Solatus Squadron Transfer Orders

To: CAPT Akaela; LCDR Flynn;
CC: @38th.Command
From: VADM Aluk
Subj: Transfer Orders

Captain Akaela:

Following an evaluation of ongoing operational needs, USS Astrea is being reallocated within the 38th Fleet to newly formed Solatus Squadron. You will serve as Squadron Commander. Additional orders and vessel assignments to follow.

Lieutenant Commander Matthew Flynn:

As of this date, you are requested and required to take command of USS Roosevelt. Roosevelt is currently en route to DS13 and expected to arrive by end of week. Upon assuming command you are ordered to report operational status to Rear Admiral Bishop and then begin duties as directed by Captain Akaela, Commanding Solatus Squadron.

Vice Admiral Aluk
Commanding Officer,
38th Fleet ‘Argo’

@Master_Dex @Rogue


To: VADM Aluk
CC: @38th.Command
From: LCDR Flynn, Matthew
Subj: RE: Transfer Orders


Understood. Standing by for Roosevelt’s arrival.

Lieutenant Commander Matthew Flynn
Engineering Department,
Deep Space Station 13