SUBMITTED: Stardate 96624.5 | FILED BY: LCDR Kirsopp | SECURITY: Level 1 - Open |
LOCATION: Event Horizon lounge
MISSION: Responded to call for security team due to physical conflict between 1 Romulan male and 1 Jem'Hadar.
OUTCOME: Combat abated immediately upon security team's arrival. One injury was sustained by one party member. No arrests made.
LT Mercer, Olivia
LCDR H'ajah
SEC Team #28-F
CDR Davin (RRF)
Third Lorso'toran (DV)
Vorta Algrun (DV)
LCDR H'ajah
SEC Team #28-F
CDR Davin (RRF)
Third Lorso'toran (DV)
Vorta Algrun (DV)
NARRATIVE: My team arrived on site approximately twelve minutes after the call was received, just in time to see the Jem'Hadar (identified as Lorso'toran, Founder's Wisdom) go for a headbutt against the Romulan (identified as Commander Davin, D'Ishae).
This was averted due to quick action on a bystander Klingon female (identified as Lieutenant-Commander H'ajah), who pulled Davin back and out of the way. We did identify a weapon protruding from Lorso'toran's side as I yelled for them to break it off, which both combatants complied with immediately.
Lorso'toran proceeded to pull the knife from his side and offered it to security, which has been submitted to Evidence. Two of my team members escorted Lorso'toran back to his ship, but they were rebuffed at the docking zone and were not able to see him back to his ship's medical bay. They took his statement and let him return alone, since he did not appear to be concerned about the wound.
I handled statements from the remaining officers at Event Horizon. They have been attached below.
RECOMMENDATION: CDR Davin says his actions were self-defense and I think I mostly agree, even if his kind of self defense is on the more aggressive side of the scale.
Plus speaking as someone who works in security, it really doesn't make me feel super comfortable to think about the Jem'Hadar soldiers wandering around the station using their biological shrouding/cloaking ability. Most secure areas are not going to be accessible to them because of additional biometric or device/commbadge security measures, but there's still a lot of mischief that they could get into that would be hard for us to figure out if we can't get them on security cameras.
Spoiler: CDR DavinShow
<SEC 28-F> Identify yourself, please.
<Davin> Davin Mandukar, Riov, Warbird D'Ishae, Romulan Republic.
<SEC 28-F> Thank you. Please describe what happened.
<Davin> I believe the Jem'Hadar was using a personal shrouding device. He appeared next to me while I was at the bar with...
(he nods to Mercer here)
<Davin> An unidentified humanoid materialized beside me unexpectedly. I reacted.
<SEC 28-F> I see. And you ... er... reacted... by...
<Davin> My wrist-comm happened to overheat. It ejected a damaged section of its heatsink. I utilized that piece of heatsink as an improvised blade.
<SEC 28-F> Understood. That's ... it, then? You were just engaging in self-defense?
<Davin> I believed I was in danger and acted accordingly. If you're familiar with the holographic zombie cyborg Tal Shiar assassin incident, I think you'll understand.
<SEC 28-F> I'll uh... look it up, sir. Thank you. Anything else you want to add?
<Davin> No, Sir/Ma'am.
<SEC 28-F> Understood, sir. You're free to go. Feel free to visit engineering if you need that looked at.
Spoiler: Third Lorso'toranShow
<Lorso'toran> while I was walking around the station I noticed that the romulans tattoos were injected into the lower levels of his skin suggesting that the tattoos were permanent. This confused me as my cultural understanding states that Romulan morning tattoos are supposed to be temporary.
<Lorso'toran> I deshrouded to pose my question to the Romulan. After he became aware of my presence, he pulled a concealed blade and attempted to swing at me. I caught the arm and ask him to drop it. He ended up dropping the weapon into his other hand and attempting to stab me. Due to his poor form I was able to deflect the knife into my ribs preventing any serious damage.
<Lorso'toran> After I was stabbed, the fight was broken up. I gave the knife to security and it was ordered back to the ship.
<Lorso'toran> You should require that Romulan go through additional CQC training. His attacks were both very poor.
<SEC 28-F> Do you often go around on station shrouded?
<Lorso'toran> ....Any time i leave the ship. people seem very uncomfortable with me otherwise. star fleet stations have no regulations, about the use of biological camouflaged abilitys.
<SEC 28-F> Do you have anything else you want to add?
<Lorso'toran> ....that romualn need to learn how to use a knife better. His poor skill was evident. I would be willing to train him, if he wanted
<SEC 28-F> Anything pertinent to the case?
<SEC 28-F> Thanks for your time.
Spoiler: Vorta AlgrunShow
<SEC 28-F> Identify yourself, please.
<Algrun> Algrun. Vorta. Starship commander of DV 15551, attached to the DV Founder's Wisdom.
<SEC 28-F> Please describe what happened.
<Algrun> Very well. I was with my Vorta compatriots, Eiten, and Ambassador Aravia. We were discussing business, none of which is relevant to this case, when my attention was caught to the altercation. When I approached, I saw a blade pierce the abdominal area of Third Lorso'toran. The Romulan, and what appeared to be a Klingon woman in starfleet uniform were facing off and appeared to act belligerently towards the Third. I choose to intervene at that point.
<SEC 28-F> I see. You do not have any observations on what started the fight?
<Algrun> I assumed it was goading on the part of the Romulan and the Klingon. Jem'Hadar are famously disciplined soldiers.
<SEC 28-F> Okaaay. Do your Jem'Hadar soldiers often use their shrouding ability while on station?
<Algrun> I did not see the Jem'Hadar soldier shroud. I was, after all, in a conversation with my Vorta compatriots.
