Type Industry Founded Headquarters FCA ID Home Ports Areas Served Active Fleet | Merchant Guild General Commerce; Shipping; Retail; Hospitality; Security Stardate Unknown Sh'Vara, PX-438, Argelius UFP-00216-AN35K Sh'Vara Trade Station (Level A, Grand Concourse) Alpha/Beta, Quadrantwide 1 Orbital Commercial Starbase |
The Sh'Vara Mercantile Guild is an organization that seems to defy easy classification. Equal parts commerce union, ersatz government, and spiritual authority, the Guild is responsible for nearly everything aboard Sh'Vara Trade Station. The Guild council assembles representatives from the stations Trade Clans with seats on the council allocated as a function of each Clans 'shares', or their percentage of the trade revenue the station brings in. Each Clan is guaranteed at least one seat, and alliances amongst like minded Clans are not uncommon.
Functioning as a democratic plutocracy, the Council oversees matters of trade regulations, arbitrates disputes amongst Clans, and oversees the day to day operations and upkeep of the station itself. Council proceedings are governed by a set of traditions deeply intertwined with Sh'Vara's unique belief system, and while not overtly religious the codes at the heart of their guidelines are typically referred to as 'sacred'.
Arguably the chief duty of the Guild is the enforcement of its trade guidelines amongst it's constituent Clans. While many minor rules may vary over time and incur only fines, the Trade Clans are obliged to follow a number of long standing core rules, generally regarding labor practices and pricing, the violation of which can lead to financial sanctions from the Guild.
Chief amongst these rules is a total prohibition on slavery. The sale of recognized sentient beings, or the possession of such enslaved beings for any purpose other than immediate emancipation, is cause for the immediate seizure of assets from the offender and their Clan, lifetime exile from Sh'Varan space, and a ban on all commerce from the associated Clan with any Guild entity for up to 3 generations (recognized as roughly equivalent to 96 Federation Standard Years).
Nearly as famed as Sh'Vara station itself, the Sh'Varan Trade Clans are groups who run the stations many varied businesses. While the most renowned Trade Clans are typically families, such as Clan Harrison, Clan Yira, or Clan T'Kön, it is not uncommon for Clans to be unrelated, and merely adjusting their management to reflect the local custom. These Clans are most often referred to simply by the name of their business, though are given no less prestige than the family Clans amongst the Guild.
As with the Guilds commercial regulations, some traditionalist Clans adhere to a number of long-established social codes for the conduct of business. In spite of the ubiquity of universal translators, traditionalist merchants often opt to speak in the language of their clients whenever possible while conducting business. Among family Clans it is not uncommon for members to refer to themselves by their surname rather than their given name, reflecting their role as a representative of their Clan.
While shying away from militant matters, the Guild does maintain a modest security force to ensure the safety of their merchants and customers. The most visible of these forces are the stations Arbiters, uniformed officers entrusted by the Guild Council to maintain the peace on station. On top of the expected security duties, Arbiters function as a final authority in business disagreements too minor to warrant direct intervention from the Council.
For matters beyond the station the Guild Clans maintain a small number of security vessels to patrol the trade lanes near the station. Each Clan is also required as a condition of membership to commit their vessels to the defense of Sh'Vara station if required, as well as to assist any other Guild member in distress.