Textile Art

So, when you don't see me online I'm usually messing around with textile art -- spinning, weaving, sewing, hand-embroidery, machine-embroidery, knitting.

And sometimes I do things just for the amusement value:

Star Trek Romulans conquer the real world!

Spoiler: For the Romulan Republic!Show

Kermit provided the graphic for the machine embroidery!

And for the SWTOR fans, I made a plushy of a friend's very amusing droid character:

Spoiler: AR-4 To the Rescue!Show

My friend provided the graphic for the machine embroidery!
So... about that "Pics or it didn't happen!" thing I was joking with you guys last night. Osi and Thue were much faster on the Draw to post their pics, so please accept my apologies for being so much slower. But here it is, and the process involved in its creation.

For the dog lovers! We recently adopted a Tibetan Mastiff Puppy and named her Jinpa. We saved a couple of bags of her puppy fur after her first grooming last summer because I saw the wonderful texture of the fur itself. She has been an absolute Godsend in helping to heal some of my husband's PTSD (30 years in the USMC and war Veteran), and so I thought I'd do something special with alllllllll that wonderful fur.

First, I carded the puppy fur with some Jacob's Fleece Wool I had picked up at the Estes Park Wool Festival:

Spoiler: The Carding!Show

Then I spun the 80% Jacob's Fleece/20% Tibetan Mastiff Puppy fur mix into yarn:

Spoiler: Beginning a skein of YarnShow

Then plied the skein into something knittable:

Spoiler: Finishing the Skein!Show

Washed the skein, and repeated the process until I had enough to knit a seven foot long scarf. (My husband is not a short man. He wanted a nice long scarf.)

Spoiler: Beginning the knitting process:Show

And here's the finished project --

Spoiler: Finished Scarf!Show

I also started embroidering a traced image of Jinpa from a photograph I took of her at the Renaissance Faire. When we took her to the faire people kept coming up to us and saying, "Can I pet your bear?"

I love Tibetan Mastiffs.
We can rebuild him...

We have the technology...

We can make him better...
Spoiler: Plushy, why are you staring?Show
You. Carded your own wool. And spun your own yarn. AND MADE A SCARF OUT OF SHEEP AND DOG. That is AMAZING.

PluShan is cool too.
1 Like
Thanks, Calyx!

Please pardon the broken links. I usually use Photobucket as my goto for posting pictures, but they've changed their format and apparently moved pictures. I'll fix the broken links soonish. :(
The images worked for me! I do stuff with yarn but I've never made my own. I love your romulan bag!
1 Like
See?!?!??! Right there! Terminator Kermit is right behind him, trying to chase down our hero! I KNEW IT! :p

It looks great!
Spoiler: Plushy-Shan! Now with pants!Show