(Spoilers) Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Discussion Thread

Post all discussion here. What you may believe to be a spoiler or not.
Darth Vader is Luke's father.

Look as films go its entertaining enough.

As a conclusion to the Skywalker saga. That was a complete and utter lot of bantha poodoo.
It's got more than enough fan service in it to make a little starwars fan go "OOOO SHINY"
But also breaks like...so many rules. Which as a lore guy. Hurts me.

But because there isn't any discussion yet, I'mma lead with.


As honoring the dead goes, it's pretty freaking WTF dude.

The place his grandmother died. The place luke MOST wanted to get away from.

But hey. Gotta have that twin sunset fan service, know what i mean?
On the other hand, it was the place where Leia was briefly enslaved. I'm sure she would have appreciated that.
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Entertaining movie, dumpster fire trilogy ending.

Seeing it for a second time with my dad on the 26th, as is our custom. Maybe I'll enjoy it more a second time, since I know all of the dumb stuff ahead of time this time.

As an update: while the movie's lore itself is kind of a dumpster fire, I cannot emphasize enough how much I recommend the Visual Dictionary for TROS. There's a BUNCH of cool stuff. I'll post some pictures from it soon.
this is, uh, the BIG ONE

Pruned from discord: gg1gnwG.jpg
11/10 would Star Wars again
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My sister and I could not stop quoting Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base references during that entire film.

Also, when the Falcon crash lands on that planet, all I thought about was Obi Wan saying "Another happy landing"
Omnimuffin wrote:
Entertaining movie, dumpster fire trilogy ending.

So, those Sith Trooper Legions. We're those FO troopers that are wearing new armor, or are they troopers that have been waiting with Palpy for the last 3 decades?
The later
I enjoyed the movie.... but I agree, way too much fan service. I wanted another Last Jedi style original
Dactylus wrote:
The later

There has to be some major logistical hurdles to having hundreds of Star Destroyers worth of manpower trapped under ice for 30 years.
Well, an entire clone army was built in under ten years on an ocean planet....
Couldn't not share this
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I saw the movie on Friday. It was enjoyable though I did wish that at the end we'd get light saber duel between Palpatine and Rey. Sure, the whole Tattooine thing at the end was a bit much but I liked the movie as a whole.
Too much "pulling things from the butt" crammed into this. Ridiculous plot devices, uninspiring fights, forced character development. You could cut third of the plot and still have enough stuff for 2 movies.
At least we have the baby Yoda show :)