SUBJ: Actions and Duties | TO: 1SGT S. zh'Izenahr

Stardate 95764.6

TO 1SGT S. zh'Izenahr
CC ~~
FROM CAPT S. A. Bishop
SUBJ Actions and Duties


We've not worked together much, so I shall be brief. We DO NOT hoist up prisoners when they are screaming in pain and tell them to cease doing so. We certainly do not then drop them back on the ground afterwards.

Understand this; we treat our prisoners, no matter what they have done, with respect and dignity. We are not thugs, we are not barbarians. Tensions in the last mission were high, and it struck a bit close to home for several people. That does not mean that we can abandon our principles and training.

I expect better from MACO.

Captain Samuel Alexander Bishop PhD
Commanding Officer - USS Endeavour