show (v) pehai
presentable, (adj) pehailho
presentation, (n) ipehaiedh
preservation, (n) isihhusedh
preserve, (v) sihhus; food, e.g. pickle (v) aitia
Preservers, Great Brothers; ancient species believed to have seeded many forms of intelligent life throughout the galaxy; worshipped as gods in one Rihannsu religion (n) D'ravsai
preside, (v) praet
president, e.g. of a company (n) praetelh
presidium, (n) na'difuorh
press, (n) staehh; (v) staehh
pressure, (n) fviarhe; pressure, unit of measure for (n) melakol
prevent, (v) hmnhe
previous, (adj) h'ta
pride, (n) mhr'vaat, feallan'le
primitive, (adj) achhu
principal, (adj. prefix) daise'-
prison, (n) tagor
prisoner, (n) th'ann
privilege, (n) dinaes
prize, (n) bricae
problem, (n) daetra
problematic, (adj) daetraahi
proceed, move forward (v) enuare; proceed (with) (v) lh'hd
proceeding, (n) temenuare
process, (n) enuareifv; (v) moslh'hd
procession, (n) ienuare'edh; ilh'hdedh
processor, (n) moslh'hdnen
proclaim, (v) saehus
proclamation, (n) act of proclaiming isaehusedh; decree temsaehus
procrastinate, (v) fablae
procrastination, (n) ifablae'edh
produce, (v) orho
producer, (n) orhonen
product, (n) laorhoeri
production, (n) iorhoedh
productive, (adj) orholho
productively, (adv) orholhoev
productivity, (n) orholhono
profess, (v) mosvaed're
professor, (n) vaed'rehai
program, e.g. a computer (v) aithaen; (n) aithaenelh
programable, (adj) aithaenlho
programmer, (n) aithaennen
progress, (n) eahesam; (v) eahe
progressive, (adj) eahelho
progressively, (adv) eahelhoev
progression, (n) ieahe'edh
prohibit, (v) vahhari
prohibited, (adj) vahharieri
prohibition, (n) ivahhariedh
probibitive, (adj) vahharilho
project, (v) faehe
projection, (n) faehelai
prolong, (v) mosdrihaenri
promiscuity, (n) amton'wi'le
promiscuous, (adj) amton'wi-kha
promise, (n) temculhas; (v) culhas
promote, (v) faehhn
promotion, (n) faehhn; ifaehhnedh
promulgate, (v) lihr
promulgation, (n) ilihredh
pronoun, (n) ssiun'taikhos
pronounce, (v) hhaonn'hrhae
pronunciation, (n) ihhaonn'hrhae'edh
proof, (n) fealhelh
propel, (v) faucon
propellant, (adj, n) fauconasi
propelled, (adj) fauconeri
propeller, (n) fauconnen
property, (n) eirhiss
proposal, (n) temekhau
propose, (v) ekhau
proposition, (n) iekhauedh; (v) mosekhau
propulsion, (n) temfaucon
propulsive, (adj) fauconlho
prosper, (v) tehsmaer
prosperous, (adj) tehsmaerai
protect, (v) kladeleth, khelh
protection, (n) temdeleth, idelethedh, temkhelh, ilkhelhedh
protective, (adj) delethlho, khelh'lho
protector, (n) deleth, rokhelh
protract, (v) mosdrihaenahu
proud, (adj) feallan
prove, (v) fealh
province, (n) hacheth
provincial, (adj) ih'hacheth
proxy, (n) hlomaus
pump, (v) ahta; (n) ahtanen
puncture, (v) dva; (n) ladva
punish, (v) faema
punishment, (n) faemaifv
pupil, (of eye) (n) faerh
purchase, (v) fermae
pure, (adj) faest
purely, (adv) faestev
purification, (n) imosfaestedh
purify, (v) mosfaest
purity, (n) faest'le
purple, (adj) shaeni
purposefully, (adv) tempaer
pursue, (v) gallhej
pursuant, (adj) gallhejolh
pursuer, (n) gallhejnen
pursuit, (n) temgallhej
push, (v) fascae
pussy, (n) lit. "slit" iehryy
put, (v) lhi
putrefaction, (n) ifaederedh
putrefy, reflexive verb become putrid (v) nhraifaeder
putrid, (adj) faeder
puzzle, (n) daehhra
quadrant, (n) nfaiistur
quantum, (n) fvullhajun; (adj) ih'fvullhajun
quarter, (n) ihmne
quarters, residence (n) hfeh'rhe
queen, (n) ri'hwathech
quest, (n) faikaru
question, (n) ehlrh; (v) nihroi
questionable, (adj) nihroilho
questionably, (adv) nihroilhoev
questioning, (adj) nihroienh
questioningly, (adv) nihroienhev
quick, (adj) hrrae
quick-witted, (adj) thrafv
quickly, (adv) choch, hrrae'ev


race, competition (n) temierrha; e.g. the Romulan race (n) h'trae; (v) ierrha
radan, crude dilithium crystal (n) faehun
raid, (v) faumne; (n) faumnelai
rain, (v) iobh; (n) iobh
raise, (v) inhhre; (n) teminhhre
ram, (v) houthe
range, (n) koimae
rank, (n) bota
ransom, (n) aenaer; (v) aenaer
rare, (adj) faell
rarefiable, (adj) mosfaelllho
rarefication, (n) imosfaelledh
rarefy, (v) mosfaell
rarely, (adv) faellev
rarity, (n) faellno
rash, (adj) ehlei
rashness, (n) ehlei'le
ravish, (v) irhufv
raw, (adj) faramn
ray, (n) faetor
reach, (n) viraelelh; (v) virael
read, (v) faerla
ready, prepared (adj) nniehv; standing by (a person) faehor
realization, (n) ifaihra'edh
realize, (v) faihra
really?, (interr. adv. suffix) -'ve?; 'Oh really?' hra'vae?
