SUBJ: Developments in the Klingon Empire | TO: Ship COs

To: @38th.ShipCOs
CC: @38th.Command
BCC: <38th/All>
From: RDML Bishop, S
Subj: Developments in the Klingon Empire


The Klingon Empire has taken its first steps down the road to civil war. This has huge ramifications for the Federation, and for Starfleet. We will find that the war spills over to our borders.

Firstly, most importantly, General Order One applies, and no member of Starfleet may interfere or take actions that will lead to the interference of Klingon internal politics. The Federation is a neutral entity.

However, we will not allow any opportunists to take this time to increase their political power at the expense of contested border territories. Nor will we turn our back on refugees and asylum seekers trying to flee the war.

To support the border systems, Taurus ships are being given rotating shifts; half remain on shorter home patrols and starbase defence, whilst the other half are being shifted to patrol the Federation/Klingon border.

Any ships serving on the border are to discourage civilians from crossing to Klingon territory, but are not to physically stop them, unless there is reasonable suspicion that they are carrying Federation supplies to assist either side; those who have been given dispensation by the Federation Council will have orders to do such. In such cases, the civilians are to be held until contact with 38th Command has been established.

Any Klingon ships are to be treated as neutral and Starfleet protocol around neutral ships should be followed.

Any refugees must not be turned away; they are to be taken to the nearest Federation facility for process and resettlement.

All border colonies settled by Federation civilians remain Federation colonies. Any attacks on these colonies by any group are to be repulsed by Starfleet vessels and reported to 38th Command.

Please contact the Office of the Admiralty if you have any questions.


Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’


To: @38th.ShipCOs
CC: @38th.Command
BCC: <38th/All>
From: RDML Bishop, S
Subj: Addendum: Developments in the Klingon Empire


Recent events have deemed it necessary to circulate an addendum to the memorandum above.

Despite the Klingon Empire’s internal turmoil, it is still the intention of the Federation to maintain our alliance – even if we must make that effort alone for the time being. Attacks on our allies by hostile foreign powers cannot be tolerated. In matters where internal House politics are not directly involved, Starfleet is authorized to render military aid to KDF forces, if requested, against purely external threats.

It is the hope of the Diplomatic Corps and the Federation Council that the simple reaffirmation of Starfleet’s commitment to defending our neighbours may be enough to avoid violence, but we must be equally prepared to stand behind that commitment should some choose to challenge it.

Commanding Officers have the authority to act on the above as necessary. It is preferable that Command be notified before any action is taken, but should the circumstances not allow, Command should be notified as soon as it is feasible to do so.

Please contact the Office of the Admiralty if you have any questions.


Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’