Star Trek something, Something, Something......' The search for Beylara.'

( Semi open RP thread for Nathan's investigation, and those he would be in contact with to solve this :) )

It was a perfect day on the risan waters, Nathan lazly fishing away when he got a bite, the line pulled hard as he attempted to reel in what he hoped to be a large father envy causing catch, but as he reeled in the last foot or two of line, all he was was hair in the water, he looked closer and was grabbed by a totally decayed woman with Beylara's voice. " I'm open to go to that dance now baby!!" the decayed woman said with a sultry tease before pulling him into the deep depths if the blue water. As he woke, he jumped out of bed so fast he nearly fell onto the floor. He looked around the drab room as he realized he was back on K-7 and not being drowned by his dreams, he shook his head and got a glass of water from the replicator." My best pick up line??... really brain??' " he said to himself as no one was around.

He walked over to the mirror and looked at himself in it, talking to it as if he was debating himself. " Alright, we need to think this through, at least to keep me from going crazy.." he looked somewhat frustrated at himself. " Am I really just beating a dead horse here? I mean, they all think she is dead, and that I am being that guy that cannot accept it? "He ponded his words for a second or two then responded to himself." Alright we will compare opinions here, my thesis, Beylara is dead and I need to stop this craziness, counter thesis...Beylara is alive.." he paced as he went through his thoughts." Proof of theory that she is dead, she has not been found alive, and a lot of statistical information to agree with thesis..." He looked back at the mirror " Proof of counter thesis... There is no remains, no one saw her actually die.. she was on the bridge of her ship when it was attacked, her bridge crew made it out alright, but she was nowhere to be found.."

He took another sip of water and continued. "The only way to be sure is that ships computer, or have a chat with said bridge crew, also, one very resourceful Vulcan who is into science and search and rescue....That reminds me..." He looks up toward the ceiling as if talking to some kind of deity. " Computer, call lieutenant commander Seral please..."
"Salutations Doctor, are you not well?" Seral is dressed in a plain white meditation robe, she is sitting at her terminal as she answers the call.

"I assume Doctor, that you are inquiring as to the preparations?" Seral sends a file through the connection. "I am sending you the manifest, we will need to be on the Atlantis when it leaves for the DS13 locale in 9 hours. Will you be ready? Captain Thiesson has assured me that we will have use of a shuttle or runabout for our work."
" that sounds good, I am going to try to speak with some of the bridge crew for some eye witness accounts, that might help a lot, and yes I am well, just not had my coffee yet.." He ponders actually getting that cup since he is up already. " Do I really look that bad?"

( Also added 'Commander' as I screwed up her title, I'm a bad doctor hehe :p )
"You seem, disturbed is all. I will be moving my things today as well, as I am to be reassigned to the Atlantis for the time being. Nine Hours Doctor, is that enough time to do interviews?"
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Nathan nods as he takes another sip from his water. " I just got out of bed, nothing to worry about. That should be fine, I can also contact who I need to speak with while we are there, I will see you then, Wellington out.." As he closes the communication he goes to get coffee from the replicator , " Will have to look at the ships crew lists, maybe someone saw something that might be helpful.."
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As the connection closed, Seral sat staring at the screen for a moment.

She opens a correspondence panel.

Captain Thiesson,

I just wished to verify that there is room aboard the Atlantis for Dr. Wellington and myself. Also, I would wish to gain access to the small craft you will assign to our mission. I would like to run diagnostics on the sensor systems in order to ensure that we will be prepared to be independent of your current mission and not be a distraction.

LCDR Seral

Captain Nimitz,

I wish to convey my gratitude for allowing me to billet aboard the Akagi. In the turmoil following the destruction of DS13, having a familiar home even temporarily was of more importance than I had foreseen. Please accept my sincere gratitude, and call upon me should I be able to assist you in the future.

LCDR Seral

Seral closed the terminal and began packing what few possessions she had with her aboard the Akagi, and prepare to move aboard the Atlantis.
Spoiler: A response comes through...Show
Security Level 2 - Confidential

CC LCDR Wellington
FROM CAPT Thiessen
SUBJ Re: Inquiry

Lieutenant Commander,

As long as the Lieutenant Commander also is looking for a place to be stationed, I can submit the paperwork once he gets it to me. Atlantis has the room for both of you.

