A remake of an earlier scene I had made. Even with better lighting, skills, and shaders I can not hide how low polygon this model is.
A remake of my scene of the Zheng-he.
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A scene I made with a model of the Rocinante from “The Expanse”
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An updated Romulan scene. “The inspection notice was not a request!”
A drydock scene with the Titan.
I updated my fleet scene.
A take on the Mutarra nebula battle with modern ships.
The Enterprise from “Strange new Worlds”
New models and screenshots I made for Alistair, Mi’shune, and my alt.
“Beam me up Al! This place crawls!” The remade scene, with the original for comaprison.
An updated Battlestar Galactica scene I had made for Alistair.
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“Sir! I’m getting a reading I do not understand.” A scene made with a shadow ship model I found.
A remake of an earlier scene. Translating the Futurama meme to Star Trek online.
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