reason, (n) fhaestu; thought, rather than excuse or purpose (n) afw'ein; (v) fhaestu; for any reason (adv) ievoi; for some other reason (adv) votha; for that reason (adv) mhivoi; for this reason (adv) kivoi; for whatever reason (adv) voiann
rebel, (v) faicol; (n) ra'faicol
rebellion, (n) faicollai
receive, (v) faekha
recent, (adj) dha'lhai
recently, (adv) dha'lhai'ev
reception, (n) ifaekha'edh
receptive, (adj) fakha'elh
reckoning, non-monetary (n) aimehn; keep a reckoning (v) irrhaimehn
recline, (v) taere
recognition, (n) ifihaele'edh
recognizable, (adj) fihaelelho
recognize, (v) fihaele
recommend, (v) faeond
recommendation, (n) ifaeondedh
record, (n) faiihr; record (v) faiihr; keep records (v) irrhfaiihr
recording, (n) temfaiihr
red, (adj) mneani
red-violet, (adj) shibae
reddish-brown, (adj) mneihy
reddish-orange, (adj) taemon
refine, (v) ilaereri
refined, (adj) ilaererieri
refinement, (n) temilaereri
refinery, (n) ilaereri'dhenn
refreshment, (n) l'oenn-uoira
refuge, (n) faelh; take refuge (v) nhraifaelh
refugee, (n) lafaelheri
refusal, (n) temfyyhhan
refuse, (v) fyyhhan
regarding, (prep) haje
region, political/legal (n) fyrhh; large area (n) kalanam, calanam
regional, (adj) ih'kalanam
regret, (n) fhyyrsem; (v) fhyyr
regrettable, (adj) fhyyrlho
Regulan, (adj) regul'han
regular, (adj) dyyhkrai
regularity, (n) dyyhkraino
regularly, (adv) dyyhkrai'ev
Regulus, (n) Regul'hus
reign, (v) thech; (n) temthech
reinforce, (v) chameto
reinforced, (adj) chametoeri
reinforcement, (n) temchameto
reject, (v) oaifv
rejected, (adj) oaifveri
rejection, (n) ioaifvedh
rejoice, (v) ihirviduusri
relate, (v) oii
relation, (n) ioiiedh
relative, (adj; n) oielh
relatively, (adv) oielhev
relax, (v) heieu
relaxation, (n) iheieuedh
release, (v) vnai; (n) vnailai
reliable, (adj) flaerhelho
reliant, (adj) flaerheolh
relief, (n) flaiihe'elh
relieve, (v) flaiihe
religion, (n) faehtan
religious, (adj) faehtanai
rely, (v) flaerhe
remain, (v) flaeon
remainder, (n) flaeonhai
Reman, (adj) Havran; (n) Havranha
remember, (v) flaihh
remembrance, (n) flaihhelh
remind, (v) flaehe
reminder, (n) flaehenen
remote, (adj) coupaer
removal, (n) temnnaen
remove, (v) nnaen
Remus, (n) ch'Havran
rendezvous, (n) fraire; (v) mosfraire
repair, (v) etrafvar; (n) etrifven
repel, (v) hweith
repellent, (adj) hweithelh
, (v) lluoi
replacement, (n) lluoisam
replicate, (v) khlen
replicator, (n) khlenai
reply, (n) aednae; (v) mosaednae
report, (n) fraeta; (v) fraeta; "report to me now" hallh'na
represent, (v) fyyhol
representative, (n) lleifven, fyyholnen; to the Senate (n) llaugh
request, (n) temstheirhn, sthea; (v) stheirhn
require, (v) aerhii
requirement, (n) aerhiifv
rescue, (n) orhae; (v) orhae
rescuer, (n) orhaenen
research, (n) laeosa; (v) laeosa
researcher, (n) laeosanen
resemblance, (n) fuhhesam
resemble, (v) fuhhe
resent, (v) flyyht
resentment, (n) flyyhtelh
resign, (v) fryylh
resignation, (n) ifryylhedh
resilient, (adj) hwass'ha
resist, (v) thehnh
resistance, (n) thehnhasisam
resistant, (adj) thehnhasi
resource, (n) praehh
resourceful, (adj) praehhaes
resourcefulness, (n) praehhaes'le
respect, (n) olhao; (v) olhao
respectable, (adj) olhaolho
respectful, (adj) olhaonhe
respectfully, (adv) olhaonhe'ev
responsibility, (n) thealhno
responsible, (adj) thealh
rest, (v) heieu
restaurant, (n) dinglh
restless, (adj) aevhhl
result, (n) thllen
retaliate, (v) htian
retaliation, (n) ihtianedh
retaliatory, (adj) htianasi
retire, (v) evied
retired, (adj) eviederi
retirement, (n) eviedelh
retreat, (v) nnuil; (n) temnnuil
return, (n) llhnaeifv; (v) llhnae; return come back here! (interj) h'ta fvau
reveal, show (v) irae; announce (v) doprae
revelation, showing (n) i'irae'edh; announcement (n) idoprae'edh
revenge, (n) ra'khoi
revolt, (v) iumne; (n) iumnelai
revolution, revolt (n) iumnelai; rotation (n) ihaeiuledh
reward, (n) heihnehh; (v) mos'heihnhehh
rewarding, (adj) mos'heihnehhenh
rich, (adj) ekhaem
riddle, (n) lhi
ride, (n) temnvoii; (v) nvoii
ridicule, (v) amnuei
ridiculous, (adj) amnueikha
riding-beast, (n) shaill
rifle, (n) d'tethos, vainnh
Rigel, V (n) ch'Rheiji
Rigelian, (adj) Rheiji; (n) Rheijiha
right, (side) (adj) nvaimn
Rihanha,, fellow Rihanha (n) ke'rhin
ring, (v) einnae; circular path/pattern (n) amneo; for finger (n) uhhael
ripe, (adj) fhheihh
ripen, (v) nhrai'fheihh
risk, (v) dhalth; (n) dhalth
risky, (adj) dhalhkh
river, (n) atlai (large), bhoewen (smaller)
road, (n) eyhon
roam, (v) eiyyae
rob, (v) elhhao
robber, (n) elhhaonen
robe, (n) audaen
robot, (n) diehv
roc;, bird native to ch'Rihan, Rihannsu-sized and carnivorous (n) mogai
rock, (n) nhaih
rodent-like, small aquatic mammal sometimes used as a pet (n) thural
Romulan, (adj) Rihan
Romulan, (n) Rihanha (a single Romulan person)
Romulans, non-specific, e.g. when referring to the race (n) Rihanh; a specific group of Romulans (pl. n) Rihannsu
