Specialized Technology Dossier: HCMSI System a.k.a. Synesthesia

Name: Hyper-Cognitive Multi-Sensory Information System (HCMSI), nicknamed by practitioners as the "Synesthesia" system.

Inventor: Dr. Mikumo Orochi, Cerebral Neuroscientist for Amadeus Technologies.

Known users: 29th Cyber Operations MACO Platoon led by 1st Lt. Arad Malito, Dr/Cmdr. Alina Mandra (currently assigned with 38th Fleet Argo), several other specialized volunteers.

Primary purpose: Extension of audiovisual sensory capabilities for humanoid users to dramatically enhance information input abilities and overall productivity.

Description: From the logs of Dr. Orochi:
The Hyper-Cognitive Multi-Sensory Information System, or the "Synesthesia" upgrade as the test group has grown to calling it, is a proposal for a next generation information retrieval and interface system intended to further blur the lines between the technology we utilize in our work and the natural processing abilities of our brains.

The process starts with a simple non-invasive surgery that allows only a slight modification to the base of the skull for the sensory catalyst. Unlike modern cybernetics proposals, or even Borg-derived nanoprobe concepts, this surgery does not in fact actually augment the subjects brain, but merely allows the catalyst a connection to it. Think of it like a more permanent and hidden version of wearable brain electrode sensors, but also with probe capabilities. Earlier versions of the concept were previously unfeasible due to the technical properties of the catalyst and the more invasive surgery required, but recent advances and testing on non-living synthetic brain duplicates and then non-sentient animal subjects (Thank you to the Adaptus Animal Species Emigration group for their collaboration) had proven that humanoid testing was ready to proceed. To maintain quality standards I head hunted a few people I felt would be interested in volunteering, with a majority percentage agreeing. Starfleet also felt this would be a worthwhile test for their next generation MACO initiative and thus sent me a special unit from the 29th Platoon (all of whom were given the full story and each agreed to it).

To say the system is merely an upgrade for PADD or console use would be drastically understating the true abilities of this technology. A PADD is simply a display device, and is particularly old technology by today's standards. Even holographic variations that are more modern still follow the same basic concept. Various cybernetic augmentation concepts that would take it to the next level have been proposed and tested such as visor-based displays and embedded eye screen implants (both already proven in helping those that suffer from blindness). However even at the highest level, even an eye screen only overlays images into the users field of vision. The Synesthesia technology will, in it's final version, enable a person to have the ability to intuitively process information as naturally as they can process what an object in front of them is by simply seeing it, or knowing what is nearby them by the sound. Planned upgrades will hopefully make use of multiple sensory capabilities but for now the only active capabilities focus on the audiovisual range.

The system works via a remote secure connection to external computers (one or more), based on the users own biological permissive access link (PAL) system to ensure only they can allow the influx of outside information to the sensory catalyst via a subconscious form of RSA encryption. Rather than physically altering the brain as certain levels of cybernetics would require to achieve a similar, albeit more involved, effect the catalyst then uses neuron affecting electrical pulses from microscopic probes extended from the catalyst to stimulate other brain centers beyond the typical in order to induce audiovisual data directly as an addition to the existing audiovisual processing capabilities of the brain. The result is, in the final form, a person enabled with the ability to fill up to three visual and two auditory fields with data. This could be likened to giving a person two extra sets of eyes that don't necessarily have to be looking at the same thing as the primary set (the actual biological eyes), and a second set of ears that could listen to things aside from natural sounds. An obvious application to this aside from basic user augmentation is helping people with disabled sensory capabilities such as blindness or deafness in ways other than the existing visor or implant systems. Concerns of whether subject's brains can handle the additional influx of information are dealt with due to input data muxing with the natural input of data into said brain centers the way the brain normally does, just with a unique additional ability that was not physically possible before. To paraphrase one of my subjects, it is like they can focus their thoughts now into actionable data that reacts.