Good luck!

Captain Tau Thiessen
Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Atlantis
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO Captain Thiessen
FROM LCDR Wellington
SUBJ Re: Inquiry

Yes, I would appreciate that greatly captain thank You.

LCDR Nathan Wellington
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FROM: LCDR Wellington
SUBJ: More assistance.

I was speaking to the captain of the Asimov , she mentioned you have spoken with her, she told me that her ship can be available to aid us as well. Its a science vessel, so it might have better sensors that our runabout, what are your thoughts on this?
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((Please note, the events of this RP are already past, not future. To be taking place prior to the first day of the mission to begin the clean up of DS13 and moving forward, working concurrently with the ships doing clean up. RL Logistics have slowed this, but the time frame remains unchanged.))
Spoiler: Message for Captain Thiesson...Show
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO CAPT Thiessen
CC LCDR Wellington
SUBJ Re:Re: Inquiry


I do not wish to be of trouble. There are some data points in the sensor logs I am not yet able to explain and several things on the recording from Ops that cause me to question. One, in particular, I am hoping that you may shed some light on.

There was something you said about testing a theory about Azedi wormholes. What theory? and is there any additional information to be had on them? Some of these odd readings might be residual traces from their weapons fire, or they might indicative of something else entirely. I would like to explore the possibilities before ruling them out as sensor ghosts.

Thank you for all of your assistance.

LCDR Seral
Spoiler: Message for Commander Mandra...Show
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO CDR Mandra
CC LCDR Wellington
SUBJ Re:Re: Inquiry


Doctor Wellington referenced that you may be willing to render assistance with our study using the Asimov. While I would agree that the sensors would be of great use, I am concerned with pulling you away from your primary mission.

We leave in just a few hours on the Atlantis. If, while we are on station during the mission and the work allows for it. We welcome the additional resources.

I would ask that you coordinate with Captain Thiesson, as we will be traveling on the Atlantis, and until such time as your primary mission allows for it, we will be operating on board one of the Runabouts in local space.

My suggestion, and request, would be to tie in Asimov sensors to provide greater resolution and clarity, perhaps processing power as well for building our models.

Thank you for your offer of assistance.

LCDR Seral
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In the space around the wreckage of what was once the starbase DS-13, a runabout and the USS Asimov scan and the area around where she went mia, and around the area around the station, and after hours of sensor sweeping they have come up with …. nothing, not a combadge signal, nor any remains that resemble her DNA. on the runabout Nathan and seral comb over data.

" Well, no trace, I thought we would at least find her badge signal, or a body, this is frustrating to say the least..." He looks over a few PADDs . " Too bad her ship is still not operational, but maybe I can get something useful without the ships sensors.." He looks over the ship crew lists, picking a name. " Computer, patch me through to Commander Liam Dantes of the U.s.S. William Ockham.."
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"Nathan, I did not expect to find anything. But at least now you have seen for yourself. Something you need to take into account, high energy explosions tend to vaporize even large objects. There were a large number of such explosions during the battle."
Nathan pauses after hearing Seral, then turns to her for a brief moment " That did come to mind as well, but something still does not make sense, I cant put my finger on it, but it doesn't feel like its all cut and dry on this.." he says as he looks back at his console, looking for a connection.
The com signal responds after a delay. A feminine voice pours through the speakers.

"This is Lieutenant Chambers aboard K7, how can we help?"
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Nathan turns back toward his console " Ah, Hello, I wish to be patched through to Commander Liam Dantes of the U.S.S. William Ockham, I have some questions for him."
"William Ockham is currently dark, they're replacing the entire communication array. I can have a PADD with your questions run over, but it'll be over an hour before a response I expect."
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Nathan frowns slightly. "What I really need is eyewitness accounts on the captains disappearance, not sure if I can fit that into a few pre written questions, is it possible I can visit and ask them in person?"
" Actually, don't worry about it, I will speak with them myself, thank you for your help.." He closes the channel and leans back in his chair, rubbing his eyes. He goes back to accessing his console and sees a message from medical, he opens it and reads the message, then smiles as he turns toward Seral. " Seral, Guess what?"