SUBJ: Arrival of G'thi Triumvirate ship | TO: CAPT Varley

Security Level 1 - Open

| TO | CAPT Varley
| CC |
| FROM | CMDR T’nar
| SUBJ | Notification of arrival.

Pleasant greeting to you Captain, and apologies for this late message. This Officer is contacting you, as command of Deep Space Thirteen is own, to inform you of the arrival of Triumvirate Council negotiator, as well as security detachment within three standard days. Original reason for visit was to facilitate talks between non-government Xedi and government Xedi, but as this is no longer the situation there purpose will most likely change to speaking with Xedi government in-exile. As stated to both Ambassador Perim and Captain Bishop, this officer is unable to tell Council negotiator presence is no longer required. Once again this officer apologizes for such short notice. Am available to speak if necessary. Be well.


Security Level 1 - Open
FROM CAPT Varley, L.
SUBJ Re: Notification of arrival.

Commander, good evening.

It sounds like you’ve been tossed around between a few different contacts. Sorry it took you as long as it did to arrive in my mailbox. We should meet in person and discuss what we can accomplish together, find me in my office on Deep Space 13 when you arrive.

Captain Lauren Varley
Commanding Officer, Deep Space 13
38th Fleet ‘Argo’