SUBJ: Long Time No Salvage | TO: CAPT Cynis

TO CAPT S. Cynis
FROM H. Hawkins
SUBJ Long Time No Salvage

Hey hey, Sadia,

Long time no see, how's it going?

So, I recently got invited to a meeting by your Starfleet allies, which took place on Drozana station. They wanted information, and I was happy to provide. Well as you know, nothing is without a price, but your Starfleet allies, in typical Starfleet fashion, thought they had the moral high ground and tried to force me to divulge. Their offers of mere latinum was rather insulting, and when I attempted to walk away, they threatened to arrest me as a criminal and a slaver! Me? A slaver? The thought still makes me laugh.

Anyway, they seemed to think that by mentioning your name, I'd somehow quiver in my boots and confess to my non-existent crimes.

How pathetic. I've put in a complaint with the 38th's PR department, so they can go file some paperwork for the next few weeks.

In any case, I do have some information for you. I've been busy chasing down bad(der) guys over the last few months. Business is booming. All is good.


The Hawkins Emporium
Security Level 2 - Confidential

TO CAPT H. Hawkins
FROM CAPT Sadia Cynis
SUBJ Re: Long Time No Salvage

Dear Henry,
indeed, we haven't been in touch since the entire Scryer thing. I'm not sure what to tell you, Starfleet rarely gives their operatives hard cash so I'm quite surprised they even went that route - they usually try to appeal to your "common sense/reason/morals" and then follow up with legal action when the first option fails. How come you didn't take the latinum, was their offer so bad?
I'm as surprised they mentioned me as you are. Anyhow, if you are still in the Donatu or adjacent sectors, I can definitely meet you at some local hotspot within a day or two. I'd suggest Drozana, but I guess that's a no-go for the time being?

See you around,
