To: CAPT H. Sh’ow
CC: 38th Command
From: CAPT A.H Nimitz
Subj: Review of the Defender incident
Captain Sh’ow,
I will be reviewing the events on Stardate 100502.7 leading to the loss of the USS Defender on behalf of the 38th Command, please arrange to meet with me on Deep Space 13 within the week.
Alistair H. Nimitz
Strategic Operations Officer
38th Fleet
To: CAPT Tyrstoc
CC: 38th Command
From: CAPT A.H. Nimitz
Subj: Review of the Defender incident
Captain Tyrstoc,
I will be reviewing the events that lead to the loss of the USS Defender on Stardate 100502.7 on behalf of 38th Command, please arrange a time to meet with me onboard Deep Space 13 within the week.
Alistair H. Nimitz
Strategic Operations Officer
38th Fleet
To: CAPT N. sh’Ysjana
CC: 38th Command
From: CAPT A.H. Nimitz
Subj: Review of the Defender incident
Captain sh’Ysjana,
I will be conducting a review on behalf of the 38th Command into the events on Stardate 100502.7 that lead to the loss of the USS Defender, please arrange to meet me on Deep Space 13 within the week.
Alistair H. Nimitz
Strategic Operations Officer
38th Fleet
To: CAPT B. Carter
CC: 38th Command
From: CAPT A.H. Nimitz
Subj: Review of the Defender incident
Captain Carter,
I am conducting a review into the events on Stardate 100502.7 on behalf of 38th Command into the events leading to the loss of the USS Defender, please arrange a meet with me on Deep Space 13 within the week.
Alistair H. Nimitz
Strategic Operations Officer
38th Fleet
To: CAPT A.H. Nimitz (@Nimitz)
From: CAPT N. sh’Ysjana
Subj: RE: Review of the Defender incident
Greetings Captain Nimitz,
During the loss of the Defender, myself and my crew were not directly present for much of the fighting. Though I highly doubt my account of the situation is of any use to you, I will return to the station at the earliest convenience.
Captain Nytha Sh’Ysjana
Commanding Officer,
USS Delphi
OOC This week, any time between BETA+1 and the beginning of EPSILON may work, with some potential minor delays depending on the specific day and time.
Only days barred currently are Tuesday and Thursday.
To: CAPT A.H. Nimitz (@Nimitz)
CC: 38th Command
From: CAPT Tyrstoc
Subj: RE: Review of the Defender incident
Captain Nimitz,
Apologies. Other duties have kept me indisposed. I have been reminded that I should make myself available at your office on DS13 ASAP. The Heimdall will make course to return to the sector immediately, and I will be aboard the station at your convenience.
Captain Tyrstoc
Commanding Officer,
USS Heimdall
OOC I can be available most days right now at my usual Cetratus posted active hours. Beta and gamma are currently open all of this coming week save Friday. Again my bad for holding everything up so long. If you want to throw in a little flavor, I am totally down with saying that IC Tyrstoc may have sorta deliberately dodged and deferred this enough that it was noticeable and improper. That fits him.