ENS Thyzee
After Action Report
LOCATION Deep Space 13, Deck 30, section 35-baker
MISSION Attempt at inducing emotion in partially cybernetic individual.
OUTCOME Attempt successful.
- Ensign Thyzee
- Lieutenant Max
NARRATIVE Due to the mostly positronic nature of Lieutenant Max’s brain, and the presence of several Borg implants, he is mostly incapable of emotion. Only noted instance was in reaction to the presence of a recently liberated Borg Drone.
Normal telepathic connection was deemed impossible, due to reduced psychic presence brought on by extensive cybernetics. The use of a psionic focus (Haliian Canar) facilitated a successful connection. Subject introduced to excitement, which was felt, to a visible and auditory degree. Next, passion for interests was introduced. Subject noted he had felt this previously. Telepathic connection was halted pending further study.
Through the use of a neural monitor, it was discovered that the subject is indeed capable of minimal levels of emotion. However, the presence of a Borg implant normally filters out such responses due to ‘irrelevance’. It is currently unknown as to why telepathically shared emotion bypassed this filter.
RECOMMENDATION It is heavily advised that future telepathic communication with Lieutenant Max be rescinded unless under controlled or emergency circumstances.
OOC My first ever report. Suggestions and/or constructive criticism is accepted.