Romulus, (n) ch'Rihan
room, chamber (n) rhe; space (n) dhiamn
roomy, (adj) dhiamne
roost, (n) narvasam; (v) narva
root, (n) fvhuy
rope, (n) dohht
rosebush,, bush noted for its rose-colored flower (n) d'lagga
rotate, (v) haeiul
rotation, (n) ihaeiuledh
rotational, (adj) ih'haeiul
rot, (v) aehka
rotten, (adj) aehka'eri
rough, (adj) nhayrh
round, (adj) fapevha; round up (v) eahhyu
route, (n) hsouh
rove, (v) eiyyae
rude, (adj) rhill
ruin, (n) seiyyasam; (v) seiyya
rule, (v) mnhei
ruler, one who rules (n) mnheian
Ruling, Passion (n) mnhei'sahe
rumor, (n) linae
run, (v) yhfev, yhfivrii
runner, messenger (n) fhuokha
ruthless, (adj) yaekh
S.O.S., distress call (n) kehsu
sabotage, (v) aonra; (n) temaonra
saboteur, (n) aonranen
saccharin, (n) faeshan
sacred, (adj) shulh
sacrifice, (v) hiullhull; (n) temhiullhull
sad, wretched (adj) aaith; unhappy (adj) kraep
sadly, (adv) kraepev
sadness, (n) kraep'le
safe, (adj) khelhaes
safeguard, (v) khelh, deleth; (n) temkhelh, temdeleth
sale, (n) temhnhaie
salesman, (n) hnhaienen
saloon, (n) lhil
salt, (n) imt
salty, (adj) imtemh
salutation, to equal (v) shai'dan, shaoi dan; to inferior (v) sh'ben, shaoi ben; to superior (v) shaoi kon; (n) shaoi
salute, (n) siaedae; (v) mossiaedae; mosshaoi
salvation, (n) iorhae'edh
salvo, (n) tllhe
same, (adj) nveiss
sameness, (n) nveiss'le
sand, (n) khaa
sandstorm, (n) kalabam
sandy, (adj) khaa'ey
sapling, (n) churria
sash, (n) ssejfe
satellite, (n) lhaeil
satisfaction, (n) khent
satisfied, (adj) moskhenteri
satisfy, (v) moskhent
save, keep (v) docaere; rescue (v) orhae
say, (v) hrhae
scale, (v) bhae; (n) bhaeifv
scan, (n) temdrusae; (v) drusae
scanner, specific device (n) salihnd'yeal; slang (n) salihnir
scare, (v) ehswe
scatter, (v) chisu
scent, (n) daenhh
school, (n) rheahk
science, (n) afwe; all sciences taken as a whole (n) vriafwe; sciences division (n) arifv vriafwen
scientific, (adj) ih'afwe
scientist, (n) arahtih
scold, (v) hnvaai
score, (n) aimehn
scow, (n) plaerre
scream, (v) chaetoi
screen, (n) uasharr; viewscreen (n) taeiih, slang (n) ta(i); screen off ta'khoi; screen on ta'rhae
screw, (vulgar v, int) imirrhlhhse
scripture, (n) bhaaen
search, (v) tae
secant, (n) math lannharai
second, .55 terran seconds (n) ihnerha
secret, (adj) ih'faehht; (n) faehht
secretly, (adv) faehhtev
section, (n) noimn
sector, (n) stelai
secure, (v) rhaarh; (adj) rhaarh
secured, (adj) rhaarheri
security, (n) rhaarhno; applied to organization (n) dheno
see, (v) uhtra; (passive v) hnafirhn; let me/us see it hnafirh'rau
seed, (n) nhaai
seek, (v) drolae, khallia
seeker, (n) khallianen, galan (uncommon, ususally proper n)
seem, (v) hhaetn
seeming, (adj) hhaetnenh
seemingly, (adv) hhaetnenhev
segment, (n) erhwi
select, (v) aulha
selection, (n) iaulha'edh
selective, (adj) aulha'elh
selectively, (adv) aulha'elhev
self, (n) hshae, aodh
self-confidence, (n) aememn'le
self-confident, (adj) aememn
selfish, (adj) aodt
sell, (v) hnhaie
Senate, (n) deihuit; Senate Building (n) deihu'kri; Senate Chambers (n) deihu'rhe
Senator, (n) deihu
send, (v) hfaei
senior, (adj prefix) el'-; (adj. prefix) daise'-; senior servant, Head of Household (n) hru'hfe
sense, (v) siurrh
sensor, (n) siurrhan
sentence, (n) rhirh
sentry, (n) efwrohin
separate, (adj) fvaih; (v) mosfvaih
serious, (adj) ouyyir
seriously, (adv) ouyyirev
serpent, (n) jhimn
servant, (n) hfai (irregular plural: hfehan)</dd>
serve, (v) aihrrei; (v) etrhei
service, (n) etrheielh; (n) this word has strong possibilities for sexual double entendre mmhain'he; division (n) aihrifv
settle, (v) aaenhr
settlement, (n) eiraaenhr
seven, (num) lli; seven hundred (num) llu
seventy, (num) lla
several, (adj) precari
severe, (adj) oaish
severely, (adv) oaishev
severity, (n) oaishno
sex, (n) ghau; have sex (v) ghau'yhfev
sexual, (adj) ih'ghau
sexuality, (n) ghauno
sexually, (adv) ghauev
sexy, (adj) ghauey
shadow, (n) laehval
shall, (v) mnaer'ti
shame, (n) kaefh; (v) moskaefh; shame oneself (v) nhraikaefh
shameful, (adj) kaefhaes
shameless, (adj) llikaefh
shape, (n) hhwaeh; (v) mos'hhwaeh
shapely, (adj) hhwaehkh
sharp, quick-witted (adj) thrafv; e.g. a blade (adj) umhi
she, (pron) rii
shell, (n) aafvun
shield, (n) delevhas; deflector (n) kuramano
shieling, (n) ehto
shine, (v) hmnei
shiny, (adj) hmneiey
ship, (n) hiera; battle cruiser (n) hiyll; starship (n) khina
shirt, (n) ussibh
shoe, (n) haeul
shoot, (v) aekhei
shore, leave (n) aeihmn
short, (adj) nihhs
shorten, (v) mosnihhs
shortness, (n) nihhs'le
shot, (n) temaekhei
shoulder, (n) iessrh
shout, (v) chaetoi
show, display (v) chaerh; reveal (v) irae
shunt, (v) maeyer
shut, (v) nrai
shuttlecraft, (n) iy'tassiudh
sibling, (irreg n) ravsam
sick, (adj) llaetus
sickbay, (n) bvoeh'rhe; hifvai'rhe
sickness, (n) hiakh'mne, llaetus'le
