Multi-species Colony, Independent
~621 thousand
Temperate, Polar
Mercurium, Quadratanium, Rodinium, Xenylon
Human, Bajoran, Cardassian
- 1 ground-based spaceport (high capacity)
- 1 orbital space station
- 1 orbital defense satellite
- Undisclosed number of spacefaring vessels
While New Circini purports to uphold their original colonial constitution of governing through the standard three branches of executive, legislative, and judiciary, in practice the legislative group has been generally understaffed and somewhat made irrelevant due to the overfocus on the other two branches. The executive branch, as a result, tends to wield the greatest amount of power through executive orders and general command authority.
Officials on the executive and judiciary branches are both elected through popular vote to serve fixed term lengths. The leader of the executive branch goes by the title of Governor, of which the current officeholder is Zejar Jain, a Cardassian woman.
The colony's burgeoning trade network has made the planet an incredibly attractive destination for merchants and buyers alike. The planet's capital city boasts one of the largest organized marketplaces in all of the surrounding sector blocks and is made especially attractive by the government's generous taxation policies.
As with any widely multicultural trade arena, some areas of the city are a bit shadier and not as well policed as others, largely due to the market's tendency to expand just slightly faster than the government can match pace. But in general, the authorities have expended significant effort in keeping their trade traffic on the up and up and at least so far, their efforts have been generally successful.
Formerly known as 5582-Herschelii, the twin M-class planet system had always ranked fairly high on the Federation's desirability list for colonization due to its abundance of quadratanium and rodinium.
The planet was first settled in 2371 by Federation colonists hailing from the colony of Circini, which had to be abandoned when the Federation-Cardassian demilitarized zone was established the year before. Though the displaced colonists bitterly accepted Federation assistance to resettle anew, going so far as to demand the highly valued Herschelii system for their new home as recompense, after the transition was completed, they soon after cut all ties and declared independence in 2372.
Now over forty years later, the colony is doing quite well for itself with a robust trade network to cover essentials and small luxuries alike. The population is highly diversified; though Human, Bajoran, and Cardassian are the three most common species, it is not unusual to find Ferengi, Klingon, and Orion frequently doing business there as well.