Ship Inspection

To: CAPT Cochrane, Rachel. (@Thrawn215)
From: LCDR Valore
Subj: Ship Inspection


You have been selected for a ship readiness inspection. I shall see you tomorrow at an hour past Beta shift where you and your vessel will be evaluated based on select criteria.

We shall speak then.

Lieutenant Commander Valore
38th Fleet

OOC OOCly this is a planned ship inspection requested by Rachel. See you then, hope you’ll have fun!

To: LCDR Valore
From: CAPT Cochrane, Rachel.
Subj: RE: Ship Inspection

Acknowledged, Commander. I’ll be there.

Captain Rachel Cochrane
Commanding Officer,
USS Wasp


To: LCDR Carter, T’Pemi (@siskofan1991)
CC: CAPT Cochrane, Rachel. (@Thrawn215)
From: LCDR Valore
Subj: Ship Technical Inspection


You are requested to perform a technical inspection on the U.S.S. Wasp at earliest convenience to complement a previously performed general inspection.

Copied on this email is the captain of said vessel.

Lieutenant Commander Valore
38th Fleet

OOC This was a technical inspection Rachel asked me to set up for engineering to perform! Have fun!

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