<SEC 28-F> That uh... was not the question I asked.
<Algrun> But it is, and your question is loaded.
<SEC 28-F> I think I am just asking for information about what you allow your soldiers to do on station.
<Algrun> We ~allow~ them to follow the rules and regulations of any visiting foreign soil, including this space station, and are expected to follow them to the letter.
<SEC 28-F> ... Okay then. Anything else you want to add?
<Algrun> Yes! When will charges and punishment be applied to the Romulan bastard who shanked one of our men?!
<SEC 28-F> Any *information* you would like to add that is pertinent to the case?
<Algrun> Nothing further to add. Your people will be hearing from ~my~ people, and unless it involves that Romulan's head on a stake we have nothing further to discuss!
<Algrun> Metaphorically of course.
<SEC 28-F> Of course, sir. Understood. You're free to go.
Spoiler: LT Mercer, OliviaShow
<SEC 28-F> Sorry for the wait. Identify yourself, please.
<Olivia Mercer> Lieutenant Olivia Mercer. Ops Officer, USS Valkyrie.
<SEC 28-F> Please describe what happened.
<Olivia Mercer> Commander H'ajah, the Romulan Davin and I were all talking at the bar about tarka. It's hot Romulan lemonade. You'd like it. Lorso unshrouded right behind Davin and Davin freaked out and they got into a fight. I tried to break it up, but I couldn't get Lorso to back down and Davin stabbed him.
<Olivia Mercer> But ... Lorso does that a lot, sneaking up on people. He was doing that the other day and I tried to explain it wasn't cool, but he didn't quite get it. Is he ok?
<SEC 28-F> ... The Jem'Hadar? I imagine so, if he's receiving medical attention on his ship. You say he does it a lot, then? The shrouding? And you *told* him it was inadvisable?
<Olivia Mercer> Yes. But I don't think he understood. You really think they're treating him?
<SEC 28-F> ... I ... oh. You are saying they might not... because they are Dominion?
<Olivia Mercer> Because of how the Vorta treat him. They called the stabbing damage to their property.
<SEC 28-F> I am sure it will be fine. I sent two officers with him, so they'll report in if anything is weird. Is there anything else you want to add?
<Olivia Mercer> It was such a stupid misunderstanding. I guess not.
<Olivia Mercer> Thanks.
<SEC 28-F> Thank you. You're free to go.
Spoiler: SCDR MaxShow
<SEC 28-F> Hello, identify yourself, please.
<Max> I am designated as Max.
<SEC 28-F> ... Posting?
<Max> I am the XO of the Romulan starship Courser.
<SEC 28-F> Understood. Could you please describe what happened?
<Max> At approximately 96624.6 the jem'hadar Lorso'toran decloaked at DS13’s bar, right behind a group of officers, Davin, H'ajah and Oliva Mercer. Upon his appearance the two females assumed a fighting stance, but Davin created a knife from his wrist console. The Romulan then proceeded to attempt to stab the Jem'hadar but failed, his hand being caught by the Jem. After a threat intended to end the hostilities from the Jem the Romulan dropped the knife as to catch it in his other hand, then proceeded to stab the Jem in the ribs. While the two females did attempt to break up the fight they were ineffective. Finally after the knife entered the Jem'Hadar third station security arrived.
<Max> In my opinion the Romulan Commander Davin was at fault, while initially startled by the Jem'hadar he had several opportunities to cease hostilities, yet continued.
<SEC 28-F> Understood. Anything else you'd like to add?
<Max> No.
<SEC 28-F> ... Okay then, thanks for your time. You're free to go.
Spoiler: LCDR H'ajahShow
<SEC 28-F> Hello, identify yourself, please.
<H'ajah> Do not pretend that you have not heard of me! I am H’ajah, daughter of Shal, of House Cargh in exile, and I am well known to the security department!
<SEC 28-F> ... Sorry, Commander, we're required to ask, you know. Protocol. Uh, please describe what happened.
<H'ajah> I was carousing at the bar with my blood sister Olivia, daughter of Vincent, and a Romulan of great renown called Davin Mandukar, when we were suddenly ambushed by a towering figure. He was a mountain of a man, with legs like tree trunks and a face hewn from stone. In response to this threat, I did as any warrior would, and readied my body and soul for combat.
<H'ajah> But before I could assess our sudden foe, my Romulan drinking companion attacked. Blinding fast came the strike and counter-strike, so quick that even I, a consummate chronicler of heroic deeds, could barely follow what had transpired. I admit that in my disorientation, I did hesitate, meaning to attempt to understand the situation better before I committed to any course of action. This hesitation was not motivated by cowardice, but respect for the values instilled in me as a Starfleet officer.
<H'ajah> Yet even as I try to reconcile the mind of an officer with the soul of a warrior, I am humbled to say that I observed both acting in perfect synthesis as Olivia threw herself into the fray, not to attack but to stop the fight. She placed her own fragile human body in harm’s way, and so inspired was I by her example that I proudly followed her into battle. Together we managed to restrain and separate the Jem’Hadar and the Romulan, but not before the latter did drive his blade into the belly of the former. As we dragged the combatants apart, security arrived, and I relinquished my hold on Davin and submitted myself to their authority.
<SEC 28-F> Anything else you want to add?
<H'ajah> If Dominion soldiers are to be allowed to walk around this station under cloak, they should at least be required to wear bells around their necks that will jingle and announce their presence.
<SEC 28-F> ...... Thanks, Commander. You're free to go.
Actually this was a great overall interaction and I kind of wish I had been on a PC with relevance for it. Kudos to all those involved.