Squadron Transfer for Wasp

To: RDML Bishp ((@Sam))
From: CAPT Cochrane
Subj: Potential reassignment to a Squadron

Greetings, Admiral.
I am writing to ask about a transfer of the Wasp from Taurus Squadron to another squadron. I was thinking Aries Squadron due to the Wasp’s nature as an Assault Cruiser and her strong focus on offensive operations. However, I’m not sure how to go about the transfer… If you could help, that would be great. Thank you.

Rachel Cochrane
Commanding Officer,
USS Wasp

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To: CAPT Cochrane
CC: @38th.Command
From: VADM Aluk
Subj: RE: FWD: Potential reassignment to a Squadron

Captain Cochrane,

The timing of your inquiry is fortuitous.

Wasp has been selected to undergo an extensive refit as part of the ongoing Fleet Modernization Program. You are ordered to return to Deep Space 13 and present your vessel to the shipyard. Upon completion of the upgrade, Wasp will be redesignated as a vessel of the Archon-class.

Admiral Bishop, you may consider anticipated post-refit capabilities of the vessel in determining future squadron placement.

Vice Admiral Aluk
Commanding Officer,
38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: VADM Aluk
From: CAPT Cochrane
Subj: RE: Potential reassignment to a Squadron

Acknowledged, Admiral. Wasp will back at DS13 in a few hours.

Rachel Cochrane
Commanding Officer,
USS Wasp

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To: CAPT Cochrane, R (@Thrawn215)
CC: @38th.Command; CAPT Tungsten, D (@DrakeTungsten)
From: RDML Bishop, S.
Subj: RE: FWD: Potential reassignment to a Squadron


Upon clearance from the Engineering Department following the successful completion of the modernisation process, the U.S.S. Wasp will be assigned to Aries Squadron, currently led by Captain Tungsten.


Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: CAPT Cochrane, R. (@Thrawn215 )
CC: @38th.Command
From: CAPT Tungsten, D.
Subj: RE: FWD: Potential reassignment to a Squadron

Captain Cochrane,

I certainly look forward to you and your ship joining us in Aries Squadron, and I hope your ship’s time in the shipyard is swift. I already know you are in very skilled hands there.

Please send word when your refit is complete, and we will discuss your assignments. I am sure that both you and your ship will be great additions to the squadron!

Captain Drake Tungsten
Commanding Officer,
USS Dragon

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To: CAPT Tungsten
CC: @38th.Command
From: CAPT Cochrane
Subj: RE: FWD: Potential reassignment to a Squadron

Captain. The Wasp is ready for action again. What are your orders?

Rachel Cochrane
Commanding Officer,
USS Wasp

To: CAPT Cochrane, R. (@Thrawn215 )
CC: @38th.Command @38th.Aries
From: CAPT Tungsten, D.
Subj: RE: FWD: Potential reassignment to a Squadron

Captain Cochrane,

Please have the Wasp join the rest of Aries Squadron in patrolling the Doza Sector and uncontested areas of the Itrin sector to deter, and if necessary, stop, all pirate activity and illegal salvage/looting. Detailed patrol routes including suggested stops back at DS13 are attached.

Good to have you with us!

Captain Drake Tungsten
Commanding Officer,
USS Dragon

//ATTACHMENT// patrolroutes.ext

OOCThere is no actual attachment, so please don’t go crazy wondering why it doesn’t work. That is both due to my laziness, and more importantly, to not constrain you too much on either writing anything, or for when you show up on the starbase.

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To: CAPT Tungsten
CC: @38th.Command @38th.Aries
From: CAPT Cochrance
Subj: RE: FWD: Potential reassignment to a Squadron

Acknowledged, Captain. Heading there now

Rachel Cochrane
Commanding Officer,
USS Wasp