side, (n) faurrh
sieze, (v) rrhaul; sieze up e.g engine (v) beistdet
sight, on a weapon (n) khyiinen; (v) khyii
sign, (v) rhssiiy
signature, (n) rhssiiyelh
significance, (n) haei'nasi
significant, (adj) haei'nolh
signify, (v) haei'n
silence, (n) iurret
silent, (adj) ih'iurret
silently, (adv) iurretev
silly, (adj) daigae
silver, (n) lhohnu
silvery,, silver-colored (adj) lhohnu'ey
simple, (adj) ojmhi
simpleton, (n) ojmhinen
simplicity, (n) ojmhino
simplification, (n) imosojmhiedh
simplify, (v) mosojmhi
simply, (adv) ojmhiev
simulate, (v) chord'rea
simulated, (adj) chord'rea'eri
simulation, (n) ichord'rea'edh
simulator, (n) chord'reanen
simultaneous, (adj) hnvia
simultaneously, (adv) hnvia
sin, (n) rudhai; (v) rudhai
since, (adv temporal) mhastev; for this reason (adv) kivoi
sincere, (adj) bhaon
sincerely, (adv) bhaonev
sincerity, (n) bhaonno
sir, (n) lhhai; (Galae only) rekkhai, dialectal rreki
sister, (n) rinam
sit, (v) tharon
situate, (v) rraefv
situation, (n) irraefvedh
six, (num) fve; six hundred (num) fvhu
sixty, (num) fvha
size, (n) lhhea'le
skill, (n) hiyydh
skilled, (adj) hiyydheri, poetic, also proper name (adj) arrenhe
skin, (n) ehrhe
skirmish, (n) fvaennh
sky, (n) ralaar; sky-blue (adj) steki
slacks, trousers (n) yhutaen
slander, colloq (v) thomhtaa; (n) thomhtaalai
sleep, (v) ehhaai; (n) ehhaisam
slight, (adj) vaehha
slightly, (adv) vaehha'ev
slim, (adj) innha
slingshot, (n) aenhta
slit, (n) iehryy; (v) mosiehryy
sloppy, (adj) waes
sloth, laziness (n) daeop'le
slough, (n) delhaisal
slow, (adj) rawn
slowly, (adv) rawnev
sly, (adj) ifviy
small, (adj) lacendt; saj
smart, (adj) uhjae
smear, (n) heikhe'elh; (v) heikhe
smell, (v) hmnaoii; (n) mhafv
smoke, (n) emnaae
smooth, (adj) hnyrrh
sneak, (v) lluadh
sneaky, (adj) lluadhe
snow, (n) etmnau; (v) etmnauri
so, (adv) ecimae, uhhaae
society, (n) vaeidr
sock, (n) hhuye
soft, (adj) irhein
softly, (adv) irheinev
soil, (n) fvil
soldier, (n) gekha; conscripted soldier (n) allhka
solely, (adj) fortnepas
solid, (adj) yyhaeih
solidify, (v) mosyyhaeih
solubility, (n) komheilhono
soluble, (adj) komheilho
solution, (n) answer (n) ioinna'edh; liquid (n) ihvaek
solve, (v) oinna
solvent, (n) komheinen
some, (adj) kyrr'lep; some other time (adj) stevha; some other way (adv) eisaha; <span class="indent">(for) some other reason (adv) votha</span></dd>
somebody, (pron) rilhta
someone, (pron) rilhta; someone else (pron) anehore
something, (pron) krehii; something else (pron) aeura
sometimes, (adv) lhoirhe
somewhere, (adv) mhera; somewhere else (adj) mhehora
son, (n) faelirh
song, (n) teelis
soon, in a little while (adv) krowert; imminently (adv) kha
sore, (adj) veohus
sorry, (adj) usae
soul, (n) hachae
sound, (n) hhaonn
soup, (n) ghleten
sour, (adj) eiiur
source, (n) khaud
south, (n) aesn
southern, (adj) ih'aesn
space, emptiness (n) vautha; room (n) dhiamn; outer space (n) aeleir; spacedock (n) aeleir'khaelfa; space station (n) mniohr
span, (n) tamh
spark, (n) hweillh
sparkle, (v) kla'fviafv
sparse, (adj) ekhe
speak, (v) dochai
spear, (n) shianev
special, (adj) sahraer
species, (n) huhchhe
speech, (n) dochaisam; monologue (n) enudh
sphere, (n) ilmnie
spherical, (adj) ih'ilmnie
spin, (v) hrieha
spine, (n) tahkil
spiral, (adj) eyaa
spit, (v) thomhtaa
spoon, (n) ssaollh
spring, season (n) urhik
sprout, (v) nhraikhuea
spy, (n) hhvaeh; (v) klahhvaeh
squadron, (n) ehrefv
square, (n) difuorh
stab, (v) aahfae
stability, (n) theyesno
stable, (adj) theyes
stand, (v) gen; stand by (v) faehor; stand out (v) genmhirr; stand up (v) genmibh; stand up to {+Dat} (v) thehnh
standard, (adj) dyyh'ehsaehn
standardisation, (n) idyyh'ehsaehedh
standardise, (v) dyyh'ehsaeh
standardised, (adj) dyyh'ehsaehn
star, (n) saeihr, dialectal, usually frowned upon outside poetry (n) stelam; star system (n) ouahh
starbase, (n) hdrael
stardate, (n) saeihr-hveith
Starfleet, (n) lloannen'galae
stargate, (n) saeihr'itaeru
starship, any spacegoing vessel (n) khina; warp-capable (n) rrhiet
start, (v) rhae
station, general sense, incl. e.g. monorail station (n) kaohht; duty station (n) faeruwa; space station (n) mniohr
statistic, (n) sshaer
statistical, (adj) ih'sshaer
status, (n) ssuvh
stay, (v) flaeon
steal, (v) nnaekhan
steam, (n) uennth
steamy, (adj) uennthemh
steel, (n) fveik
steely, (adj) fveikey
stench, (n) doakhiifv
step, (n) illhealai; (v) illhea
stick, twig (n) aumh
sticky, (adj) ilhulolh
still, (conj) lokhos; (adv) ssuy
sting, (v) viahra; (n) temviahra
stinger, (n) viahranen
stink, (n) doakhiifv; (v) doakhi
stock, in a company, e.g. (n) suvchagh
stomach, (n) mohtiri, medical moht'soh
stone, (n) nhaih; in reference to stone as construction material (n) jorreh
stoop, (v) ikei
stop, (v) kroiha; cease, switch off, finish (v) khoi; enough! (v) lhiu
storm, (n) hvei'khenn
story, (n) fviudh
