To: CMDR Samaras, A (( @Sam )) CC: LCDR Valore (( @Valore )) From: LT Aev Subj: Scheduling a Meeting
Jolan’tru Commander,
I need to speak with an officer on the Endeavour’s roster, MACO Captain Gabriella Valencia. As she is currently restricted to quarters, I will either need permission to come aboard and meet in a secure environment or temporary permission for her to leave the ship.
Please direct any questions to the Office of the Admiralty. To aid you in that task I have CC’d Lieutenant Commander Valore. I look forward to your reply.
To:CMDR Samaras, A CC: ~~ From: CAPT Mirazuni, A Subj: RE: FW: Scheduling a Meeting
The Lieutenant will be welcome onboard the U.S.S. Endeavour. You may communicate this to him. We will aim to accommodate him and his wishes as best as we can.