Though it can be easy to want to imagine the effects of having a second or third sight as similar to the visual data overlays of eye screens or augmented reality visors, it is important to note only a select few subjects will ultimately see the result looking in this way. The uniqueness of each individual will cause a unique form of perception with the technology. Also of note is the technology does not actually cause a display within someone's field of vision. In reference to the additional visual channels, what is really happening is when visual data is being routed to the second sight data centers the sensory catalyst translates and converts the data into neuron pulses that effectively trick the brain to organizing the data the way the occipital lobe and visual cortex do. In fact, actual processing of those brain centers is used for second sight as well, but the bulk of the extra data is processed in the sensory catalyst so as not to overload these brain centers from their primary job of dealing with natural sight data. The result is a subject's mind is essentially tricked into seeing new images and representations of data in addition to their natural field of vision, rather than as part of it. This could be likened to a form of induced hallucination but even that is not truly an accurate description since it does not invade primary sight capability. The way senses are combined, utilized, and altered to achieve this effect is why the subjects took to nicknaming the system "Synesthesia" which while a crude reference is one I've become personally fond of, and am now using myself for reference.

(The Federation Standard Dictionary ((aka Google)) defines Synesthesia as such: "The production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.")

In trials subjects have already managed to find ways to, by pure adaptation alone, customize the experience for themselves. No one subject so far has used second sight exactly the same as another (author's note: Would love to study two identical twins utilizing this technology). The earliest trials started slow, drip feeding new data bit by bit to get subjects used to the experience. Additionally only secondary sight was used. Once subjects became familiar and more accustomed to it I began opening up secondary auditory capabilities. Prior testing led me to conclude a maximum of only two auditory fields, including the natural hearing ability of a subject, due to issues in comprehending input data. A maximum of three visual fields is possible however, but it must be worked up to from two. I do not recommend anyone going straight to full data intrusion, as the brain can be quickly overloaded with information and medical problems could result without proper adaptation time.

There have been anomalies. The system was designed ground up to be usable for a variety of humanoid species. Typically, humans in particular have the widest variety of reactions and are the hardest to predict. Some handle it perfectly, others need longer adaptability times. I have one unjoined Trill subject who seems to be particularly adept at it and had next to no issues adapting to the system. I hypothesize that the genetic predisposition of being physically able to join together with another living being (in this case, a Trill symbiont) has led Trill brains to evolve to learn how to better handle additional input data such as the litany of additional memories and experiences they receive. I have not had a Joined Trill in the program yet, and I am admittedly curious how they'd adapt, might be even easier, or perhaps harder. I have one Vulcan test subject who experienced a curious cross contamination with their innate telepathic abilities that made it even easier for them to repress their emotions, something with which they appeared to prefer. Two Betazoid subjects produced a curiously opposite reaction, the synesthesia augmentation actually supercharged their empathic abilities almost to the extent of some of the more rare members of their species who have little control of their abilities. Those subjects currently rely on empathic inhibitors to lower their abilities down to standard. Further research is requires to determine how to combat that for Betazoid use, but a side avenue of research may also shed light into those afflicted by the genetic irregularity as well. I have not had the chance to try the system on any Andorians, Tellarites, Rigellians (the humanoid ones that is), or any others than the above listed four species.

Finally, while the 29th Cyber Operations MACO platoon has fully adapted to the system and now uses it to incredibly enhance their work ability, the overall MACO corp has chosen to not adopt the technology at this point in time. I feel this is understandable considering more data is needed, especially for untested species, as well as more human adaptation data. That being said I still continue to get reports from existing test subjects and look for more volunteers. As of now I am on phase 3, which is beginning to roll out tertiary sight capabilities to the original test subjects via remote updates to the sensory catalyst (with each user's permission so they could activate the link, security is highly important to me) to allow trickle-adaptation. I expect the first subjects will have full use of tertiary sight capabilities within a year from now.

This concludes my basic report on the Synesthesia system. I am submitting this and relevant data to the mainframe at Amadeus Technologies and the Daystrom Institute.