To: All task force ship COs
From: CAPT Sadia Cynis
Subj: New orders
All hear this,
all task force vessels (including attached allied vessels and mercenaries under contract) are hereby recalled to SB 151 to receive new orders. All ground forces are to return to their assigned stations and await new orders. All shore leaves and leaves of absence are cancelled. Failure to comply with these orders within 72 hours will be considered desertion and will be handled as such.
Strength and Honor,
CAPT Sadia Cynis
Commanding Officer,
Task force Hurq Mevik
To: All task force ship COs
From: CAPT Sadia Cynis
Subj: Standing orders
All hear this,
you are all by now aware of the treachery of the now former Chancellor J’mpok and the dissolution of the High Council. However, your orders - as they are - still stand. We will all keep dispensing our duties as the officers of the Klingon Defense Force and warriors of the Empire.
Until the restoration of the High Council, and therefore the High Command / KDF command structure itself, I am maintaining the full command responsibility of this task force. Neither the illegally self-promoted “Emperor” J’mpok nor his opponent, matriarch J’ula, or their supporters among the Houses, have any authority over this task force.
Any plans or actions you might have regarding the participation in the ongoing civil war must be run by and approved by me. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary actions.
Strength and Honor,
CAPT Sadia Cynis
Commanding Officer,
Task force Hurq Mevik