straight, (adj) uhfei
straighten, make straight (v) mosuhfei; become straight (v) nhraiuhfei
straightforward, (adj) uhfea
strand, (v) fhuhta; be stranded (v) ihirfhuhta
strange, (adj) edaol
strategic, (adj) ih'hhdael
strategy, (n) hhdael
street, (n) khfiya
strength, (n) nnuihs'le; physical (n) mnaudh
strike, (v) arhbeu
strip, (n) phenno
stroke, (v) hulae
stroll, (v) yhfiri; (n) temyhfiri
strong, (adj) nnuihs
structural, (adj) ih'hhwaeh
structure, form (n) hhwaeh; building (n) aeihk
stubborn, (adj) hueiul
student, (n) iridhinen
study, (v) iridhi
stuff, (v) dhoiuy
stupid, (adj) hhakh
stupidity, (n) hhakhno
stupidly, (adv) hhakhev
sublight, (adj) tahll; sublight speed (n) ahhaid
subordinate, (n) ben
substance, (n) fvullh
substantial, (adj) fvullhai
substantive, (adj, n) fvullhelh
substitute, alternate (n) hlomauselh; replacement (n) lluoian; supplant (v) lluoi; exchange (v) hlomaus
subway, (n) yhfi-ss'ue
succeed, (v) irrhmhiohs
success, (n) mhiohs
successor, (n) eri
such, (adv) ilh
sudden, (adj) khiue
suddenly, (adv) khiue
suffer, (v) rhehdi
suffering, (n) rhehdisam
sufficient, (adj) ihllu
sufficiently, (adv) ihlluev
suffix, (n) nvehh
suggest, (v) faeond
suggestion, (n) ifaeondedh
suicide, (n) hhoasl; commit suicide (v) mos'hhoasl
summer, (n) mhia
summon, (v) mehre
sun, (n) eihss; "homesun", i.e. 128 Trianguli (n) Eisn
sunlight, (n) eihssliorae
sunrise, (n) eihssinhhre
superior, (n) kon; better (adj) eihwai; highest (adj) vriha
supervise, (v) haidh
supervision, (n) ihaidhedh
supervisor, (n) haidhnen
supplant, (v) lluoi
supply, (n) aefau; (v) irrhaefau
support, (n) ehkikh; (v) aehjae
suppress, (v) nhailha
suppression, (n) inhailha'edh
surface, (n) ehhit
surgery, (n) iethul
surgical, (adj) ih'iethul
surgically, (adv) iethulev
surpass, (v) fvi'ehhedra
surprise, (n) temhliuh; (v) hliuh
surprising, (adj) hliuhenh
surrender, (n) temlegare; (v) legare
surrogate, (n) lluoian
surround, (v) thraefvai
survive, (v) hlleistau
survivor, (n) hlleistaunen
suspect, (n) lallhiueri; (v) llhiu
suspicion, (n) mliank'ie
suspicious, (adj) mliank'iekha
sustain, (v) rrhanh
sustenance, (n) irrhanhedh
swallow, (v) iohvae
swamp, (n) urrobafv
swarm, (n) sindari
swear, vow (v) haerhe
sweep, (v) hnastha
sweet, (adj) eaha
sweetness, (n) eaha'le
swift, (adj) yhea
switch, (n) ahllhunen; (v) ahllhu; switch off (v) khoi
sword, (n) sienov
swordsman, (n) sienovan
syntactical, (adj) ih'rhirh'hhwaeh'afwe
syntax, (n) rhirh'hhwaeh'afwe
system, (n) mnakhao
systematic, (adj) ih'mnakhao
systematically, (adv) mnakhaoev
systematize, (v) mosmnakhao
tact, (n) kharnae
tactful, (adj) kharnaenhe
tactless, (adj) llikharnae
tactical, (adj) ih'amnhhei; tactical display (n) amnhhei'chaerh; tactical officer (n) amnhhei'saehne
tactic, (n) amnhhei
take, remove (v) nnaen; seize, grab (v) hwiua; take advantage of (v) mneiyye (+Gen); take care of (v) diae (+Gen)
talent, (n) demhos
talk, (v) phralae
talon, of a small- to mid-sized bird (n) sienae; of a very large bird (n) tagor
tame, (adj) hnaou; (v) mos'hnaou
tangent, (n) dhaolp
target, (v) rjudhe; (n) larjudheri
task, (n) bhaeht
taste, (n) mhir; (v) irrhmhir
tax, (n) ihlyyu; (v) mosihlyyu
teach, (v) ernrae
teacher, (n) ernraenen
technical, (adj) iahwil
technician, (n) iahwilnen
technology, (n) iahwil'dhenn
tell, e.g. a story (v) lloveu; inform (v) fraeta
Tellar, Prime (n) ch'Telhar
Tellarite, (adj) Telhar; (n) Telharha
temper:, lose one's ~ (v) aemae
temperament, (n) plaeh
temperature, (n) hlluiu; temperature unit (12 ankhians is roughly equivalent to 35 F) (n) ankhian
temple, (n) aedhai
temporal, (adj) sien'oielh
temporarily, (adv) ihryhev
temporary, (adj) ihryh
tempt, (v) unhaiy
temptation, (n) iunhaiyedh
ten, (num) dha
tend, attend to (v) klhu
tenday, (n) dhaei
term, temporal (n) seijea
Terra, (Earth) (n) Terrha
Terran, (Human) (n) Terrhaha
territorial, (adj) ih'hveillh
territory, (n) hveillh
terror, (n) ifir
terrorise, (v) mosifire
terrorist, (n) ifirev
than, (conj) aou'nel
thank, (v) khnai; thank you (sup-inf phrase) khnai'ra, (sup.-inf., courteous phrase) khnai'ru rhissiuy; (inf-sup phrase) khlinae arhem; (informal) hann'yyo
thankful, (adj) khnain
thankfully, (adv) khnainev
thankless, (adj) llikhnai
that, (conj) aeu; (pron) rrhaar; that one (pron) aneha; that over there (pron) aou; that way (adv) mheisa
the, (def article) na
their, (f pron) riien; (m pron) diien; (nt pron) lloannen
theft, (n) hhiudl'le
then, (conj, adv) ja; then in that case, thus, so (adv) ecimae, uhhaae
theoretical, (adj) ih'kaeyrh
theoretically, (adv) kaeyrhev
theoretician, (n) kaeyrhnen
theorise, (v) moskaeyrh
theory, (n) kaeyrh
there, (adv) mhrah; (interj) ju
they, (f pron) riin; (m pron) diin; (nt pron) lloann
thief, (n) hhiudl
thin, slim (adj) innha; sparse (adj) ekhe
thing, (n) eafva, kreh
think, (v) aelhe
thirst, (n) pa'rshed
