Sept 13th | Beneath the Surface

2260, The USS Pegasus made first contact with a race known as the Sokaarians in the Delmak system. The Sokaarians responded to the Pegasus by opening fire, since then the Delmak system has been declared off limits to Federation starships and no attempts to return have been made. Until now, the Sokaarians have broken their silence and requested the return of the Starfleet vessel known as the Pegasus...


When: Friday, September 13th @gamma

Audience: Open

Event Type: Free-form/Structured

Starting Point: Sector Space for bridge invites

OOC point of contact: @natthaan


Anyone is welcome to attend, preference for medical and Security alts, a few science alts will be welcome as well. Captains are more then welcome to attend as well however only the Pegasus will be present for the event.
Medical AND security? Brie's overqualified now!
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Commence primary ignition.

I will be there.
This is tonight
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