Starbase 234

To: Strike Force Kargas
From: General Wrot’Ka son of Krett

We have intercepted a partial transmission from Starfleet that gives us insight into their actions and intentions in the Tau Dewa sector block. Review the message now.


“… Have relocated the bulk of Task Force: Cherokee to code name “Starbase 234.” As you know, we have increased our efforts of disinformation towards both the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Republic in order to conceal the location of several strategically placed outposts within the Tau Dewa Sector Block. Each of these bases are designated as Starbase 234 to better conceal ship and personnel placement and movement to potentially hostile governments.

The task and purpose of Task Force: Cherokee is to conduct surveillance, patrol the boarder, and influence local systems to be friendly to Starfleet forces. Task Force: Cherokee will utilize the multiple outposts, each designated Starbse 234, to launch offensive and defensive operations aimed at the Klingon Empire, the Tholian Assembly, the remnants of the Tal Shiar, and to fend off any potential Borg attacks.

Through the use of covert action, we have emplaced multiple agents on planets such as New Romulus, Nimbus III, Nerendra, Khitomer, and so forth. These agents are there to route out any other intelligence gathering agents of other governments as well as conduct sabotage operations against known enemy elements in safe houses and converted ships.

As of this moment, more than 60% of Task Force: Cherokee has relocated to the Tau Dewa sector block. They will also” . . . STATIC . . . “with several Squadrons assigned” . . . STATIC . . . “Solanae Dyson” . . . STATIC . . . “with rapid” . . . STATIC . . . “Omega” . . . STATIC . . .
Transmission frequency changed during mid-communication as per Starfleet standard operating procedure.

Strike Force: Kargas has additional responsibility: Diminish Task Force: Cherokee via destruction of outpost(s) known as Starbase 234. Interrogate survivors for further information, raid serviceable databanks after raid(s) are conducted. Also, disable/destroy all Starfleet ships carrying the digital designation belonging to Task Force: Cherokee.


Continue to establish dominance on Nimbus III and send in conquering forces to the Solanae Dyson Sphere.

This transmission ends now.