To: Relevant RRF and Starfleet Personnel
From: CDR Nathes
Subj: Regarding the Situation on Tri’vokil
Approximently forty-eight hours ago, the Romulan Diplomatic Corps and Starfleet Diplomatic Corps both received a request for mediation on the world of Tri’vokil. While I will provide relevant links regarding this world, I have also been instructed to provide a brief summary regarding Tri’vokil. This includes its history as well as the ongoing civil unrest they claim to be facing.
Historical Overview
Tri’vokil is an old world. Old Star Empire documents indicate the world was colonized only fifty years after the founding of Romulus. The world, however, did not become particularly important until the discovery of rich minteral deposits in 2281. Mines soon were established. And cities around those mines were founded. by 2300, the world had exploded to a population of half a billion.
Tri’vokil became a key shipbuilding and manufacturing world during the days of the Star Empire. During the height of the Dominion War, it produced hundreds of warbirds to aid in the war effort. After the conflict ended, its importance remained instrumental. The Hobus Catastrophe, however, ravaged the world.
While information on what happened is scarce, I have managed to reassemble a rough picture. The importants of its mines and shipbuilding facilities meant the Romulan Star Empire’s Navy was keen on maintining control of the world. This meant that, at all times, there was a strong Star Empire presence in the area. It also explains why information was scarce.
Intelligence dossiers, which Militia Intelligence has so graciously declassified for this report, also indicated a massive uprising of some sort occured during the Revolution of 2409 (The Birth of the Romulan Republic to our friends in the Federation). The uprising was believed to have put down violently. Unfortunately, given that this information was relayed by Ferengi merchants, we cannot fully confirm this information.
Planetary Political Situation
A benefit of recent unrest on this world is that their communications are no longer tightly encrypted. Militia Intelligence has recovered the names of two major political factions. The first is as you might expect. The ruling government of the planet. The so called “Tri’vokil Free-State”. The ruling government maintains the veneer of loyalty to the Star Empire. We believe, too, it possesses some manner of Imperial battlegroup, though information would indicate this battlegroup is loyal to the colony and not the remants of the Empire. They are led by a man named Praetor Viriton.
The other organization appears to be a union of various labor groups, civil organizations, shipbuilding guilds, and smaller political groups. They call themselves the “United Assembly of Tri’vokil”. They liken themselves to a legislature, and appear to have hosted a number of unsanctioned elections on certain parts of the planet. They maintain quite a bit of power too, with information indicating they have sympathetic officers within the aforementioned Imperial battlegroup. They are led by a woman named Speaker Brilia.
The Mission
First and foremost, before any departure, we will need to decide who we wish to speak to first. While I believe it instrumental we meet with both blocs, the people we speak too first will set the stage. This dilemma will be something we discuss during our upcoming briefing. I will elaborate on consequences of our choice during the upcoming briefing. I will also stress who sent the initial request: That being the Tri’vokil Free State.
Secondly, during our arrival on the planet, we need to learn as much as possible. This world has been an enigma for decades. Save for a few isolated rumors, no significant information has come out since Hobus. In additional to abiding to diplomatic decorum, this mission will also be an intelligence-gathering operation. We need to learn as much as we can about the political situation, the world itself, and this supposed Imperial battlegroup Intelligence has identified.
Lastly, I do want to stress that, while minimal, this diplomatic operation contains a certain amount of risk. The Tri’vokil Free State is still nominally loyal to the Star Empire. That carries its own connotations and dangers. However, given the rumored nature of this civil unrest, I do not believe the government or its opposition will try anything distract. We should, however, keep our guard up if we decide to accept their request.
Closing Sentiments
Specifics will be outlined during the upcoming briefing. Most pressing will be our decision on who we should contact. However, should you have any questions, you may contact me.
Glory to the Federation.
Long Live the Republic.
CDR Nathes
Commanding Officer,
RRW Virin