thirsty, (n) pa'rshehkh
thirty, (num) seha
this, concrete thing (pron) tivh; intangible event or situation (pron) elet; this is (ind. n. prefix/infix) aihr-, ahr'-; this one (pron) kaeha; this way (pron) keisa
Tholian, (adj) Tholin; (n) Tholinha; homeworld (n) ch'Thol
though, (conj) mrht
thought, (n) temaelhe
thousand, (num) dhei
threat, (n) temmnuei
threaten, (v) mnuei
three, (adj) sei; three hundred (num) sehu
thrive, (v) stuol
throat, (n) hhaidl
through, (postp) hsah
throw, (v) mniet; throw away (v) amnaei
thrust, (n) temadaehd; (v) adaehd
thruster, for attitude control (n) itheil
thunderstorm, (n) hvei'khenn
thus, (adv) ecimae, uhhaae
tickle, (v) whhea
tight, (adj) aekea
tighten, (v) mosaekea
tightly, (adv) aekea'ev
tightness, (n) aekea'le
time, (n) siu, sien; time, keep time as a clock (v) seijea
tiny, (adj) lacendt
tire, become tired (v) nhrai'ehraet; make tired (v) mosehraet
tired, (adj) ehraet
tiresome, (adj) ehraetasi
tithe, (n) nnefi
to, (prep) i; towards (prep) ssiun; until, as far as (prep) ru; with a specified thing or person recieving the action ('give the sword to me') ih
today, (n) eisll (common); shad elet (formal)
toe, (n) swaes
together, (adj) aeiiht
toil, (n) dhraeu; (v) dhraeu
toilet, (n) oiius
tolerable, (adj) sseihhilho
tolerance, (n) sseihhisam
tolerant, (adj) sseihhiasi
tolerate, (v) sseihhi
toll, (n) nnefi
tomorrow, (n) eisifv (common); shad onre (formal)
tongue, (n) nnyyrh
tooth, of an herbivore/omnivore (n) ahiu; of a carnivore, i.e. fang (n) eth
toothache, (n) ahiu'aehkhifv
top, (n) nomaes
torpedo, (n) dlhei; torpedo (photon) (n) yydlhei; torpedo tube (n) dlhei-ss'ue
torso, (n) lmnou
torture, (n) temysrri; (v) ysrri
tough, (adj) iurai
towards, (prep) ssiun
tower, (n) aoll; (v) kla'aoll
toxic, (adj) ethaonai
toxicity, (n) ethaonaino
toxin, (n) ethaon
track, (v) klahathos
tracker, (n) hathos
trade, (n) temiaeti; (v) iaeti
tradition, (n) rhiymn
traditional, (adj) ih'rhiymn
traditionally, (adv) rhiymnev
traffic, (n) khinain'yhfev; traffic control (n) esaahenen khinain'yhfev
trail, (n) ihoiy
train, (v) lohia
trainee, (n) lalohiari
trainer, (n) lohianen
training, (n) lasasa
traitor, (n) vang'radam
traitorous, (adj) vang'radamai
tranquil, (adj) saithaes
tranquility, (n) saith
transact, (v) kheoil
transaction, (n) ikheoiledh
transceiver, (n) nniyh
transfer, (n) eiyyhalai; (v) eiyyha
transform, (v) kaol
transformation, (n) ikaoledh
transformer, (n) kaolnen
transit, (v) hsah'urri; (n) hsah'urrielh
translate, (v) rhihae
translation, (n) irhihae'edh
translator, (n) rhihaenen; device (n) rhih'etrehh
transmission, (n) shanaku, ishanakuedh
transmit, (v) shanaku
transmitter, (n) shanakunen
transport, (v) bhiyy; transport beam (n) nniet
transportation, (n) ibhiyyedh, yhfillain, yhfi'- (prefix)
transporter, (n) hteij, tech. (n) talasagam h'sarin; vehicle (n) rrh'eilln; transporter room (n) hteij'rhe
trash, (n) ryakna
travel, (v) havra; (n) temhavra
traveller, (n) havran
traverse, (v) hsah'urri
treason, (n) nirhmn
treaty, (n) hoiimn
tree, (n) uaith; any of a phylum of tree-analogues native to the Homeworlds (n) rreinnte
tremor, (n) meikh
trial, (n) temhlmnae
triangle, (n) hullillh
triangular, (adj) ih'hullillh
tribal, (adj) ih'mhashe
tribble, (n) eibhul
tribe, (n) mhashe
Tricameron, (n) sei Hehllirh
trick, (n) temaethra; (v) aethra
tricorder, (n) ssaith
Trill, (adj) Trhil; people (n) Trhilha; planet (n) ch'Trhil
trim, (v) lluoaii
trip, (v) uehiuy
triumph, (n) vauthil
triumphant, (adj) vauthilai
troop, (n) nviyn
trouble, (n) iunnh
troublesome, (adj) iunnhaes, rokhinu
trousers, (n) fvalo
truce, (n) hihmn
true, (adj) lyreth; factual (adj) mniurr
trunk, torso (n) lmnou; storage object (n) eiuuh
trust, (n) ilhra; (v) ihrrilhra
trustworthy, (adj, also proper name) tafv
truth, (n) lyret; concealed truth (n) lyrr-t'ddreen
try, (v) hlmnae
tube, (n) ss'ue
tunic, sleeved and pullover (n) maghi; sleeved and side-fastening (n) ughi; sleeveless and front-fastening (n) jhoill
tunnel, (n) kaedt
turbolift, (n) yhfi'etrehh
turn, (v) haeiul; revolution (n) ihaeiuledh; turn back (v) haeiul'llhnae
twenty, (num) krha
twice, caehh'kre
twilight, (n) draomn
twin, (adj) kre'ey
two, (num) kre; two hundred (num) khru
ugly, (adj) knvuk
unable, (adj) emael aled
unacceptable, (adj) emael neisslho
unacceptably, (adv) emael neisslhoev
unaccepted, (adj) emael neisseri
unaccompanied, (adj) emael haodteri
unambitious, (adj) emael mhr'vaat'le
unattractive, (adj) emael l'lorel'ei
unbelievable, (adj) emael irrilho
unbelievably, (adv) emael irrilhoev
unbearable, (adj) emael pangaerelho
unbearably, (adv) emael pangaerelhoev
unblemished, (adj) sentaire
uncaring, (adj) emael diae'anh
unchangeable, (adj) emael ehtealho
unchanged, (adj) ehtea'akhe
uncharitable, (adj) emael teillh'lho
uncivilized, (adj) mos'kryrhakhe
