AAR: Operation Edelweiss - Pyrenees Group

Filed By:
CAPT Tungsten, D.

LOCATION Fvillhaih, launching to Beta Reticuli, and in orbit of Beta Reticuli I.

MISSION Destroy or disable hardened enemy sensor-jamming electronic warfare platforms.



  • CAPT Tungsten, D.
  • CMDR LaSalle, E.
  • LCDR Reese, V.
  • LCDR Lawson, R.
  • LT Wind-People, A.

NARRATIVE As the combined task groups of Operation Edelweiss assembled in the recently captured Fvillhaih system, we were given a final recap of the mission briefing and instructions by Rear Admiral Bishop.

The main force, codenamed Alps, was to drop in first, and engage the enemy, while USS Dragon and its embarked support squadron and escort would constitute Pyrenees group, and warp in to the other side of Beta Reticuli I to begin neutralizing the electronic warfare platforms.

The Crew of USS Dragon have conducted “blind-sensor” drills for years now. There is a system in place to set up spotters at designated windows to call out location and heading of enemy craft, with the aid of optical instruments for magnification and measurement, such as binoculars, telescopes, and even rulers and protractors for measuring angles and distances with a chronometer. This information is not usually as accurate as sensors, but is nonetheless relayed to the tactical officer to aid in targetting. The Dragon’s fighters are also used to practicing with no instruments for flight formations, and visual targettting.

This would come in handy, as the enemy platforms proved effective. They were fortunately large enough to be detected visually, after measuring interference intensity, to make easy enough for LT Wind-People at tactical to visually aim our phaser-lance cannon at them, and work on boring through their shields and armor to destroy them.

While working on our primary mission, the platforms did fire weapons at the ship, but they were too small to degrade the ship’s shields. They were clearly designed to devote their strength to sensor jamming, and surviving by strength of shields and armor with allied ship-based support.

Fortunately, groups Alps, Appennines, and Romulan Republic Forces were keeping most of those defenders very busy as designed, so that we could destroy these platforms, and which would in-turn help all the rest of our forces to target more effectively.

Light resistance was encountered, however. Two T’Liss warbirds, and four Scorpion fighters were encountered attempting to stop our mission at various times. With all of USS Dragon’s available power diverted to shields and the phaser-lance cannon to complete our mission, our Valkyrie fighter squadron, led by LCDR Lawson provided defense to the ship, and performed well, destroying all enemy targets with only one of our fighters severely damaged by friendly fire, but able to come in for repairs under its own power. This showing would be worthy of praise even with all sensors functioning as normal.

As USS Dragon made its way to each of the first three platforms, and destroyed them (this was a time-consuming process due to their hardened nature.), sensors were finally able to function mostly normally, and it is at about this time that Appennines group completed their mission of taking out the enemy spotter vessels, with the net effect of our targeting becoming far stronger, and the enemy’s far weaker, at the same time, as planned.

Shortly after this, four enemy ships (One Scimitar Class, three D’Deridex) assumed polar orbit above Beta Reticuli I, and formed an unusual red and nearly opaque shield for themselves, with most other enemy ships moving to form a barricade around them, and attack any ships approaching. This would soon come to include USS Dragon and USS Mariner, as we had finished our respective tasks.

Much to our horror, and with all allied ships still too far to intercept, one of the ships in this strange formation launched a torpedo at the surface of the planet to devastating effect on populated areas. They had begun destroying civilian populations when it became clear their victory was not assured.

USS Dragon and USS Mariner would head towards the enemy formation, with USS Mariner working on devising a way to bring down that shield, as ordered by Admiral Bishop, and USS Dragon working to draw enemy ships and fire away from Mariner as they did so.

Meanwhile, the Alps and RRF groups would also be engaging others of the enemy force, and attempting to intercept the torpedoes aimed at the surface. Unfortunately, at least two more did make contact with the surface. USS Dragon was not in intercept range at this time. It should be noted that around this time, many of the Imperial Romulan forces turned on their own, rightfully disgusted by the mass slaughter of civilian populations. Some withdrew entirely, but others were shooting at each other, and efforts were made to not target those who were also trying to stop further war crimes.

USS Mariner would fire an anti-graviton beam at the strange enemy shield, which caused it to falter, but it ultimately held.

This officer then contacted USS Mariner to send us the deflector configuration, so that we may try again together. They very quickly and efficiently complied, and we tried again with the combined output of a Caelian and Lexington Class starship together. This took several moments, but finally proved effective, leaving them without shielding. Both USS Mariner and USS Dragon proceeded to attack with quantum torpedoes, full spread. All 12 torpedo tubes were utilized on USS Dragon.

At this time, the formation of ships that was bombarding the planet was reduced to rubble. There were some pot-shots traded between Romulan forces at this time, but their actions seemed consistent with being unsure of what to do now.

This officer then opened a channel asking Imperial forces to stand down, and not add to the already horrible number of deaths this day. It was stated that we would continue to fight if they did not, but that was not our desired outcome.

After a long pause, one Subadmiral Tommela t’Lovok, apparently the highest ranking officer left alive, ordered all Imperial forces to withdraw to Rator III, and they did comply, ending the conflict.

RECOMMENDATION Whatever aid we can provide to the devastated worlds of the Romulan Republic, this officer believes we must. It is also my tactical recommendation that we at least attempt to straighten out the borders between the Romulan Republic and Star Empire if possible in negotiations to end the conflict. The preference of course would be to award areas to the Republic that are currently in interlocking peninsulas with the Republic, and the area around Fvillhaih and sloping down near the Iconian system. I do not think that peace is impossible without this, but it may be easier this way, and act as small reparations for the brutal attack.
RECOGNITION I am deeply proud of all the officers and crew that we serve with, and wish I could spend the time to name each and every one of them involved with this operation. Not just aboard USS Dragon, but across the whole task force. I will, however, call special attention to LCDR R’eina Lawson for leading the defense of USS Dragon during our operation, Commander LaSalle for ensuring our crew was well-prepared for operating in a no-sensors environment, LCDR Reese and LT Wind-People for getting performance beyond listed parameters out of the ship to complete its mission, and LCDR Zital aboard USS Mariner for once again finding a creative way to utilize the systems of not just USS Mariner to defeat a novel threat.

OOC Thank you everyone for joining this part of the event! I also thought the overarching event went really well, and would love to see something like that happen again. (But maybe not every week! That’s a lot.)