Ship Damage Reports


U.S.S. Dragon


CAPT D. Tungsten


AAR: Operation Edelweiss - Pyrenees Group



System Status Damage
Offensive Online Stress damage to phaser-lance cannon, related power systems
Defensive Online Moderate damage to main deflector
Impulse Online No damage reported
Warp Online No damage reported
Sensors Online No damage reported
Computer Online No damage reported
Communications Online No damage reported
Hull Integrity Stable


  • No damage on all remaining decks


  • KIA: 0
  • MIA: 0
  • WIA: 0
  • Refugees: 0
  • Prisoners: 0

NOTES The ship is in fully functional condition, but there are two areas that need a bit of repair and overhaul. Engineering had already been replacing many power conduits and junctions with more robust components, and catastrophic damage in some areas of the ship may have been possible without this. However, the phaser-lance cannon was utilized in a continuous-beam fire mode with higher than recommended power levels, for extended periods of time on this mission to destroy hardened electronic warfare platforms. While still functional, Engineering has identified several areas of metal fatigue, slight warping in the focusing apparatus, and other wear-induced issues that will become problematic with time and continued use. Separately, while utilizing a high-powered anti-graviton beam from the main deflector in conjunction with USS Mariner to defeat an advanced enemy shield, a feedback pulse did hit the main deflector. It is operational, but damage was sustained that will also degrade into complete failure with time and continued use. Current deflector effectiveness estimated at 40%.

Some repairs will need to be started via EVA activity while the ship is powered-down and at station-keeping. Other internal repairs can be continued by Engineering personnel while underway again, and will not require the full attention of drydock personnel to be taken away from ships more in need.

USS Dragon has returned to Starbase Deep Space 13 in stable docking orbit while repairs are affected, and personnel rotate for shoreleave.