uncle, paternal (n) dinam-di'ranai; maternal (n)dinam-ri'nanai
uncompromising, (adj) llivaiyranh
unconditional, (adj) iaafvi
unconscious, (adj) viyyd
under, (prep w/ dat) ihfvi; under command of, lead by (prep prefix) hir'-
underachieve, (v) khiil'khuae
underachiever, (n) khiil'khuaenen
underground, (n) skhra
understand, (v) ssuaj
understandable, (adj) ssuajlho
understandably, (adv) ssuajlhoev
understate, (v) llicubaere
underworld, (n) Areinnye
undisciplined, (adj) anaesuakhe
undisputed, (adj) emael konae'eri
undock, (v) llikhaelfa
undress, (v) thaaes
undressed, (adj) thaaeseri
uneasily, (adv) thhaerev
uneasy, (adj) thhaer
uneven, (adj) aendon
unevenly, (adv) aendonev
unexpected, (adj) eghadh
unfair, (adj) emael optaere
unfaithful, (adj) vagram
unforgettable, (adj) emael daevirelho
unforgivable, (adj) email mosekhesailho
unforseeable, (adj) ullho
unhappy, (adj) aihhiu
unharmed, (adj) mosbolakhe
unhelpful, (adj) emael dekonaes
uniform, (n) aaiydh
unimaginable, (adj) emael laiyhalho
unimaginably, (adv) emael laiyhalhoev
unimaginative, (adj) emael laiyha'elh
unimaginatively, (adv) emael laiyha'elhev
unimportant, (adj) hhiamn
uninhabited, (adj) naenu
unintentional, (adj) emael imhaeliedhaes
uninteresting, (adj) oiaekh
union, (n) temanna
unique, (adj) mollais
unit, of measure for pressure (n) melakol
unit, used to measure temperature (12 onkians is roughly equivalent to 35 F) (n) onkian
unite, (n) anna
united, (adj) anna'eri
universal, (adj) ih'ekhaid
universe, (n) ekhaid
unknown, (adj) ullho
unlike, (adj) emael'le
unlimited, (adj) emael draeganeri
unnecessary, (adj) emael cunaemn
unpleasant, (adj) emael ehaes
unpleasantness, (n) nuhur'le ehaes'le
unprocessed, (adj) faramn
unquestioning, (adj) nihroiukhi
unsatisfactory, (adj) fvakh
unskilled, (adj) nnulhlle
unsurprising, (adj) hliuhukhi
until, (prep) ru; (post) iut
unusual, (adj) oiimna
up,, to on top (postp with NA) mibh
upon, (post) mibh
upside, down (adj) ieuyye; (adv) ieuyyeri
urgent, (adj) iumnau
use, for its intended purpose (v) dva; take advantage of, make do with (v) mneiyye; employ, exert (v) rhudh
useful, (adj) abhhil
usual, (adj) ehsaeh
vacancy, (n) iamneiedhlo
vacant, (adj) iamneiedh
vacantly, (adv) iamneiedhev
vacate, (v) amnei
vacation, holiday (n) draeudt; act of vacating (n) temamnei; go on vacation (v) mosdraeudt
vague, (adj) dryhae
vaguely, (adv) dryhae'ev
vagueness, (n) dryhae'le
valley, (n) rrhiol
valuable, (adj) lmnaae'lho
value, ideal (n) aerreh; worth lmnaee; (v) lmnaae
valueless, (adj) llilmnaae
vanish, (v) ieryyrh
variability, (n) aheimn'lhono
variable, (adj) aheimn'lho
variably, (adv) aheimn'lhoev
variant, (adj, n) aheimnasi
variation, (n) iaheimnedh
variety, (n) aheimnno
vary, (v) aheimn
vegetable, (n) ssalli; (adj) ih'elhaon
vegetate, (v) ihirelhaon
vegetation, (n) elhaon
vehicle, (n) rrh'eilln
vein, (n) euukh
velocity, (n) ihhsiu
venal, (adj) ih'euukh
vengeance, (n) kholhr
venom, (n) ghoyiph
vent, (n) llaerae; (v) llaerae
ventilate, (v) llaeraeri
ventilation, (n) illaeraeriedh
ventilator, (n) llaeraerinen
ventral, (adj) ih'nhaeh
venture, dhalth; (n) dhalth
verb, (n) hwuih
verification, (n) iihhwae'edh
verify, (v) ihhwae
vertical, (adj) nnvoih
very, (adv) idh
vessel, (n) hiera
vex, (v) daetra
vibe, (n) niaezh
vicinity, (n) lai
vicious, (adj) ainnh
viciously, (adv) ainnhev
viciousness, (n) ainnh'le
victory, (n) vauthil
view, (v) slang, used as a prefix ta(i)-
viewing, screen (n) taeiih
vigilant, (adj) fveirrolh, mandukar
vigour, (n) anahos
vigorous, (adj) anahosai
violence, (n) bhaohhno
violent, (adj) bhaohh
visibility, (n) khaei'lhono
visible, (adj) khaei'lho
visibly, (adv) khaei'lhoev
visit, (n) niehae; (v) niehae
visitor, (n) niehaenen
visual, (n) khaei; visual display (n) khaei'chaerh; (adj) khaei'lho
vocabulary, (n) vaehf
vocal, (adj) ih'aehv
vocalization, (n) hhaonn
vocalize, (v) mos'hhaonn
voice, (n) aehv
voluntarily, (adv) aefvoieyev
voluntary, (adj) aefvoiey
volunteer, (n) aefvoi; (v) aefvoi
vow, (n) haerhe; (v) haerhe
vowel, (n) aodh-hhaonn'klanen
voyage, (n) havrae; (v) mos'havrae
voyager, (n) havra
Vulcan, person (n) Thaesha; Vulcan slang, offensive (n) Yyaio; planet (n) Thaei; (adj) Thaes
vulgar, (adj) hhaeka
vulgarity, (n) hhaeka'lho
vulgarly, (adv) hhaeka'ev
wait, (v) simhoni; wait (for) (v) ourhhe (+Dat)
wake, up (v) eihllu; wake (sb.) up (v) moseihllu
walk, (v) nveni
wall, (n) honn
want, (v) ssraei
war, (n) aish; great war (n) akh
warm, friendly (adj) hlei; slightly hot (adj) pokot
warmth, (n) hlei'le; pokot'le
warn, (v) elhaeu
warning, (n) temelhaeu
warp, skip (n) avaihh'sadaere; warp speed (n) avaihh; warp drive (n) avaihh'etrehh
warrior, (n) archaic llaisnen; gekha
warship, (n) amosarr
washroom, (n) lhiifv
watch, observe (v) rehhae; tend, guard (v) klhu
watchful, (adj) mandukar
