SUBJ: Time for Tea?

To: CAPT.Bishop
From: Kalris
Subj: Time for tea?

Captain Bishop

With recent events in this region of space, I think it high time we sat down and chatted.

Can I tempt you with an offer of Terran tea and biscuits aboard the Wisdom?

Kalris 9
Dominion sector overseer


To: Kalris (@Kalris)
CC: ~~
From: CAPT Bishop, S
Subj: RE: Time for Tea


My recent duties has so far not given me the time to afford a visit to another vessel. I am afraid it will remain so for the near future.

You are welcome to join me for lunch tomorrow, however, should you wish to talk.


Captain Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’

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To: CAPT.Bishop
From: Kalris
Subj: Time for tea?

Captain Bishop

If you can spare an hour to sit down with me for lunch, you can spare 30 minutes to have a few glasses of Yorkshire tea on my ship. I can even beam you over, so you don’t have to walk to the docking ring.

My own duties have kept me equally occupied, since the tragic demises of my predecessor. work pilled up during the hours Kalris 8 was kept aboard the Pegaus for an autopsy, and my superior have wanted detailed updates on the Voth situations.

A quick cup of tea, is really pushing the limits of my time, and still doing my best to be hospitable.

Since Kalris 8 gave her life, in order to ensure that there was coordination between the federation and star fleet during the battle, the issue of lack of coordination has become a top priority for me.

let’s not dishonor her memory, and her sacrifice, with petty power, plays.

Come aboard the wisdom, so we can make sure that history does not repeat itself.

Kalris 9
Dominion sector overseer


To: Kalris (@Kalris)
CC: ~~
From: CAPT Bishop, S
Subj: RE: RE: Time for Tea

It is clear you underestimate the protocols needed for me to visit any ship, to say nothing for a non-Starfleet ship. You forget that I am no longer afforded the freedom that I had when I was a CO. With this office come a number of security protocols that have to be observed.

The short answer is no. I will not be coming onto your ship at this time.

Since we are both pushed for time, let us forgo any hospitalities. Should you wish to talk, you may give me a call over subspace.

I entertained this request to honour the memory of your previous clone. Next time, should you wish to contact me, you will do so through the proper channels and not sending a confidential communication directly to my inbox.

Good day,

Captain Samuel Bishop, PhD
Executive Officer, 38th Fleet ‘Argo’