Subj: Proposal For New Psionic Rating Scale

To: @38th.Command
From: Ensign Thyzee
Subj: Proposal For New Psionic Rating Scale

As you may or may not be aware, up until now, Starfleet, and the Federation as a whole, has been using an extremely outdated system for rating psionic potential/ability. Said system is called the Esper Rating. Unfortunately, it was only designed for use with Humans, who (usually) have no abilities. Considering the discovery of non-human psionic species, just within Federation space, I believe it is necessary to create a new system. Contained below is my proposal for a replacement of the Esper rating.

Disclaimer: All listed species are examples, and are the average for said species. Outliers are known to occur.

Positive levels of psionic power, descending from greatest:

  • Alpha-Plus: In the rarest of all cases, this scale does not adequately characterize a being of indescribable ability. Such individuals, for all intents and purposes, pass beyond the scale entirely. In theory, there is nothing a being of such power cannot accomplish through force of will; examples include resurrection and changing the laws of physics. Any contact with such an individual is to be avoided at all costs, and their presence immediately reported to Starfleet Command.
    – Examples: Q

  • Alpha // Beta: Extreme level of psionic talent. Such species/individuals are capable of teleportation and/or conjuration. Interaction recommended only for trained personnel.
    – Examples: Douwd

  • Gamma // Delta: Very high level of psionic talent. Such species/individuals are capable of great feats of telepathy and telekinesis. Some subjects are capable of low to high levels of psychic energy projection, usually for offensive/defensive means.
    – Examples: Species 8472

  • Epsilon // Zeta: High level of psionic talent. Such species/individuals commonly exhibit the same general abilities as Eta/Theta/Iota subjects, but with greater control and power. Some subjects are capable of low to moderate levels of psychic energy projection.
    – Examples: Vorta Psions, Remans

  • Eta // Theta // Iota: Concious and moderate level of psionic talent. The majority of psionic species fall in this category, usually manifesting telepathy. Some examples may exhibit minimal levels of telekinesis.
    – Examples: Vulcans, Betazoids, Aenar

  • Kappa // Lambda // Mu // Nu // Xi // Omicron: Unconscious and minor level of psionic brain activity. Such low levels of talent only manifest in high-stress experiences and remain beyond the control of the individual. Phenomena are commonly explained as “good luck” or “fluke” occurrences.
    – Examples: Most Pi/Rho level species exhibit individuals in this level. Subjects occur extremely rarely.

  • Pi // Rho: The base for the majority of known species. No manifestation of any psionic talent.
    – Examples: Humans, Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians, etc.

Negative levels of psionic power, descending from greatest:

  • Sigma // Tau: Psionically dense species/individuals who are oblivious to manifestations of psionic talent.
    – Examples: Most Pi/Rho level species exhibit individuals in this level. Subjects occur extremely rarely.

  • Upsilon // Phi // Chi // Psi: Species/individuals with varying degrees of immunity to psionic abilities.
    – Examples: Ferengi, Dopterian

  • Omega: These species/individuals are so inert as to exhibit a negative psionic influence upon others. Primarily manifested as a small region of “blankness” surrounding the individual, it is impossible for psionic abilities/creatures to penetrate this space. Subjects are reported to interfere with natural electrical-mental functions, causing irrational fear and/or loathing in nearby Pi through Omicron level subjects. For individuals above Omicron level, such Omega-level subjects are physically and mentally painful to be near.

  • Omega-Minus: Theoretical opposite to Alpha-Plus. Species/individuals may cause the permanent inhibition of abilities or death of nearby psions.

Please feel free to respond with any questions/comments.

Ensign Psionics Specialist,
Deep Space 13


To: Ensign Thyzee
From: ADML Quint
Subj: Re: Proposal For New Psionic Rating Scale

I admit my own education in this area is quite new. Though I do understand what you are pointing out. An outdated system, that never seemed to be updated as time progressed. I think that such a large scale review would be wise.

Are you aware of the magnitude of such a project? You have no doubt worked hard and I am in no way faulting what you have done. I simply expect that the telepathic membership of the Federation, will have much to say. I am impressed by your motivation to do something so involved so early in your career.

Sometime in the near future I would like to arrange a meeting so as to discuss this project and how far you are wanting to take the work.

Emery Quint
Rear Admiral, Upper half
38’th Fleet ‘Argo’ Command


To: RADM Quint, E. (@Quint)
CC: -
From: LT Valore, S.
Subj: Re: Proposal For New Psionic Rating Scale


It may be useful to arrange a peer review of the suggestion by the science department. They may have qualified opinions and suggestions to give.

LT S. Valore
Administrative Yeoman
Fleet Command Office


To: ADML Quint, E. (@Quint)
From: ENS Thyzee
Subj: Re: Re: Proposal For New Psionic Rating Scale

I would be glad to arrange a meeting. Any day during Gamma or Delta shift is good.

Ensign Psionics Specialist,
Deep Space 13