water, (n) aekhhwi; drinking water (n) hnnieth; Element (n) Ihhuein
wave, (v) daedo
way, (n) latas; any way (adv) khrisa; some other way (adv) eisaha; that way (adv) mheisa; this way (adv) keisa
we, (pron) mnean
weak, (adj) iurrha
weakling, (n) iurrhanen
weakly, (adv) iurrha'ev
weakness, (n) iurrha'le
wealth, (n) iaehhs
wealthy, (adj) iaehhsemh
weapon, in general (n) aihn; something specifially designed for that purpose (n) anofv;bladed (n) anofv-sen; blunt (n) anofv-oann; projectile (n) anofv-ihl; nonlethal (n) eikohh; small arms (n) teidr
weaponsmaster, (n) rianov
wear, (v) khiiea
web, (n) eoth
wedge, (n) avastam
week, tenday (n) dhaei
weight, (n) diadaen'le
welfare, (n) notht
welcome:, "be welcome", as formal greeting aefvadh
well, (interj) ehsiu
well-being, (n) notht
wet, (adj) mhafheqq
wetten, (v) mosmhafheqq
what, (pron) fvah
whatever, (pron) vafann; for whatever reason (adv) veiann
when, (adv) rhifv
whenever, (adv) rhivann
where, (adv) vikra
wherever, (adv) hfivann
which, (pron) vaeha
whichever, (pron) ehrr
while, (adv) fvoir
white, (adj) aye; of light (adj) iesiy
who, (adv) vaeha
whoever, (adv) vehann
whole, (adj) en
why, (adv) eir, voi
wide, (adj) fothi
wife, (n) ailhun
wild, (adj suffix) -'vnu
wilderness, (n) ahiuan
will, (n) ssaed
win, (v) shhii
wind, (n) khaiell
wing, military (n) vastam; of bird, aircraft, etc (n) aen
with, (prep prefix) sa'-
within, (prep) hrrafv
without, (prep) lli
wolf, approximate equivalent (n) thrai
woman, (n) nviahr
wonderful, (adj) dynt
wood, (n) rrhandh; forest (n) kustais
word, (n) edaiht; oath (n) hallhu
work, function (v) gohhai; toil (v) dhraeu; labour (n) dhraeu
worker, (n) fvehai, dhraeunen
world, (n) rehvie
worm, (n) kllhe
worried, (adj) aaemir
worry, (v) aaema
worsen, (v) nvaiyy
worth, non-monetary (n) aerreh
worthless, (adj) nvimn
wound, (n) batlem; (v) mosbatlem
wounded, (adj) batlemeri
wretched, (adj) aaith
write, (v) ovhshau
writing, (n) haud, temovhshau
x-ray, (n) kheis'faetor
xenophobe, (n) ihirendain'efvielhnen
xenophobia, (n) endain'efvielh
yawn, (n) hlluoi; (v) hlluoi
year, (380 eisaSe) (n) fvheisn; year, on Vulcan (n) e'ayy
yellow, bright (adj) isneih; dull (adj) rhaimn
yellowish-green, (adj) saiy
yes, (adv) ie; (emphatic) (adj) au'e; of course (int) daie
yesterday, (n) eisran
yet, (adv) ssuy
yield, (v) bont
you, (pron) normal hwi; formal nonmodal hwio; formal sup to inf khia; formal inf tosup nnearh; you are (verbal pron) hwiiy
young, (adj) aihsa
youth, (n) droat
youthful, (adj) droahkh
zonal, (adj) ih'naetrh
zone, (n) naetrh


Common Words Pronouns are listed in normal mode unless otherwise noted.

Greetings and Farewells
Jolan'tru Hello/Goodbye - semiformal; the most popular greeting
Y'hhau Hello/Goodbye - informal; used among friends and family
Æfvadh Be welcome - formal greeting
Shaoi ben Formal greeting, superior to inferior
Shaoi dan Formal greeting, nonmodal
Shaoi kon Formal greeting, inferior to superior
Bedah Goodbye - formal
Bed aoi Goodbye forever

Thank You
Khnai'ra Hello/Goodbye - semiformal; the most popular greeting
Khnai'ru rhissiuy Hello/Goodbye - semiformal; the most popular greeting
Khlinæ arhem Hello/Goodbye - semiformal; the most popular greeting

Yes and No
Ie Yes
Daie Yes - inferior to superior
Au'e An emphatic Yes
Dhat No

Other Words and Phrases
Vikra temflaiihe'rhe? Where is the restroom?
Narihu-difv hwi? What is your name?
Narihu ... arhem. My name is ...
Dochai-difv Ænglish hwi? Do you speak English?
Arhem ssuajukhe. I don't understand.
Ta'krenn! Look! Look at that!
ColorsRomulans have a different sense of color than Humans, and thus their words for colors do not always correspond to ours. Though Romulans see roughly the same spectrum that Humans do, their eyes process light differently. They favor darker shades and colors over brighter ones.

Below are the names of the standard colors in the Rihan language.

akhiy black
shæni purple
shibæ red-violet
mneani red
tæmon reddish-orange
khoey orange
mneihy reddish-brown
nneihe yellowish-brown
lhaiy blue
steki sky blue
ehrie green (blood colored)
saiy yellowish-green
isneih bright yellow
rhaimn dull yellow
aye white
Family, Romance and Forms of Address
di'ranov father
ri'ranov mother
ranov parent
dinam brother
rinam sister
ravsam sibling
deyhhan husband
ailhun wife
fælirh son
pænhe daughter
hru'di'ranov grandfather
hru'ri'ranov grandmother
hru'ranov grandparent
dinam-di'ranai uncle, paternal
dinam-ri'ranai uncle, maternal
rinam-di'ranai aunt, paternal
rinam-ri'ranai aunt, maternal
rian cousin

Terms of Endearment
jol-ao au. I love you. (romantic, poetic, archaic)
Jol hwi arhem. I love you. (non-romantic, modern)
e'lev my love, dear, darling
sahe'lagge passionflower
h'levreinnye love-devil

Forms of Address
rekkhai sir/madam (military)
lhhai sir (outside military)
lhhei madam (outside military)