There is a near identical thread already started, but little panned out and it's nearly a year old. So, this is another attempt.

Strike Force: Kargas has had little in the way of RP lately. I can largely be blamed for that, my schedule has kept me busy since my return to the states and anything before 8pm EST is pretty much impossible for me to make. As such, I’ve only been able to RP a handful of times in the last couple months.

I’ve scheduled Klingon side RP for 8:30pm EST. every Saturday. This time is tentative and can change days and time if necessary. RP for SFK will be casual at this time, but is encouraged to develop into something more (such as mission related, story arc, etc.)

RP can occur at any time for SFK, don’t be afraid to just start an RP at a random time.

One of the bigger challenges for Klingon side RP is what to RP about. Below is a list of RP ideas (posted in another thread but I decided to dig it up again). Feel free to take them and run with them, though try not to start multiple ones at once. You can change them slightly or significantly. The ideas are free to use for SFK RP, but let’s try and develop a plan and implement them intelligently rather than just start one up at a random time with little knowledge from others.

First Contact. SF:K makes first contact with an alien race which has great resources. They have some interesting/very alien technology that is curious. But their culture and tech achievements have been stagnant for some time and it looks like they basically stole their tech from early/pre warp worlds. They are not honorable. Do we make friends since they are conquerors like us or are they dishonorable and just petty thieves in our eyes? Do we invade (and annex) them since it will be an easy victory for such great warriors as us? Do we keep our discovery a secret from the High Command and just make deals that benefit SF:K?

Murder! A political figure visits SF:K’s base only to be murdered. An investigation can ensue. The murderer (NPC, extra toon, etc.) then goes on the run (to like Bajor and First City and so on) and to restore honor SF:K must track down the Peta’Q and bring him to justice the Klingon Way.

Yesterdays Future. SF:K finds a Klingon ship that has crashed in the polar caps of a planet. But it’s discovered the ship has been there for some 50,000yrs but is extremely advanced. Time traveling accident or just an advanced race that is very similar (to include the remains of bodys) to Klingons? Do we exploit the tech or is that dishonorable? Will it tamper with the time line or is it what is supposed to happen to keep the time line? Paradoxes and bloodwine all around!

Tradition. For simple social events it can easily be RP’ed that SF:K is celebrating a victory against the Fed/Rom/Breen/Borg/etc. This can occur pretty frequent and can be pretty laid back as its talks of glory and war stories and lets people RP their toons and get some background info

Gorn. The Popularity of a Gorn revolution, to throw off the chains of the Empire, is growing. How should it be handled? Show them the benefits of standing with the Empire? Or show them the consequences for standing against the Empire?

Epic Villain. Could be a mad scientist, a rouge General, a terrorist, a dishonorable political figure, etc. Someone (NPC/spare toon slot from someone) is a threat to the Empire and what it stands for. Could be a devious chemical being made, dishonorable dealings that are tarnishing the Empire, cowardly murders, whatever. SF:K must track this bastard down. He/she should probably have followers to fight in maybe a really simple, yet difficult, foundry mission fight.

Rise Against the Machines. You can actually lump this in with the Epic Villain idea. Have some of the Klingon side Android BO’s develop emotion. They can go crazy, or be too dishonorable, or view the KDF as inferior and should serve them not the other way around. Smarter, stronger, faster… a difficult opponent there.

Tholians! Can RP SF:K spearheading the assault on Nukara Prime to slay some Tholians and show them who the true power of the Galaxy belongs to.

Errand of War. TOS Episode “Errand of Mercy” showcased the Orgainians who stopped the Feds and Klinks from fighting. I won’t go into long detail but there is info on why they no longer do so, if you search memory-beta and alpha you’ll find the reasons. Anyhow, maybe revisit them now that they are in their weakened state.

Give war a chance. SF:K discovers a planet that is warp capable and in a state of a world war. Can make up backgrounds/politics for both/all sides. Should SF:K get involved? Should we pick sides? They are not very advanced so they could all be dominated by force. If left unresolved they could destroy themselves and the planet which has resources needed for the warfront.

Aegis. Not sure how many are familiar with the fact that the Aegis set in-game is derived from a back story about Gary Seven (TOS: “Assignment: Earth”). Aegis basically abducts individuals and turns them into super spy agents sent to sway important events on worlds. SF:K discovers such an agent. But what are his/her intentions? Do they benefit the Empire or is he/she here to sway the war in the Feds favor? Does the agent even know SF:K is on to them?

You’ll notice that these plots avoid making the Federation or TFA the main enemy, they are also not “galactic ending events” that only we can prevent. Those plots get really old really fast.

If you like these ideas let me know and we can hash out more details and see about getting them going.

If you have your own ideas for SFK RP then you can post them here, talk to me, or talk to others about getting the ball rolling.

There is a lot of potential on SFK to develop good RP stories that can last 1 night or span several scheduled events and turn into a story arc.
Interesting Dew. I will definitely give it some thought. +1
This weekend we will start off by doing some of the Klingon story missions IC after some casual RP for any new introductions and necessary backstories. If we have a large enough group we will simply do different missions.
Hope to be there! I'd love to get back into some KDF RP.
Any RP is good RP. I say go for it. My only suggestion is that instead of trying to play our TFA characters that we just take those same characters and change their appearance in one of the uniform slots and make them generic SFoofficers or independent traders etc that said group is disguised as.