Some of you asked, and my Mission Crate from the STO contest finally arrived - figured I'd take pics and upload so you guys could see what all it comes with. The pics are a little dark, because my phone's resolution when it's darker out isn't the best, so apologies.
The box itself is super cool.

A card with the contents

(He is SO. So. SO SOFT.)

Two badges. One I like, one is probably going in a drawer ;)

Klink Sticker and loot crate exclusive emote
(Yeah, my code is invalid. I'm reaching out to GMs -_- So that's a bust)

Klingon socks

The Worf Way of the Warrior Latinum Edition Master Series Figure
THIS is where the box shines. It's nice. It's a gorgeous box with a beautiful figure in wonderful packaging. The only downside I noticed is that the Velcro holding the door in place was held by an adhesive that - in the 70+ degree heat - slid and was coming off the box. That's not -great-. However, it's a beautiful figure.

The box is pretty cool. I'm not sure I'd personally shell the money out for it, but I know some of you wanted an idea of what came in it so hopefully this helps!